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The Dead Money radio is a world object in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


In Dead Money, radios and speakers take on a new and threatening role: by interfering with the signal to the Dead Money collar, they can cause the collar to detonate, killing the Courier.

One has approximately 10 seconds from when the collar starts beeping to find and disable the radio or back away out of range. Radios have a signal range of roughly 8 yards.

Every radio found in the Sierra Madre, including Radiation King radios, ham radios, and the pictured luxury radios can detonate a collar.

Having suffered the same rate of deterioration as their speaker counterparts, their signal have become warped by time. The frequency they broadcast is similar to speakers, a series of unintelligible speech and heavy static.


There are 2 different variants of radios, a classic ham radio and a vintage 30's box radio.

Ham radios are only found in the Villa Police Station, mainly found on the office desks.

Radios resembles 30s style cathedral radios. These are usually found on trash cans, on the ground, or in hard to find spaces. Destroying the radio show 6 destroyed vaccum tubes on the inside.

Disabling and avoiding radios[]

  • Walking up to a radio and switching it off will end the danger.
  • The decayed frequency can be heard before the player character is close enough for the radio to detonate their collar.
  • Radios can be destroyed from a distance by shooting them with ranged weapons or by throwing spears at them.
  • Difficult to find radios can often be disabled with grenades and other explosives, as they are extremely sensitive to damage.
  • Because all models of radio have dials that light up when the radio is switched on, a active radio can be spotted from a distance in poorly lit or cloud covered areas.
  • Some radios can simply be bypassed by moving quickly past them.
  • Christine Royce's companion perk, Signal Interference, will extend the time the Courier can remain near a radio without detonating the Dead Money collar.



Destroying a radio grants 10 XP, but turning them off grants none. After they are turned off, they can no longer be destroyed or turned back on.

See also[]
