The Chaos Legion's Avatar
We make Order Out of Chaos
Only the strong will last
  • Welcome!

    Climb the ranks

    Stop the war

    Create peace

    Control the Chaos

    There are two methods of joining the Legion-

    1. Send in an application via pms to the Anarchist or a Supreme Commanding Legionmaster

    2. Request to join in the group guest book

    Official lore/guide (written by IGEBM) here (with links in the blog to more Legion lore content)
    Roleplay thread (made by MoonlitRuby) here

    Credit to cloudkitty for making the flag (and no, it’s not political) and to IGEBM for making the “Christmas Legion” flag

    This group was made by SuperstitiousBot (o7), and given to anonpmc4316492 after he left. (Violiie then held a poll to see who the new leader would be, and Si won.)
  • The Chaos Legion

    Rebuilding PMC. That's our purpose. Rebuilding what has fallen and failed.
    Lifting up those who fall, saving those who are lost.

    Many groups have tried, almost all have failed. Those who didn't, fought.
    In their quest for unity, they only brought separation and warfare on us all.

    The Legion offers a different way, a way not of unity, but freedom.
    This world will never be unified, no matter what we do. But it can be free.

    No more war. No more death. No more destruction.
    Only peace.

    But that's not possible without great numbers. We need you. Despite how cliche that may sound.
    We need you to join us.

    Join us, and guide the light



    Locational Guide
    PMC City
    Leaders: the Council of Mods (formerly)
    The world capital is currently in ruins, with Cyprezz Tower now lying as a pile of rubble in the center. It is currently one of the emergency evacuation sites, should anything happen to Anarchy Island. Many residents of the city still live there, either in one of the still-intact houses or apartment buildings, or in one of @BlueBoyBuilds’ Rent-a-Bunkers, protected by both the PMC Military and Chaos Legion soldiers from the Capital District, who have set up their off-island base beneath the ruins of the tower.

    The Mainland
    Leaders: the Council of Mods (formerly)
    The Mainland where PMC City is located is intact, and is still an expanse of woodlands, with the Palaeos Mountains serving as a back-up emergency evacuation site.

    Leader: IGEBM
    Following the whole apocalypse thing, where our IGEBM went to Normax 1010.17 to bring about the end of the world, control of Sodaville was relinquished to Si, as all others in line to lead had essentially abandoned it. When Hunter IGEBM arrived from Chaoseus 723.19, control was given to him, and it served as yet another evac site. Surprisingly, Astral Beasts have yet to attack it, which might also be why some non-fighters have elected to remain in the town.

    The Forge
    Leaders: Forgemaster TheCrypteral (deceased), cloudkitty (not legally the leader, but the island is under his protection)
    The once great fires of the Forge are now extinguished, and the village is only a shell of its former self. Technically, the forges could be lit again and they could be used to make powerful weapons, but alas, we lack the time to do so, and the town is simply another evacuation site, with the mountain cave being its back-up. The island is still populated by many Forge citizens and refugees from PMC City trying to survive in this harsh world. To increase protection of the innocents there, Cloud built the Blue District off-island base on the second island (the right one) where the Forgemaster’s house is.

    Mythical Forest Island
    Leader: Blood Ultima MoonlitRuby
    Home to the Mythical Forest Empire (MFE), this woodland island is ruled over by the Blood Ultima, MoonlitRuby, and the MFE is currently allied with the Great Monster Empire (GME). Both nations protect each other, and it is rather hard to breach their defenses.

    Unknown Lands
    Leader: none
    This area of unclaimed land is known to PMCers as the Unknown Lands, designated as such by the Council of Mods not too long after the founding of PMC City. There was a period of time where it was conquered by the Great Monster Empire (September 2023 - 3-8-2024), but they packed up and left for a universe they had discovered, tearing down their buildings and restoring the Unknown Lands previous state. The area itself is barren place of plains and stone, and is mostly used by the Chaos Legion and other nations for field tests.
    Note: I (IGE) am aware that the map still says "GME Territories." I have to find the file for the alternate map that replaces it with "Unknown Lands."

    Shiver Island
    Leader: none
    An eerie, haunted island trapped in a perpetual thunderstorm, which is seldom visited by anyone. The Anarchist and Supreme Commanding Legionmasters have deemed this place an evacuation spot only usable when all other options are unavailable.

