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The Official Guide to Chaos Legion Lore

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The Chaos Legion's Avatar The Chaos Legion
Level 28 : Expert Order
So, back at the end of May, this whole thing happened where Si asked me if he could take over writing lore for the Chaos Legion for my lore, which I agreed to. I made an official guide to Chaoseus 1122.27 (the universe in my lore where the most important version of the Legion is from) and sent it to him, along with a list of Legion members and their nations. (At the time of writing this, I had also PMed him a guide to Astral Beasts yesterday.) It's all recounted here. Anyways, I was trying to find something else to schedule to post for this month since I won't be as active as usual (I'm writing this a few hours before I leave for my dad's), and I realized I should finally post the guide. So, here is an Official Guide to Chaos Legion Lore.

Lore Writing

Now, in terms of writing, the main reason this exists is because Si is going write Chaos Legion lore for IGEBM lore, but he wanted to know everything about the Legion. The original guide (the one I PMed to him) was written before PMC: Apocalypse finished (I was working on chapter 4 at the time), so I didn't know exactly how some things were gonna play out, since the events of the end of the Apocalypse are part of Legion lore. My point is, this an updated and edited version of what I sent to Si, so I hope he uses this version as the base for his Legion lore, which will, by the way, all take place after the end of Apocalypse. (And all the things he makes have to go through me and be approved first.)

However, I'm open to allowing other people to use this as a base for their own Chaos Legion lore, but only Si's will be deemed canon unless I approve it. If you do write Legion lore based on this blog (which, if you do, also has to be set after the end of Apocalypse), please tag me in the content with a credit saying this was based on this blog, and also, link the blog. Whenever I have time to, I'll visit the content and see if it's canon to Chaoseus 1122.27 or not. If it's not, I'll probably deem this canon to another universe in the Chaoseus universal cluster.

Alright, enough talking. Enjoy the lore!

The Official Guide to Chaos Legion Lore
Universal stream: Chaoseus 1122.27
Universe nickname: the Chaos Universe

Phase 1 - The Birth of the Chaos Legion
Audio Reading (done by me)

Chaoseus 1122.27 was once home to a Planet Minecraft that was very similar to the one in the primary universe, Normax 1010.17. However, far away, the deepest, darkest portions of space, an army was being amassed. A horde of horrific space monsters known as the Astral Beasts were gathering to take over the galaxy. Long ago, the Astral Beasts ran amok through the galaxy, but they were contained into the far reaches of space by a group of long-dead warriors. Now, they have begun to plot amongst themselves, and planned to free themselves from this quarantined part of space.

Meanwhile, on PMC, tensions between nations were growing. After a series of raids on various nations by each other, alliances were on their last legs. It all came to a head at a United Nations meeting to decide how resources from nations would be distributed across the planet. The Forge Council (led and represented by Cloud, and consisting of himself, Axolotl, Whisper, Potato, and Blue), who governed the world's number one supplier of metals, weren't keen on sharing their metals with the rest of the planet, and then Firestar, the Aspect of Horror of the Cryptic Family, said that, in that case, the Cryptic Family wouldn't supply the rest of the nations with paper and gunpowder. This caused a domino effect of various nations refusing to share their resources. Then, things got violent. Arguments began, which led to people drawing their weapons. The meeting was being held in Cyprezz Tower in PMC City, and High Councilman Silabear was able to stop the fighting and had security escort the representatives out of the building.

However, hostilities still remained, and the Forge Council collectively decided after the meeting to declare war on the Cryptic Family, attacking Morbid Island. During the Battle of Morbid Island (on November 12th, 2022), the Family's allies, the Cholan Empire, came to their aid, sending in their military to assist the Cryptic Family Military in fending off the Forge Army. The Forge, which had recently formed an alliance with the Nether Empire (ruled by King ComfySteve), was losing the battle before the Nether Army came through a portal on Morbid Island to aid them. In the end, the Forge-Nether alliance lost the battle and was driven off of the island, but a war had begun.

The Mainland and their allies, the End Nation, had declared themselves neutral the day after the battle, but that neutrality lasted 3 days before Morbid Island, paranoid that the Mainland-End alliance had secretly allied themselves with the Forge-Nether alliance, sank a cruise ship that was already on their from PMC City to their island. Silabear, angered at the deaths of all the innocents, declared war on both nations, and the End came to their aid in an attack on the Cholan Empire. Long story short, a three-way war had begun and no one was safe.

