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Fallout Wiki

Enclave crates are containers found in Fallout: New Vegas.


There are only two Enclave crates in-game named as such, and one other such crate with the word "Enclave" in its title. In some areas there may be semi-unique crates with other names pertaining to their specific contents, while the Enclave crate model is mostly used for various generic containers in New Vegas.



  • Box
    • One is found near the entrance of the Hidden Valley bunker, used to hold the player's inventory when they are captured by the Brotherhood.
    • One can be found inside the living quarters of the Prospector's Den.
  • Dark metal crate - Found outside the Silver Rush next to Simon.
  • Enclave crate - Two are found inside the Remnants bunker hangar.


  • "Enclave crate" refers more to the internal Editor ID and model file name for these containers than it does for their in-game name and purpose. In Fallout 3, this was fitting because these crates were only used by the Enclave and only appeared in their camps/bases. This is not the case in New Vegas.
  • Many vendor chests in New Vegas use the Enclave crate model. They are placed either out of bounds or in the New Vegas Buried Vendor Chests, and are inaccessible in regular gameplay.
Enclave Symbol (FO3)