    Morbid Island
    Leader: Aspect of Horror Firestar2477278
    A similarly creepy island, where the Cryptic Family once thrived, is now a deadly land where Mt. Aranaktu has become active once again. Like its neighbor, Shiver Island, this place is an emergency evac spot only in the most dire of circumstances. Strangely, the island is still populated, with much of the Cryptic Family remaining there to not be involved in the war. The only involvement we’ve had with them is that they’ve allowed the Red District to set up their off-island base there.

    Illager Island
    Leader: Arch illager
    Ah yes, one of our allies. This island is covered by a massive dark oak forest, with numerous outposts and military camps located throughout the woods. While we PMCers previously had some issues with the Illager race, our problems have since been reconciled and they now work with the Chaos Legion to build a better future for us all. To solidify this alliance, the off-island base of the Green District is now manned by Legioj and Illager Clan troops.

    Hell’s Island
    Leader: IGEBM (resigned prior to the forming of the Legion, but the island is under his protection)
    This island was once Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM’s nation, before several of his citizens staged a rebellion and blew up much of the city, forcing IGE to abandon it. It has been deemed an evacuation spot like the PMC City, Sodaville, and the Forge, with its cavernous circular mountain range providing protection from Astral Beasts and other enemy forces. Most importantly, however, this mountain range contains a laboratory, which was repurposed upon IGE’s arrival to be the off-island base of the Yellow District.

    Anarchy Island
    Leader: Anarchist IGEBM
    The moment you’ve all be waiting for! Anarchy Island was once known as Chola Island, and was home to the Cholan Empire. However, when the PMC Civil War broke out, the city was wrecked, and Astral Beast invaders didn’t help the situation either. When SB formed the Chaos Legion, they came to the Cholas’ aid and drove the space monsters away. The Legion then built their base on the island with King Elightin_elytra’s permission, dividing it into four main quadrants called Districts. The Central District was build around the middle point, with the Chaos Legion HQ perfectly centered on it. The island was later renamed Anarchy Island once Si became the Legion’s leader. From here, we have coordinated many a battle, and it is the most attacked part of PMC due to its status as the home of the planet’s defenders. While the Cholan Empire once roamed around here as nomads, part of our alliance terms granted them control of northwestern territory between Northern and Western Districts. In terms of travel, there is a series of hovertrain lines that branch out from the Capital District and go to the other Districts and into Chola territory.

  • The Legion

    These are the defenders our world, our saviors that protect us. Each Infantryman is divided in squads. The men and women in your squads will be the ones you fight with on the battlefield and work together with to solve dilemma after dilemma.

    Commanding Infantryman

    You have ascended to the commander of your squad. You organize them and lead those with you to victory, whether it be in fighting for freedom or helping those in need. You are the guiding light.

    The 5 powerful elites of the Legion were specially selected to represent each district, and each of you wears a suit of Spartan armor. You prefer to work alone, going behind enemy lines and taking out large portions of enemies, but aid your fellow Legion soldiers when they need it.

    As the Battlemaster, you will be expected to guide those under you. You command squads and give them the directions they need to work and thrive. Each Battlemaster commands several sqauds.

    Here you are, so close to the highest ranks. You do not have much more power than a simple Battlemaster but you are near it. You are being trained to join the legends that guide the Chaos Legion further out and help guide those in need to the light. You command the Battlemasters.

    You are one of the less battle-interested people, preferring to sit at a table and help strategize and manage troops and resources. You can give orders to those in lower ranks, but your plans and suggestions must be approved by the Supreme Commanding Legionmasters and the Anarchist.

    The third highest rank in the Legion. You serve as the seconds of the SCLs and advise them.
    If your SCL is unable to lead for any reason, you take their place.

    Supreme Commanding Legionmaster

    You command the Legion. There are only 4 of you, each one overseeing an entire district of the Legion.

    The Anarchist

    This is the top. The Anarchist is the most powerful person in the Legion, and possibly the galaxy. You have become a legend, one to be known for centuries after your demise. You have the entire Legion within your hands and you, you are the guiding light.


    Made by The Last Kirbalorian
    Decided as the uniform by the Chaos Legion Jam

    Basically, this section just details what each people of each rank do in the lore. It’s not important for group contributions, but if you’re roleplaying or writing a story, we’d recommend reading this.

    Equipment: standard uniform, plasma rifle, electro-machete, communicator
    Most Infantrymen are part of squads, and thus their work is detailed in that section, but those that haven’t been added to one yet are in charge of guarding the island from Astral Beasts. Some get chosen to do special jobs, like KaiOceansword, who is in charge of designing vehicles, or JustaFlqmingo, who builds the Spartan armor suits.

