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FO4 Baseball poster 1

Baseball was a sport played before the Great War.


Before the war, baseball was considered a national pastime in the United States.[1][2] Players would matriculate from minor to major leagues, statistics of which were kept recorded on individual cards bearing their name and photo. Baseball games were also played by individual towns yearly, such as Monongah in Appalachia.[3]

In the United States, major league teams were divided into the National and American Leagues.[4] The annual champion was determined by playoffs that culminated in an event called the World Series, which was determined by the first team to win four of seven games.[1] The Boston and Texas teams were the last to participate in a World Series,[5] the seventh game of which was scheduled for the afternoon of October 23, 2077. Before that, Boston's team had not won a series in nearly 159 years, having won titles previously in 1903, 1912, 1915, 1916, and 1918.[1][6]

Boston's team, the Swatting Sultans, was coached by Dusty Wilder,[7] and were led by star pitcher Matt "The Missile" Murtagh.[1] Another baseball team, the Capital Congressmen, was based in Washington, D.C. and represented the nation's capital against teams from Maryland and Pennsylvania.[2] Administration of the Boston team was conducted by the Boston Baseball Commission, who managed such logistics as supply deliveries for home, off season, and out of town games.[8]


Several positions were undertaken such as coach, hitter, catcher, designated hitter, and pitcher.[9] Runners could score up to four runs at a time, running 90 feet to each base, or 360 feet to score all four runs.[10]

After the war, Boston's ballpark was turned into a large fortified settlement in the Commonwealth. Posters, billboards, and signage remain pointing to the pre-War purpose of the field. Baseball equipment present at the stadium was repurposed in order to suit security roles, such as umpire outfits and general baseball gear.[11] Umpire equipment was also repurposed in Appalachia.[12]

In the time since the Great War, some have speculated as to what the nature of baseball was based on.[13][14] Moe Cronin claims that baseball was a violent sport, with baseball bats used to beat the opposing team to death and that baseball cards were used to track kills made by a player.[15][16] Cronin also states that catcher's mitts were utilized by players to catch bullets, running the bases was done with only baseball bats available as a defense against incoming baseballs used as projectiles and that baseballs were collected and signed by players to be given to the children of any deceased players killed during the game[17][18][19]



Moe Cronin's version[]

  • Concord Crushers[20]
  • Diamond City Demolishers[20]
  • Lexington Ladies[20]
  • Quincy Killmeisters[20]



Baseball is mentioned only in Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76. Baseball equipment appears in Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Newscaster: "And now a look at sports. Something that is, unquestionably, inescapably, American. I am referring of course, to our great national pastime, baseball. This afternoon, right here in the city, Boston's swatting sultans will swing for the fences. Led by star pitcher Matt "The Missile" Murtagh, Boston hopes to defeat Texas, and deliver their first World Series victory since 1918."
    (Newscaster's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Enclave Radio; Speech 1 - Baseball
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Monongah terminal entries#Meeting Minutes 04.02.75
  4. Diamond City scoreboard
  5. Natick Banks terminal entries; Personal logs, World Series
  6. World Series banners
  7. Boston Bugle building terminal entries; Boston Bugle article terminal, Article 5
  8. Gwinnett Brewery terminal entries; Scheduled Deliveries, Hotel Ballpark
  9. Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test; Question 4
  10. 10.0 10.1 Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Athlete exam
  11. DC guard armor, DC guard umpire's pads
  12. Umpire of the apocalypse outfit
  13. Moe Cronin: "I'm telling ya, back before the war, everyone played baseball. Kids, the elderly. It was considered a National Pastime, meaning it was mandatory after work hours."
    Diamond City resident: "Really?"
    Moe Cronin: "That's right. Every day the whole family would have to go out and play the ole' b-ball for a couple of innings, or they were fined for letting down the sport."
    (Moe Cronin's dialogue)
  14. Sole Survivor: "Look dumbass, that's not how baseball was played."
    Moe Cronin: "That right, Mister Smarty-Pants? If you're such an expert, how do you think it was played?"
    Sole Survivor: "It was America's pasttime. A sport that united families on warm summer days. And it wasn't violent. Mostly."
    (Moe Cronin's dialogue)
  15. Sole Survivor: "What's a Swatter?"
    Moe Cronin: "Ha ha, a rookie, eh? A Swatter, my friend, is a Diamond City tradition. See it used to be that this whole place was a stadium. And two teams would meet and play a game called baseball. One team would beat the other team to death with things called Baseball Bats, and the best bats were called Swatters. True fact."
    (Moe Cronin's dialogue)
  16. Moe Cronin: "Look at that card. See those numbers on the back? Tracks the count of enemies beaten to death by the player."
    (Moe Cronin's dialogue)
  17. Moe Cronin: "Check out the leather on that mitt. Really good players used them to catch bullets. True fact, there."
    (Moe Cronin's dialogue)
  18. Moe Cronin: "This baseball is the real deal. You'd sign one of these and give it to the children of anyone you killed on the field."
    (Moe Cronin's dialogue)
  19. Diamond City resident: "So player's never let go of the bat? Even when they were running?"
    Moe Cronin: "No, that would be suicide. The bat was the hitter's only defense as he ran the bases. Whoever had the ball on the opposing team would try to throw it at his head to knock him out. That's what an official "Out" meant back then."
    (Moe Cronin's dialogue)
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Sole Survivor: "Oh really. What kind of teams were there?"
    Moe Cronin: "There was the Diamond City Demolishers. Big brutes of guys. Played in full Power Armor with special pneumatic arms parts for swinging. Then you had the Lexington Ladies. An all female team, with coach Bloody Mary Sue at the helm. Highest kill count in the league. I could spend all day talking about the Concord Crushers or the Quincy Killmeisters, but you get the idea. It was a hell of a sport."
    (Moe Cronin's dialogue)
  21. PA system
  22. Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Gardener