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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vera Keyes.


NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Fear 10 {Surprise, uncomfortable at the sudden arrival} Uh... Dean, I... didn't hear you come in. {<AUDIO: This whole topic is a holotape recording.>Vera is in her dressing room, when Dean walks in. Tense.} 1
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Fear 10 Dean, really. {Holotape recording, tense, Dean's here to insure Vera's cooperation in the heist.} 2
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Fear 10 Dean, I'm getting ready. {Holotape recording, tense, Dean's here to insure Vera's cooperation in the heist.} 3
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Fear 10 {Wants to back out} Dean... I just... about tonight, I... I don't know. {Holotape recording, tense, Dean's here to insure Vera's cooperation in the heist.} 4
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Fear 20 I didn't say no. I just said that... I don't think... {Holotape recording, getting tenser. Dean's about to tell Vera she's going to do the job, no matter what.} 5
NVDLC01DeanHolotapeBlackmail Fear 20 Of course, Dean. {Quiet, final doomed downnote. She's trapped.} 6
NVDLC01EndingIntroVera NVDLC01EndingIntroVera Neutral 50 {Narration} The survivors of the Sierra Madre thought about gathering at the Fountain and waiting for the Courier. {This is the end credits sequence, Vera starts it off, slowly, narrating what happened to everyone.} 7
Neutral 50 {Narration} In the end, the collars' silence made them uneasy, and the fear of turning on each other made them hesitate, and leave the goodbyes - {beat} unspoken. {A little sad that people who've been through so much still can be driven away from each other by fear...} 8
Neutral 50 {Narration} The radio message at the fountain was enough for them, and there was no need to add another farewell on top of all they had suffered. {...yet she's resolved that she did her part. Draws this fragment to a close, slow, and quiet.} 9
IntroNVDLC01EndingPlayerTrapped NVDLC01EndingPlayerTrapped Neutral 50 {Narration} The Courier, lured by the promise of the Sierra Madre, could not escape. Once inside the vault, the casino did not let go. 10
Neutral 50 {Narration} When the Courier finally passed away, the casino created a new Hologram to walk with the other ghosts that filled its casino. 11
Neutral 50 {Narration} It was a pre-programmed homage intended for another. It assumed a new meaning in the likeness of the Courier. 12
Neutral 50 {Narration} A means of allowing even the dead to begin again. {Quiet, reverent, draw this end slide to a close with slight emphasis on "begin again," theme of DLC.} 13
NVDLC01StarletHolotapeAudition NVDLC01StarletHolotapeAudition Happy 10 ...would you stop? {Laughs} Such a kidder. {<AUDIO: Holotape> This is a recording of the Starlet's audition for "Love Sets Sail!" She's talking to the voice director.} 14
Neutral 50 {Getting serious} This is Vera Keyes, auditioning for Love Sets Sail... {frowns} god, this script. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have the w...{"work"} 15
Neutral 50 ...is that a plane over head? Those bombers are nothing but big hornets buzzing around the sky these days... 16
Neutral 50 ...is it gone. All right. This is Vera Keyes, auditioning for "Love Sets Sail." 17
Neutral 50 Malcolm... ever since our freighter went down, I feel like my heart's fallen to the bottom of the ocean along with my... ugh{Laughing} {Vera tries to read a line, laughs because she stumbles over the words, then asks for retake in next line.} 18
Neutral 50 ...along with my career. God... heh... all right, all right... 19
(Starlet hologram Executive suites)
NVDLC01StarletHolotapeDeath Fear 50 Sinclair?! Sinclair, I'm trapped. Please, oh god, the security systems won't let me out, they're keeping me here. {<AUDIO: Recording of Vera being trapped in the Suites.>Desperate, final moments, followed by quiet, letting go at end.} 20
NVDLC01StarletHolotapeDeath Fear 50 Sinclair! Sinclair! {<AUDIO: Recording of Vera being trapped in the Suites.>} 21
NVDLC01StarletHolotapeDeath Sad 20 {Quiet} We all pay for what we've done. I'm so sorry, Sinclair. Sorry, I... I should have trusted you. {<AUDIO: Recording of Vera being trapped in the Suites.>Desperate, final moments, followed by quiet, letting go at end of whole sequence.} 22
NVDLC01StarletHolotapeDeath Sad 20 I'm going to die here, amongst the ghosts. I... I'm still being recorded by the holographic system. {<AUDIO: Recording of Vera being trapped in the Suites.>Desperate, final moments, followed by quiet, letting go at end.} 23
NVDLC01StarletHolotapeDeath Fear 20 The doors, they... they sealed. I... I can hear the other guests, screaming to be let out, to let go. {<AUDIO: Recording of Vera being trapped in the Suites.>Desperate, final moments, followed by quiet, letting go at end.} 24