On November 27th, Officer SB had grown tired of fighting, and stormed out of the PMC City Military Base. He met up with several of his friends, who were also weary of the war, in one of Blue's old Rent-a-Bunkers and came up with an idea: what if he made a fourth party, an organization dedicated to uniting the people of PMC? A group that could find power in chaos, and that could potentially save the future of PMC? And so, that night, the Chaos Legion was born. After advertising it across the planet using hijacked airwaves, dozens of people from each nation began to sign up.* Even the leaders of some nations, who were sick of fighting, joined, like High Councilman Silabear of the Mainland, King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire, and Cloud of the Forge, who had regretted his decision to not share resources after seeing what it had led to. (He blamed himself for starting the PMC Civil War, as it was now known.)

Together, the Legion scattered across the globe, attempting to recruit more to their cause, and hopefully stop battles and convince the soldiers to lay down their arms. However, that all came to halt when the Astral Beasts attacked. In deep space, they had finally broken the barriers that held them captive and chose a random planet to attack, and that planet just so happened to be PMC. Maybe this was what the planet needed, though, because an emergency UN meeting was called, even though the UN had been disbanded. They met in the still-not-destroyed Cyprezz Tower and discussed the recent threat, deciding to declare a ceasefire so the people of PMC could unite against the Astral Beasts. (It was now January 3rd, 2023.)

The Chaos Legion took the lead in this new battle, with the other nation's soldiers becoming mere infantrymen, no matter how in rank they were in their own militaries. They set up a massive headquarters on the now-ruined island of the Cholan Empire. Tragedy struck on February 28th, when Supreme Commanding Legionmaster SB - the founder of the Chaos Legion - died, leaving his closest friend, SCL Violiie, in charge. Violiie, however, didn't want to be in charge, and held a vote to decide the new leader of the Chaos Legion. (The full story recounted in "A New Era for the Chaos Legion" [a Tale From PMC].) In the end, Apprentice Legionmaster Si won the vote, and ascended to the rank of Supreme Commanding Legionmaster while Violiie left the Legion as a whole. Si soon promoted his friends IGEBM, Cloud, and Neon to the SCL rank as well.

On April 28th, a Cholan Empire astrologist learned of a metal planet far away called Cybertron, where there was said to be an all-knowing database that could potentially solve the Astral Beast problem. To see if this was true, SCL Si sent a team to Cybertron using a repaired spaceship from the lab. The ship ran out of fuel moments before landing, but luckily, the crew survived the impact thanks to the shield. They learned that the inhabitants of Cybertron - beings called Transformers - were in the midst of their own war, and that the Underbase (the database) was locked away in a chamber far below the planet's surface, beneath the Temple of Knowledge, guarded by its caretaker, Boltax. Eventually, they were able to break into the chamber, and, knowing they were stuck on the planet, opted to launch the supercomputer into space in a capsule programmed to land on PMC.

Sure enough, the capsule landed on PMC a day later, on April 29th. Unaware that it contained the Underbase (as the Cybertron team's communications systems had been damaged in the crash), SCL Si sent Squad 3, led by his fellow SCL IGEBM, to the crash site to investigate. They destroyed the capsule, causing the complete Underbase to materialize. IGEBM, who had gone down into the crater to investigate further, was suddenly knocked out as the Underbase turned into an orb of yellow energy that then sent itself into his body. His men went down to check on him, and IGEBM awoke just fine, but with yellow eyes, and a yellow core in his chest. His teal hand also started to turn yellow. Corrupted by the power of the Underbase, he attacked his troops, killing them. Then, he flew out of the crater to attack the other soldiers, reanimating their corpses as zombies to battle their former comrades.

Note: the following paragraph (and just that one) was written to establish the Maddened One's previous communication with DarkGEBM, which I realized while editing this that I didn't explain.

After leaving the crater, he began to develop plans to take over the entire multiverse, but he needed servants. The Underbase gave him limited knowledge of other universes, but it did give him an idea to start his conquest by taking over the main universe, the thing at the center of the entire multiverse. IGEBM began to use his enhanced powers to tear a small hole in the multiverse. He found another version of himself named DarkGEBM, and began to explain his plans. DarkGEBM got onboard, and began to aid him in his plans.

Several weeks after this happened, Si began making some changes to Legion, starting by creating a new rank, the Anarchist, who led the Legion, leaving the three SCLs as the second-highest ranking members of the army, and also removing the Grand Creationist rank.

Phase 2 - The Apocalypse
Audio Reading (done by me)
This recording is a bit weird since I noticed while making it that some of the grammar needed to be fixed. I'll probably redo it later on.

On May 29th, while IGEBM was doing his usual terrorizing of the locals, a portal opened from Normax 1010.17. He could sense that this one led to the main universe (which it did) and went through the portal, where he proceeded to fight the people on the other side (this universe's IGEBM, Si, Tzyber, Dr. Golden, and Greief). He met up DarkGEBM and his newly-assembled team, the Four Horsemen, and began their take over this universe, using the collider from. Unfortunately for them, they were stopped when the people of 1010.17's PMC united in the Cholan Empire - along with the Chaos Legion, who had been brought in by the team who opened the portal - battled them, as well as their army, which consisted of mind-controlled Astral Beasts from the Maddened One (as IGEBM came to be known)'s PMC and mind-controlled mobs. The Maddened One was trapped in unspace** by Normax's IGEBM, and Golden soon returned the Legion to their home universe. (The full story is recounted in my seven-part series, PMC: Apocalypse.)

