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Fallout Wiki

I am assisting my master Keely with her research. We have been tasked with extracting as much of the research that was performed here as possible.

Bohr is Keely's Protectron assistant and was to be found in Vault 22 in 2281, but he was cut from the final game.


Bohr assists Keely with her research in Vault 22 and his duties include computing protein sequences.[1] [2] He was ordered to wait for her return by Keely before she went down to the lower levels and has been waiting for her return ever since.[3][4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Bohr's dialogue gives the player the opportunity to ask where Keely is, although he does not know the specific answer. The player can also ask what he knows about Vault 22, but he doesn't know the answer to that, either.

Notable quotes[]


Bohr was to appear in Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut before final release.

Behind the scenes[]

Bohr is named after Niels Bohr, an acclaimed physicist.


  1. The Courier: "What are you doing here?"
    Bohr: "I am assisting my master Keely with her research. We have been tasked with extracting as much of the research that was performed here as possible"
    (Bohr's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What can you tell me about this place?"
    Bohr: "Very little, I'm afraid. I've been stuck here calculating protein sequences for most of our sojourn here thus far. Master Keely has done most of the exploring. She might be able to tell you more."
    (Bohr's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Where is Keely now?"
    Bohr: "I couldn't say, exactly. She went down to the lower levels some time ago and hasn't been back since. Do you suppose something has happened to her?"
    (Bohr's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Why don't you go and look for her?"
    Bohr: "I have been given explicit instructions to stay here until the master returns."
    (Bohr's dialogue)