    Commanding Infantrymen
    Equipment: standard uniform, plasma rifle, electro-machete, communicator

    Most Commanding Infantrymen are part of squads, and thus their work is detailed in that section, but those that haven’t been added to one yet are in charge of organizing Infantrymen stationed around the island.

    Equipment: Spartan armor, plasma rifle, electro-machete, Spartan cannon, Spartan shield, Spartan plasma hammer, communicator
    The Elites are special group of soldiers. Only 5 have been chosen, one to represent each district, and each of them wear the powerful Spartan armor designed, built, and painted by Infantryman JustaFlqmingo. They prefer to work alone, going on solo missions with a high risk of death and defending PMC from Astral Beasts with their Spartan cannons, which have plasma, flamethrower, acid, and electric blast settings, as well as their other heavy weapons.

    Squads (Infantrymen, Commanding Infantrymen, and sometimes Elites)
    Each district has a military base, and each squad is assigned to one of these bases. At these bases, they are given missions by the Battlemaster(s) running them. Said missions are normally trips to other nations to deal with attacking Astral Beasts. There are also times where they will be sent on missions on Anarchy Island to drive out the Astral Beasts here. During wars, all squads are called back to the island to defend it from invading enemy forces, and will dispatched accordingly. If needed, they will be sent off-island to aid our allies in foreign lands. Their usual mode of transportation is a Truckerzilla, and when they need to go overseas, they take a transport hovercraft.

    Equipment: slightly-armored uniform (adds shoulder pads, arm guards, and shin guards), dual plasma rifles, electro-machete, communicator
    Each Battlemaster is assigned to a military base in each district (with two being assigned to Capital District Military Base), and they have the task of running the base. That means ensuring the vehicles are in good condition, making sure that there is enough equipment, and, most importantly, giving each squad their missions.

    High Battlemasters
    Equipment: slightly-armored uniform, plasma weapons of their choosing (rifles, beam rifles, or handguns), electro-machete, additional weapons of their choosing, communicator

    High Battlemasters oversee the other facilities of Anarchy Island, like factories and power plants. They report directly to the Council. The only two High Battlemasters who do more than what the others in their rank to are ClayMan1077 and Diiby, who run the Northern District.

    Equipment: standard uniform, plasma blaster, electro-knife, communicator
    The Council work on the fourth floor of the Chaos Center, strategizing and managing troops and resources. They file paperwork, discuss potential projects, and oversee the distribution of equipment like ammunition and weapons, as well as the output of factories.

    Equipment: slightly-armored uniform, plasma weapons of their choosing, electro-machete, additional weapons of their choosing, communicator
    The Legionmasters also work in the Chaos Center, across the third, fourth, and fifth floors, helping to generally run the Legion. Some choose to participate in combat, while others are less hands-on and help from afar.

    Supreme Commanding Legionmasters
    Equipment: slightly-armored uniform, plasma weapons of their choosing, electro-machete, additional weapons of their choosing, communicator

    The second-in-commands of the Chaos Legion help the Anarchist lead the group. Three of them (formerly four) run districts, those being cloudkitty, Greief, and SynthesizedEcho, with Echo going on diplomatic missions across PMC to strengthen relations with the others with fellow SCL anonpmc4316492. The final Surpeme Commanding Legionmaster, IGEBM, is the closest to the Anarchist and advises him (Cloud does too, but not as much), with the two working together quite often. IGE is also the primary spokesperson for the Legion when it comes to public announcements that the Anarchist can’t make and communications with enemies.

    The Anarchist
    Equipment: slightly-armored uniform, plasma weapons of their choosing, electro-machete, additional weapons of their choosing, communicator
    Anarchist LegendarySi is the supreme leader of the Chaos Legion. His commands override all others, and he makes sure everyone is safe, that all is working well, and that people are making the contributions they need to make.

    The PMC World War
    We were at war with The Great Monster Empire, or GME for short
    Their leader General Slenderman declared war on 9-30-23, but the war had been known about since 9-28-23

    The first part of the war took place on this now-locked thread
    For a summary, read the phase 4 portion of the guide section on the official lore blog

    On 10-2-23, after several days of battling, Minister of Defense Marshal GrossDemonStein staged a small coup and overthrowed the Emperor, ordering a ceasefire

    Peace negotiations were set to begin later that day, but were delayed due to the GME winding up in a civil war between Royalists and Militarists. The war (now classified as a coup) ended soon after, and an alliance was made between the GME and the Mystical Forest Empire, ruled by Blood Ultima MoonlitRuby

    On 10-3-2023, King Elightin_elytra of the Cholan Empire fired a deadly nuclear missile at the GME Territories, which caused major damage and led to a ceasefire. Peace negotiations have yet to be resumed, and the Minister of Defense said that the war may not yet be over...

