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Knight Cutler was a trader who once lived in the Capital Wasteland, first in Rivet City before becoming a member of the Brotherhood of Steel.


When Danse first settled in Rivet City, Cutler quickly befriended him. Both Danse and Cutler watched each other's backs and kept themselves out of trouble in Rivet City. After scraping to live by as traders in the city, they saw their chance to escape when the Brotherhood of Steel began recruiting. Under the training of Paladin Krieg, the two quickly became experienced soldiers. One year after being posted aboard the Prydwen, Cutler went missing during a scouting operation with the rest of his squad.

Danse volunteered to go look for Culter and his squad. After a three-week search, he and his team finally found the missing squad, which was located in a super mutant hive. Danse discovered that Cutler's entire squad had been murdered by the mutants, but Cutler himself was singled out for Forced Evolutionary Virus exposure and turned into a super mutant. Saddened and angered at the sight of his best friend transformed into an atrocity, Danse could not consider the abomination in front of his eyes his friend anymore and killed him out of the duty instilled into him by the Brotherhood; however, when recalling this Danse is mixed on his reasoning.

Since killing Cutler, Danse has been significantly affected. He grew a deep desire to eliminate all mutants, considering it a cancer in the wasteland. The loss of Cutler made Danse hesitant to form bonds with fellow Brotherhood members, that was until he would begin a sponsorship of the Sole Survivor and traveling across the Commonwealth with them.[1]


Cutler appears in Fallout Shelter Online and is mentioned only in Fallout 4. In Shelter Online, he only appears in Danse's Hero Biography.


  1. Danse: " I've... never been very good at these things. Let me start at the beginning. I grew up alone in the Capital Wasteland. Spent most of my childhood picking through the ruins and selling scrap. When I was a bit older, and had a few caps to my name, I moved into Rivet City and opened a junk stand. While I was there, I met a guy named Cutler. We got along pretty well, watched each other's backs and kept each other out of trouble. When the Brotherhood came through on a recruiting run, we felt like it was the best way out of our nowhere lives, so we joined up."
    Sole Survivor: "I'm glad you had greater ambitions than just selling junk."
    Danse: "Once I saw what the Brotherhood had to offer, there was no comparison. Anyway, about a year after we were posted to the Prydwen, Cutler vanished on a scouting op. It took some convincing, but I was able to persuade my CO to let me assemble a squad and search for him. It took almost three weeks, but we tracked his team down to a Super Mutant hive. Those wretched abominations had slaughtered everyone but Cutler. He should have been so lucky. The mutant bastards used their FEV to change him into one of their own kind. He wasn't Cutler anymore. I had to... it was my duty to... put him down."
    Sole Survivor: "I can't believe you'd do that to him."
    Danse: "I didn't have a choice. Ever since Cutler died, I've seen other soldiers come and go. Some were brave, some were honest... hell, some were even downright heroic. But I'd never consider any of them to be a good friend, a friend like Cutler was... until now. It's a good feeling, but it frightens me all the same. Having a bond with someone then losing them... it changes you. I don't want to go through that again."
    (Danse's dialogue)