NVDLC01StarletHolotapeDeath Surprise 10 Let go? Let go of what? {As if talking to herself here, slightly confused.} 25
NVDLC01StarletHolotapeDeath Sad 20 I came so far to be here... now, now I just want to leave. Please... let me leave. {<AUDIO: Recording of Vera being trapped in the Suites.>Desperate, final moments, followed by quiet, letting go at end.} 26
NVDLC01StarletHolotapeDeath Sad 20 Sinclair? Sinclair, where did you go? Why did you leave me here? Why... {<AUDIO: Recording of Vera being trapped in the Suites.>Desperate, final moments, followed by quiet, letting go at end.} 27
NVDLC01StarletHolotapeDeath Sad 20 Sinclair, is that you? {<AUDIO: Recording of Vera being trapped in the Suites.>Desperate, final moments, followed by quiet, letting go at end.} 28


NVDCL01RadioGrandOpening NVDCL01RadioGrandOpening Neutral 50 {Draw this out} If so, the Sierra Madre Casino, in all its glory, is inviting you {beat} to Begin Again. 29
NVDCL01RadioGrandOpening Neutral 50 Come to a place where wealth, excitement, and intrigue await around every corner. 30
NVDCL01RadioGrandOpening Neutral 50 Stroll along the winding streets of our beautiful resort, make new friends... or rekindle old flames. 31
NVDCL01RadioGrandOpening Neutral 50 Let your eyes take in the luxurious expanse of the open desert, under clear starlit skies. Gaze straight on into the sunset from our Villa rooftops. 32
NVDCL01RadioGrandOpening Neutral 50 Countless diversions await. 33
NVDCL01RadioGrandOpening Neutral 50 Gamble in our casino, take in the theater, or stay in one of our exclusive executive suites that will shelter you - and cater to your every whim. 34
NVDCL01RadioGrandOpening Neutral 50 So if life's worries have weighed you down... if you need an escape from your troubles... or if you just need an opportunity to begin again, join us. 35
NVDCL01RadioGrandOpening Neutral 50 Let go and leave the world behind at the Sierra Madre grand opening, this October. {Beat} We'll be waiting. 36
NVDLC01RadioFarewell NVDLC01RadioFarewell Sad 10 {Soft, slow} I... we... hope you've enjoyed your stay. 37
NVDLC01RadioFarewell Sad 10 {Soft, slow} Farewells can be a time of sadness. Letting go... difficult. {Beat, quiet} As a guest of the Sierra Madre, you know that truth more than anyone. {The last sentence has a double-meaning, so draw this out - the player had to let go of unllimited wealth to survive.} 38
NVDLC01RadioFarewell Sad 10 {Soft} Frederick Sinclair believed one's life could be made anew every day, that fortunes were more than the wealth in your hands. 39
NVDLC01RadioFarewell Sad 10 {Soft, becomes more tender} Love. Life... family, those to care for, and those who will care for you. 40
NVDLC01RadioFarewell Sad 10 {Soft, becomes more tender} To those who know these joys, the Sierra Madre holds little they don't already have. 41
NVDLC01RadioFarewell Sad 10 {Firm} Out in the world, beyond these walls, {emph} that is your chance to begin again. 42
NVDLC01RadioFarewell Happy 10 {Quiet} I hope you'll return, in happier times. {Beat, final farewell} Until then, the Sierra Madre... and I... will hold you in our hearts. 43
NVDLC01RadioGalaEvent NVDLC01RadioGalaEvent Happy 10 Guests, and residents of the Villa alike, I ask you to step outside and look to the night sky. 44
NVDLC01RadioGalaEvent Happy 20 It's the moment you've been waiting for, the reason we're all here - the Gala Event, the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre Casino. 45
NVDLC01RadioGalaEvent Happy 5 You are the ones who have made this momentous occasion possible, and for that, we thank you. 46
NVDLC01RadioGalaEvent Happy 5 So raise your glass in celebration - {emphasize these lines, see script notes} let music fill the streets, fireworks light the sky, and promise of new beginnings fill your hearts. {Emphasize the middle section and take it slow - these normal "festival events" are the reason speakers are shrieking all over the villa and the zombi} 47
NVDLC01RadioGalaEvent Happy 5 No matter what your fortunes, no matter what your cares, let go this night, and begin again. 48
NVDLC01RadioGalaEvent Happy 10 {Slightly teasing} I suggest you hurry, though - the gates of the Sierra Madre are open, but only for a brief time. 49
NVDLC01RadioGalaEvent Neutral 50 {Mock sinister} After that, the doors will close for the evening's festivities, and won't open again until morning. {Even though she's "teasing" here, the player should be scared that the casino's doors might close if they can't run there in time, so deliver this sl} 50
RadioHello RadioHello Sad 10 {Spoken as Starlet, soft, this is the farewell message as the player turns and says goodbye} Wait a moment, before you go. 51
RadioHello Neutral 50 {Spoken as Starlet. Pleased, as if addressing a crowd} Everyone, please, may I have your attention. 52
RadioHello Happy 10 {Spoken as Starlet, charming, beckoning, beginning a commercial} Has your life taken a turn? Do troubles beset you? Has fortune left you behind? 53