    On 10-7-2023, after several days of an unnoticeable undeclared ceasefire, peace negotiations were held on a holo-call, during which LegendarySi, IGEBM, Elightin_elytra, Rob333, illager, General Slenderman all agreed to peace. The war ended that day at 3:13 PM when Rob agreed, prompting a celebratory cheer from IGE.

    Alliances and Agreements
    We are currently allied with the Cholan Empire as of 9-?-23 and the Illager Clan as of 10-1-23

    Alliance Terms:
    - we must help each other in times of war
    - we are allowed free passage into each other’s territories at all times
    - we must share resources
    - we must maintain open communication lines
    - our troops must help each other when needed

    We are currently allied with the Monsteranian Federation as of 6-8-2024

    Alliance Terms:
    - we will help each other protect the Planet Minecrafts of our respective universes from the Astral Beats

    Defend PMC against the Astral Beasts

    If you need help contact:


    I would recommend contacting IGE, as he is the most active.

    #00001: Marshal EnderCyborg
    Captured on: 12-11-23
    Captured by: Infantryman ItzOrangey and Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM
    Crime: betraying the Legion and blowing up an armory for the GME

    Released 12-11-23 and returned to the GME Territories
    Reason: Marshal Totenkriegstein threatened to start another war


    Squad One

    Commanding Infantryman:
    The Last Kirbalorian


    Squad Three
    Squad Four

    Commanding Infantryman:


    Squad Five
    Panda Gocarts3

    Commanding Infantryman:


    Squad Six

    Commanding Infantryman:


    Squad Seven

    Commanding Infantryman:


    Squad Eight
    fatal error

    Commanding Infantryman:

    High Battlemaster:

    Squad Nine

    Commanding Infantryman:

    High Battlemaster:

    Squad Ten

    Commanding Infantryman:

    High Battlemaster:

    Squad Eleven 

    Commanding Infantryman:

    High Battlemaster:

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  • Astral Beasts

    (Astral Beast foot soldiers, the most common)

    Models and render by LegendarySi
    Astral Beast character sheets
    These character sheets were made by @IGEBM to show his idea of what the Astral Beasts look like. Both the versions shown below and the ones in the renders above exist in Chaos Legion lore.

    Foot Soldiers



    Note: If you notice similarities between this and the foot soldier sheet, that’s because it’s an edited version of it since the flyers and foot soldiers are largely similar in design.
    Description below written by IGEBM

    The Astral Beasts are the primary threat to the Chaos Legion. Long ago, before the creation of Planet Minecraft, they ran amok through the universe, causing chaos all around. After 15 years of chaos, they were detained in the furthest reaches of space by the Galactic Society of Astral Protection (GSAP), all of whom are now dead and have no known ancestors. In the modern day, around the end of 2022, they enacted an escape plan, and chose a random planet to attack. That planet was PMC, which was in the midst of a three-way civil war that was being dealt with by a fourth party, us. The war came to end when the Astral Beasts attacked, and the Chaos Legion became the primary defense against them. Anyone who didn’t want to fight remained in their home nations, which are each protected by their militaries. IGEBM conducted a study on the invaders (with a “capture, x-ray, autopsy, burn the body” process), and was able to divide them into different groups.

    First of all, as a generalization, every Astral Beast has muddy brown skin, which conceals dark gray muscles, all of which is formed around bones around the same density as those of PMCers. They all have four yellow eyes and arms that end in claws, as well as digitigrade legs. They are a relatively mindless horde that are smart enough to know how and when to fight, and some have been known to figure out simple battle strategies (see the section on flyers for an example). Now, onto the different types of Astral Beasts.

    Foot Soldiers
    The weakest and most common Astral Beasts, foot soldiers are slender, four-armed creatures whose limbs end in sharp claws. There are two subcategories known to exist, with one being more monstrous and aggressive (the character sheet version) and the other being more smooth, precise, and deadly (the render version). Another way to differentiate them is that the first type have four yellow eyes while the second have two red ones. Each of their arms have retractable shields that they can use to defend themselves. In terms of height, they are hunched over, but if they stood up straight, they’d be around the same height as the average PMCer. The best way to kill foot soldiers is by shooting their arms off at the joint, which is where the bone is at its weakest, to prevent them from blocking the following shot to the head with them.

