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Fallout Wiki

Today we'll test whether Rad Ant Lager really makes you feel like an ant. Wouldn't that be somethin'?Biv

Rad Ant Lager is a consumable item in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wild Appalachia update.


A frothy light-colored beer brewed using rad ant meat and nuclear material, this concoction increases Carry Weight by 50 for the first minute, but decreases Carry Weight by 50 for the next minute. It is primarily used to temporarily relieve the Encumbered condition to allow for emergency fast travel or to allow the player to sprint for a short time.

Similar to other fermented beverages, Rad Ant Lager is initially crafted as fermentable Rad Ant Lager, offering no benefits, and having a significantly high disease chance of 9% until fully fermented. It shares its model with the regular unlabeled beer.


Rad Ant Lager can be crafted using the brewing and distilling functionality of Wild Appalachia.

