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Fallout Wiki

D. Evans was an Appalachian Enclave scientist.


Evans was one of the researchers located in the hidden Enclave research facility under Transmission station 1AT-U03. At one point, Evans asked SODUS to prepare a subject for examination,[1] though after three and a half hours of waiting, canceled the order and decided to do it manually.[2]

After fellow scientist J. Rodriguez asked SODUS to lower the temperature in the lab to 20 degrees Celsius,[3] Evans quickly asked for the temperature to be raised back up to 22 degrees Celsius.[4]

Evans and several Enclave scouts died after Subject C-01 (a Scorched deathclaw) was released from containment, though they managed to bring the subject back into its cell before dying.[5] The deathclaw was presumably released as part of a larger effort by SODUS in an attempt to eliminate all Enclave members in the facility.[6]


D. Evans is mentioned in Fallout 76, introduced in the Steel Dawn update.


  1. ↑ Enclave research facility terminal entries; Holding cell console, 31-08-2084 :: 13:06 :: D. Evans
  2. ↑ Enclave research facility terminal entries; Holding cell console, 31-08-2084 :: 16:42 :: D. Evans
  3. ↑ SODUS: "Task 151977, J. Rodriguez. Lower temperature to 20 degrees Celsius in the lab. Task complete. Please verify."
    Note: This quote is an announcement made by SODUS over the intercom system.
  4. ↑ SODUS: "Task 151980, D. Evans. Raise temperature in the lab to 22 degrees Celsius. Task complete. Please verify."
    Note: This quote is an announcement made by SODUS over the intercom system.
  5. ↑ Enclave research facility terminal entries; Cell block C console, URGENT PLEASE READ!
  6. ↑ Lost data
Enclave Symbol (FO3)