    Twice the size and half as common (for every 2 foot soldiers there is one bruiser) are the bruisers, hulking brutes with thicker skin and more armor across their body. Their two arms are bulky and long, ending in thick claws with a sharpness that could be compared to that of a steak knife. They also have the same retractable shields as the foot soldiers, albeit stronger and harder to penetrate, but they can extend further into blades comparable to machetes. To defeat them, it is recommended that you focus on their arms or chest, but be sure to stay out of reach of their hands, because once you’re their tight grip, your last thoughts will be wondering whether you’ll be snapped in two or ripped in half.

    Note: don’t take everything in this description as final (except the "how to kill" part) since I’m still working out the details for these guys.
    These are the least common Astral Beasts, making up 5% of their massive population. They are blessed (if you can even call it that) with the ability to remember several languages, including English, and the power to morph their skin and bone to take on new shapes, even making false clothes. However, their memory is rather strange, though, as they can only remember one form at a time, and for a limited time. In other words, let’s say one gets into a room with you. They see you, transform into you, and go around looking like you. After roughly an hour, they’ll forget you look like and be unable to hold the form, reverting to their original shape. The best way to tell if someone’s a shapeshifter is by asking them questions only the person they’re disguised as would know. If they answer incorrectly, it’s suggested that you shoot them on sight.

    Beware of these winged demons, for they are some of the most annoying Astral Beasts. Flyers are essentially winged versions of the foot soldiers, with two paper thin wings formed around a single bone that allows them to fly freely through the skies of even space. IGE and the Science Division have theorized that they are an evolved version of the foot soldiers that had to adapt to a different region, as the bone that their wings are formed around is rather similar to that of the upper arms of brethren. Speaking of their arms, they normally use them to carry foot soldiers into battle, and a few infantrymen have reported spotting a team of four carry a bruiser into the Green District. The wings of flyers are also able to be used as blades, swinging them around at people walking nearby to slash their skin or armor. To kill them, you need to first clip their wings by either shooting them off or cutting them with an electro-machete. After the wings are rendered useless, you can perform the same process done to kill normal foot soldiers.
  • The Five Districts

    (Fireteam Phoenix, the products of the Spartan Program)
    (Models by JustaFlqmingo, rendered by LegendarySi)
    The Chaos Legion has five separate districts spread across Anarchy Island. Each of them also has a base on one of the other islands of PMC.
    The Northern, Western, Eastern, Southern, and Capital Districts.

    The Capital District

    This is the center of all of The Chaos Legion, where high command is based.
    The largest of the five districts, located in the center of Anarchy Island. This district’s off-island base is in PMC City, beneath the ruins of Cyprezz Tower.
    It is the strongest of the five, and it is protected by an impenetrable shield dome during times of war.

    Leader: Anarchist IGEBM

    The Northern District

    They are commonly referred to as "the Yellow District".
    They are known for their powerful firepower and heavy artillery, and their off-island base is on Hell’s Island, hidden within the land’s mountain range.

    Following the near-apocalypse that included the banishing of a now-insane and evil IGEBM to unspace, control of the Yellow District was transferred to High Battlemasters Diiby and Clay. Clay’s pirate ship is currently docked in the harbor.

    Leader(s): High Battlemasters Diiby and ClayMan1077

    The Western District

    They are commonly referred to as "the Blue District".

    They are known for their diplomatic outlook on war, and skilled negotiators. Their off-island base is located in the Forge, on the second island where the Forgemaster’s house is.

    Over half the soldiers in the district were killed in an attack from a horde of Astral Beasts
    that decimated the main base.

    Leader(s): Supreme Commanding Legionmaster cloudkitty

    The Southern District

    They are commonly referred to as "the Red District".

    They are known for their many technological advancements,
    and their secrecy about many of the Legion's classified projects.
    Their off-island base is on Morbid Island, and the team there has orders to stay away from Mt. Aranaktu due to its recent activity.

    Leader(s): Supreme Commanding Legionmaster SynthesizedEcho

    The Eastern District

    They are commonly referred to as "the Green District".
    They are known for their brutal war tactics and strong soldiers,
    Their off-island base was built on Illager Island, and following our alliance with them, both Legion and Illager Clan soldiers are stationed there.

    Leader(s): Supreme Commanding Legionmaster Greief

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