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The Dead Money speaker is a world object in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


During the construction of the Sierra Madre Casino and the Villa, numerous speakers were installed to broadcast ambient music and act as an emergency communication system for the Sierra Madre security staff.[1] Some of the tourists took to vandalizing them which led to Frederick Sinclair having the speakers shielded to prevent further vandalism attempts. When the bombs dropped, the emergency alert activated and the speakers began broadcasting an alarm notice. By 2281, the speakers continue to broadcast their alert, but over the 204 year span of being active and stuck on repeat, the speakers have decayed so drastically that the frequency has become severely warped enough to cause interference.[2]


The speakers are steel rectangular intercom/music speakers that are exclusively found mounted on walls and typically out of direct view, given away by the blue or red light they emit directly below the speaker. They are similar to radios as they also interfere with the signal to the Dead Money collar. Their range is slightly longer than that of radios, at around 12 yards compared to 8 yards for radios. There are two color variants of speakers: red and blue. Red speakers are the most common, which cannot be destroyed and must be avoided. Some can be turned off by terminals. Blue speakers can be destroyed, noted by a blue light under the speaker cone. Blue speakers will often emit an arc or sparks of electricity.

When coming within range of a speaker, the Courier has approximately 10 seconds from when the collar starts beeping to find and disable the speaker or back away out of range.

Disabling and avoiding speakers[]

  • Listen for the decayed audio, noticed through a series of garbled speech and heavy static. Though, unlike radios, the collar beep starts the second the frequency is heard.
  • Speakers showing a red light are shielded and cannot be damaged with weapons. They must be avoided or switched off from terminals.
  • Speakers showing a blue light can be damaged from a distance with ranged weapons.
  • Difficult-to-find speakers can often be disabled with grenades and other explosives, as they are extremely sensitive to damage, as long as they are not the shielded red-light type of speakers.
  • Some speakers can simply be bypassed by moving quickly past them.
  • Having Christine Royce as a companion will extend the time the Courier can remain near a speaker without detonating the Dead Money collar.



  • The audio frequency of the decayed speakers could possibly be the Sierra Madre's distress signal being played, possibly due to a power issue that caused the signal to become switched.
  • Old World Blues (add-on) The audio frequency of the speakers and radios can also be heard at Little Yangtze within Big MT.

See also[]


  1. ā†‘ Suites password reminder
  2. ā†‘ Father Elijah: "Villa's comm speakers have aged poorly, like the Madre. Pre-War junk. The speakers emit a signal that'll set off your collar if you stay too long."
    (Father Elijah's dialogue)