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You're tough, Chance. I hope you keep it together 'till the job's done, I really do. But I need you to change your tune. If you can't...Benny

Chance was a Great Khans tribesman in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. He was part of the group hired by Benny to ambush the Courier, but died before the group reached Goodsprings.


Chance was present for the Bitter Springs Massacre of 2278, in which women, children, and elders from the Great Khans tribe were fired on by New California Republic snipers from the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion.[Non-game 1] The resulting slaughter deeply traumatized Chance: he began suffering flashbacks at the sight of fire,[Non-game 1] stopped speaking,[Non-game 2] and eventually fell into chem abuse.[Non-game 3] Despite these psychological issues, he remained a highly capable fighter, being particularly proficient in melee combat, and was a valued member of the tribe.[Non-game 3]

In October of 2281, Chance was part of a group of Khans hired by Benny to ambush a courier traveling up the Long 15 to New Vegas.[Non-game 4] Shortly before their employer arrived at Red Rock Canyon, Chance was awoken from a bender by Jessup and interrupted a meeting between McMurphy and the rest of the group, who were going over the plan and the route they would be taking. When McMurphy questioned his competence, he responded by drawing his knife and carving a detailed map of the Mojave Wasteland in the dirt.

That night, while Jessup and McMurphy discussed the terms of the job with Benny, Chance suffered a brief flashback from the sight of Benny’s lighter. Picking up on this, Benny questioned the group about his competence and made it clear he wouldn’t tolerate delays to accommodate Chance’s issues, but Jessup reassured him that “Khans carry their own.”[Non-game 5]

Some time later, while traveling to the ambush spot, the group found a camp that had been razed to the ground by the Fiends. Stopping for the evening, the group discussed how to proceed, debating whether to circle around the rampaging raiders or attempt to slip past.[Non-game 6] At some point during this discussion, Chance slipped away from the group, tracking the Fiends to a tribal village that they were in the process of attacking. Enraged at the sight, Chance charged into the fray armed only with his knife, forcing the rest of the group to follow and protect him.[Non-game 7]

In the ensuing battle, Chance killed multiple Fiends, including one armed with a flamethrower, but was badly wounded as a result. Benny, furious at the delay and the danger they had been forced into, demanded that the Khans “put him down,” but backed down when they drew their guns in response.[Non-game 8]

That night, while the others slept, Chance was awoken from a dream of Bitter Springs by Benny, who offered him a cigarette and told him the story of a singer from the Chairmen who couldn’t let go of the past and died from chem abuse as a result.[Non-game 9] As he finished the story, Benny took a moment to tell Chance about his ambitions to rule Vegas, then placed a vial of psycho at his side, offering him a choice: shape up and soldier on, or take the dose and keep living in the past.[Non-game 9]

Ultimately, Chance drank the vial’s contents, and was dead by the time the others woke up. Stricken with grief at the loss of their friend, Jessup and McMurphy buried Chance with his knife before catching up with Benny at Goodsprings Cemetery.



Chance appears in the graphic novel All Roads and is mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas.




  1. 1.0 1.1 Benny: "The hell is his problem?"
    Jessup: "Your lighter."
    Benny: "One of a kind. He like fires?"
    Jessup: "Chance was at Bitter Springs when NCR hit. Still sees it sometimes. Can't let go."
    (All Roads)
  2. Benny: "Get a little closer - could use the shade. Chance, right? Love the name. Speaks volumes. Your pal Jessup says you haven't spoken since Bitter Springs. Long time. Should let me in on your secret..."
    (All Roads)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Benny: "I've known junkies - finks who couldn't lay off the poison. He clean?"
    Jessup: "Mostly. Was hoping this trip might help."
    McMurphy: "He's good in a fight, chems or not."
    (All Roads)
  4. Khan 1: "So who's paying the caps for this job?"
    Khan 2: "I hear it's raider work."
    McMurphy: "Some big shot from Vegas. And it's not raider work, it's work."
    (All Roads)
  5. Benny: "Look at him. He's sweating. Coming down. He loses it, he's your responsibility."
    Jessup: "Don't you worry about that none. Khans carry our own."
    (All Roads)
  6. McMurphy: "Fiends are running hard on chems - bad news. Probably fueled with jet, psycho - hell, barkscorpionIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar venom for all I know."
    Benny: "Thought you traded with them."
    McMurphy: "Right, and we could deal with them straight if they weren't chemed up. Now..."
    Jessup: "Best let them do their thing."
    McMurphy: "If we head back a few miles, head east..."
    Benny: "No. If we take the long way, we might miss the courier. That happens, you aren't seeing a cap. I didn't bring you along for company. Not saying we shoot it out, but we're moving ahead."
    (All Roads)
  7. Benny: "There's your friend."
    Jessup: "Oh shit. This isn't going to end well--"
    Benny: "For him. Don't draw attention to us. We get away clean."
    Jessup: "No fucking way. McMurphy? That's Chance down there! Fuck this - if I'm the only Khan here, I'm dying with him."
    (All Roads)
  8. Benny: "This is your friend on a good day, and you want to dose him up with jet, psycho, or whatever brahmin-shit chem you can and pray it'll keep his ass calm?! Put. Him. Down."
    [Khans draw their weapons]
    Benny: "Fine - no need to say it. Khans carry their own. You deal with him - he's your friend."
    Jessup: "Family."
    (All Roads)
  9. 9.0 9.1 All Roads