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Dean Domino's blackmail evidence is a holotape in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


It can be found in Dean Domino's safe in the backstage of the Tampico. Using this can lead to a Speech option to keep Dean alive if he hates the player character; however, in this event, he must still be killed regardless.


<AUDIO: Holotape Filter for whole topic. No ghoul filter for Dean.>A recording of Dean walking into Vera's dressing room, predatory, blackmail.[1]— Developer note

<AUDIO: This whole topic is a holotape recording.>Vera is in her dressing room, when Dean walks in. Tense.[2]— Developer note

Dean: Pretty as a picture.[1]

Vera: Uh... Dean, I... didn't hear you come in.[2]

Holotape recording, tense, Dean's here to insure Vera's cooperation in the heist.[3]— Developer note

Dean: I'm not wearing my dancing shoes, so I walk a little softly now. What, you think I was a Chinaman, come to cut your American throat?[4]

Vera: Dean, really.[5]

Dean: What... no hug? Come here.[6]

Vera: Dean, I'm getting ready.[7]

Dean: You sing like a bird, pop the safe, and we're as through as through can be.[8]

Vera: Dean... I just... about tonight, I... I don't know.[9]

Dean: You don't know? I ask one simple favor of you, and you tell me "no?"[10]

Holotape recording, getting tenser. Dean's about to tell Vera she's going to do the job, no matter what.[11]— Developer note

Vera: I didn't say no. I just said that... I don't think...[12]

Dean: You're right, you don't think. I don't need you - I'll send you back to the farm, worse off than you were, because you'll have seen the Sierra Madre, and had to let it all go. I could have gotten any leggy dame out of Hollywood to get out here and play Sinclair's heart strings. You just happened to be the one I caught, and it was really your own fault, a little too much into the chems and meds, and...

Holotape recording, now Dean's softening her up, realizes he doesn't need her as an emotional wreck... now.[16]— Developer note

Dean: Aw, shhh, don't cry. Look, I'm not trying to hurt you. Just one last little job, a little less dirty, a little less messy. He trusts you, Vera.

Holotape recording, final doomed note here. Dean's lying, he'll never stop using her or the blackmail.[17]— Developer note

Dean: And so do I. After this, I promise you, all those other Holotapes, they'll go away.

Vera: Of course, Dean.


PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Due to how the audio scripts were implemented (as separate topics rather than a continuous script under a single topic), Dean's blackmail holotape cannot be played in its entirety in-game. It can only be heard properly either in the GECK or by use of this mod by Delamer. [verified]


