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Fallout Wiki

Paladin Krieg was a member of the Brotherhood of Steel in the Capital Wasteland in 2277.


Paladin Krieg sponsored and led a squad that included Danse, who was an Initiate at the time. Considered by Danse to be loyal and dedicated, Krieg pushed Danse particularly hard during their time together. Sometime after Danse was promoted to paladin and made leader of his own squad, Paladin Krieg took part in the assault against the Enclave at Adams Air Force Base and fell in battle.

Danse took the news of his former sponsor's death harshly, but he came to realize that Krieg was hard on him for the same reason he is hard on the Sole Survivor. He genuinely believes in them and doesn't want their potential to go to waste.[1]


Paladin Krieg appears in Fallout Shelter Online and is mentioned only in Fallout 4. In Shelter Online, he only appears in Danse's Hero Biography.

Behind the scenes[]

Krieg translates from German as "war."

