Minecraft Wiki

Runs commands founds in the corresponding function file with command execution context (executor, execution position, angles, etc) of the /function command.

In Java Edition, runs a function or all functions in a tag from a datapack.
In Bedrock Edition, Runs a function from a behavior pack.


  • Java Edition
function <name> [<arguments>|with (block <sourcePos>|entity <source>|storage <source>) [<path>]]
  • Bedrock Edition
function <name: filepath>


JE<name>: function
BE: name: filepath: CommandFilePath

In Java Edition, must be a resource location, which refers to a single function, or one prefixed with a #, which refers to a function tag. In Bedrock Edition, must be of the format path/to/function/file, which refers to a function located at [behavior_pack]/functions/path/to/function/file.mcfunction.

JE: <arguments>: nbt_compound_tag

Must be a compound NBT in SNBT format.

JE: <sourcePos>: block_pos

Must be a block position composed of <x>, <y> and <z>, each of which must be an integer or a tilde and caret notation.

JE: <source>: entity (in entity <target> mode)

Must be a player name, a target selector or a UUID.

JE: <source>: resource_location (in storage <target> mode)

Must be a resource location which will be resolved during command execution into unregistered content or client-side content.

JE: <path>: nbt_path

Must be an NBT path.


CommandTriggerJava EditionBedrock Edition
anythe arguments are not specified correctly Unparseable Unparseable
the specified functions or function tags do not exist Failed Failed


CommandEditionSituationSuccess Count/execute store success .../execute store result ...
anyJava EditionOn fail000
On success when executed not by a functionthe number of all commands executed in the function(s) plus 1 (this command itself)1the number of commands executed (whether successfully or not) plus the number of embedded functions.
On success when executed in a functionN/A10
Bedrock EditionOn fail0N/AN/A
On success1N/AN/A

In Java Edition:[1][2]

Success count is the sum of success counts of all commands ran in the function/functions plus 1 (this command itself).
For example,
function foo:bar2
function foo:bar3
say hi
The success count of /function foo:bar3 is 1 (one command in foo:bar3) + 1 (this command itself) = 2.
The success count of /function foo:bar2 is 2 (from above) + 1 (this command itself) = 3.
The success count of /function foo:bar1 is 3 (from above) + 1 (this command itself) = 4.
Output message displayed in chat returns the number of commands ran (not the number of commands that succeed) plus the number of embedded functions called by a function.
The chat output count of /function foo:bar3 is 1(one command in foo:bar3).
The chat output count of /function foo:bar2 is 1 (one command in foo:bar2) + 1 (one command in foo:bar3) + 1 (one embedded function) = 3.
The chat output count of /function foo:bar1 is 1 (one command in foo:bar1) + 1 (one command in foo:bar2) + 1 (one command in foo:bar3) + 2 (two embedded functions) = 5.
If successful, /execute store success always returns 1. Otherwise, returns 0.
If successful, the return value of /execute store result is the same as chat output count. Otherwise, returns 0.


  • In Java Edition:
    • To run a function located at data/custom/functions/example/test.mcfunction in a loaded data pack: /function custom:example/test
    • To run all functions in a function tag located at data/custom/tags/functions/example/test.json: /function #custom:example/test
    • To run a function if there is a sheep within a radius of 2 blocks: /execute if entity @e[type=sheep,distance=..2] run function custom:example/test
    • To run a function unless the executor is a player: /execute unless entity @s[type=player] run function custom:example/test
    • To run a function macro with arguments a=42, b="example": /function custom:example/test {a: 42, b: "example"}
    • To run a function macro with arguments from storage custom:storage: /function custom:example/test with custom:storage


Java Edition
1.12pre1Added /function.
1.1317w49b/function now accept function tags as the argument.
Removed [if/unless] arguments in favor of /execute [if/unless].
Upcoming Java Edition
1.20.223w31aAdded function arguments.
Bedrock Edition
1.8.0beta /function.

See also[]

  • /tag – To run function in batch, every tick, or on server (re)load.

