Minecraft Wiki
This page describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Minecraft. 
This feature used to be in the game, but has ever since been removed.It may or may not return in a future update.
Information icon
This feature is exclusive to Java Edition. 

The list of Blocks and Items in Minecraft Classic and Indev.

These values apply to blocks and items in Minecraft Indev version 20100223. Since versions since this version have drastically increased the number of blocks and items, and removed or re-used IDs, it has its own list. Items with IDs in
 light blue
cannot be legitimately obtained in the player's inventory in the game; they can only be obtained by inventory editing.

Block IDs[]

Icon Dec Hex Block
0 0 Air
Stone JE2 BE1 1 1 Stone
Grass Block JE2 2 2 Grass Block
Dirt JE1 3 3 Dirt
Cobblestone JE2 4 4 Cobblestone
Oak Planks JE3 BE1 5 5 Planks
Oak Sapling JE4 6 6 Sapling
Bedrock JE1 BE1 7 7 Bedrock
Water JE6 8 8 Flowing Water
Water JE6 9 9 Stationary Water
Lava JE6 10 A Flowing Lava
Lava JE6 11 B Stationary Lava
Sand JE2 12 C Sand
Gravel JE2 13 D Gravel
Gold Ore JE2 BE1 14 E Gold Ore
Iron Ore JE1 BE1 15 F Iron Ore
Coal Ore JE1 BE1 16 10 Coal Ore
Icon Dec Hex Block
Oak Log Axis Y JE1 17 11 Wood
Oak Leaves JE2 18 12 Leaves
Sponge JE1 BE1 19 13 Sponge
Glass JE3 BE1 20 14 Glass
Red Cloth 21 15 Red Cloth
Orange Cloth 22 16 Orange Cloth
Yellow Cloth 23 17 Yellow Cloth
Chartreuse Cloth 24 18 Chartreuse Cloth
Green Cloth 25 19 Green Cloth
Spring Green Cloth 26 1A Spring Green Cloth
Cyan Cloth 27 1B Cyan Cloth
Capri Cloth 28 1C Capri Cloth
Ultramarine Cloth 29 1D Ultramarine Cloth
Violet Cloth 30 1E Violet Cloth
Purple Cloth 31 1F Purple Cloth
Magenta Cloth 32 20 Magenta Cloth
Rose Cloth 33 21 Rose Cloth
Icon Dec Hex Block
Dark Gray Cloth 34 22 Dark Gray Cloth
Light Gray Cloth 35 23 Light Gray Cloth
White Cloth 36 24 White Cloth
Dandelion JE2 37 25 Dandelion
Rose JE2 38 26 Rose
Brown Mushroom JE2 39 27 Brown Mushroom
Red Mushroom JE2 40 28 Red Mushroom
Block of Gold JE2 41 29 Block of Gold
Block of Iron JE1 BE1 42 2A Block of Iron
Double Smooth Stone Slab 43 2B Double Slab
Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2 44 2C Slab
Bricks JE1 45 2D Bricks
Bookshelf JE1 47 2F Bookshelf
Mossy Cobblestone JE1 48 30 Mossy Cobblestone
Obsidian JE1 BE1 49 31 Obsidian
Icon Dec Hex Block
Torch 50 32 Torch
Fire 51 33 Fire
Water Spawner 52 34 Water Spawner
Lava Spawner 53 35 Lava Spawner
Chest JE1 54 36 Chest
Gear 55 37 Gear
Diamond Ore JE1 BE1 56 38 Diamond Ore
Block of Diamond JE1 57 39 Block of Diamond
Crafting Table JE1 BE1 58 3A Crafting Table
Wheat Age 7 JE6 BE1 59 3B Crops
Farmland JE3 BE1 60 3C Farmland
Furnace JE1 61 3D Furnace
Lit Furnace JE1 62 3E Lit Furnace

Item IDs[]

Icon Dec Hex Item
256 100 Iron Shovel D
257 101 Iron Pickaxe D
258 102 Iron Axe D
259 103 Flint and Steel D
260 104 Apple
261 105 Bow
262 106 Arrow
263 107 Coal
264 108 Diamond
265 109 Iron Ingot
266 10A Gold Ingot
267 10B Iron Sword D
268 10C Wooden Sword D
269 10D Wooden Shovel D
270 10E Wooden Pickaxe D
271 10F Wooden Axe D
272 110 Stone Sword D
Icon Dec Hex Item
273 111 Stone Shovel D
274 112 Stone Pickaxe D
275 113 Stone Axe D
276 114 Diamond Sword D
277 115 Diamond Shovel D
278 116 Diamond Pickaxe D
279 117 Diamond Axe D
280 118 Stick
281 119 Bowl
282 11A Mushroom Stew
283 11B Golden Sword D
284 11C Golden Shovel D
285 11D Golden Pickaxe D
286 11E Golden Axe D
287 11F String
288 120 Feather
289 121 Gunpowder
Icon Dec Hex Item
290 122 Wooden Hoe D
291 123 Stone Hoe D
292 124 Iron Hoe D
293 125 Diamond Hoe D
294 126 Golden Hoe D
295 127 Seeds
296 128 Wheat
297 129 Bread
298 12A Leather Cap D
299 12B Leather Tunic D
300 12C Leather Pants D
301 12D Leather Boots D
302 12E Chain Helmet D
303 12F Chain Chestplate D
304 130 Chain Leggings D
305 131 Chain Boots D
306 132 Iron Helmet D
Icon Dec Hex Item
307 133 Iron Chestplate D
308 134 Iron Leggings D
309 135 Iron Boots D
310 136 Diamond Helmet D
311 137 Diamond Chestplate D
312 138 Diamond Leggings D
313 139 Diamond Boots D
314 13A Golden Helmet D
315 13B Golden Chestplate D
316 13C Golden Leggings D
317 13D Golden Boots D
318 13E Flint
319 13F Raw Porkchop
320 140 Cooked Porkchop
321 141 Painting