After returning, Si took a break from the Legion, saddened by the corruption and eventual death (everything in unspace eventually fades out of existence) one of his closest friends. He left the remaining two SCLs, Cloud and Neon, in charge (and they explained where they had disappeared to to the rest of PMC), and came back to commanding the Legion in early July, by which point the amount of Astral Beasts on PMC had gone back to the way it was before they were all dragged into Normax 1010.17

Phase 3 - The Anarchist

(insert the events of The Anarchist because I wanna start writing about the TCL/GME war)

Phase 4 - The PMC World War
Link to the roleplay forum where things are happening (and where I'm getting the material for paragraph 4 and onwards)
NOTICE - The proper version of this story is told in The PMC World War, and thus of the events described in this section may not be correct. A few events from World War are also missing here, but phase 5 as written as if they were.

On September 28th, 2023, Emperor Wither Storm II formed the Great Monster Empire, or GME for short, an empire bent on conquering Planet Minecraft in the name of the monsters. IGE, not wanting a war, suggested to his second-in-command, Minister of Defense Marshal GrossDeimosStein, a former Chaos Legion member, that they initiate peace negotiations. Virtually, said negotiations were held 2 days later by King Elightin Elytra, leader of the Legion's closest allies, the Cholan Empire. The participants were himself, Rob, and GoldenScientist, representing the Cholas, Si, IGE, and Cloud, representing the Legion, and GrossDeimosStein, representing the GME.

During negotiations, GrossDeimosStein protested that he wasn't authorized to negotiate, as he was not the Emperor, but Elightin, an expert on military ranks of all kinds, corrected him. His next excuse was that he wasn't good at them. Si told him to tell the Emperor to come negotiate, but GrossDeimosStein apologized and left to oversee preparations for a nuclear test. Before he left the holo-call, Si said negotiations were permanently over. The Minister of Defense accused the Legion-Chola alliance of wanting to buy time before leaving to inform his Emperor of the news, with warning to the Legion about starting a war. Si protested that the Legion wasn't threatening, which they weren't. Elightin stated that he knew all of the GME's secrets, to which GrossDeimosStein said they would become peaceful if he told them all of said secrets. He then explained, after Cloud said they wanted peace, that Emperor Wither Storm was paranoid that everyone thinks he's an enemy, and doesn't listen to him, his advisor. Elightin and Si then suggested a coup, but by then it was too late - the Emperor had declared war.

IGE suggested an assassination, an idea which was backed up by Rob, but GrossDeimosStein warned them that it would lead to "unpredictable consequences." The call was ended after that, and the leaders began to form a plan. While Si, Cloud, Elightin, and Rob remained in the Central District, which was protected by an impervious shield dome, IGE teleported away to a hidden bunker somewhere, where he has been remotely aiding in the war effort via his computers (which were set up by tech genius Storm). He also remotely communicating with Si, Cloud, Elightin, Rob, and Golden for confidential battle plans.

The war began with the summoning of large titan monsters by the Emperor, as well as monster hordes. At the same time, intelligent combat robots attacked Legion outposts, aided by missiles fired from the GME Territories. The Imperial Air Force joined in with the dropping of plague bombs, which were combated with special vaccines synthesized in secret laboratories. While this happened, the Astral Beasts had also continued attacking, essentially giving the Legion-Chola alliance two armies to deal with. A portion of the Western District, also known as the Blue District, was hit by a nuclear strike, which led to its leader, Cloud, ordering all soldiers stationed their to put on their radiation suits and masks.

IGE was visited in his bunker by a GME citizen named Rose, who had betrayed the Legion, whereupon he had a brief conversation with her before letting her leave. As she left, he used one last charge from his nudge gun to wipe her memory of the bunker's location. The Minister of Defense was similarly holed up in the headquarters of the Armed Forces, where he sicced Air Military Officer Rylu on the Legion's ground forces. After this, he ordered hypersonic nuclear missiles to hit parts of the Cholan Empire-controlled areas of the Anarchy Island, where both them and the Legion are based where both them and the Legion are based. Luckily, the only that were hit were Elightin's hypersonic metacities (fake cities, to make things simple).

Cloud, meanwhile, went down to the Blue District to defend it with his longbow and axe. The Emperor revealed that he had a secret weapon, which Si told Cloud to send troops to find. Things were made slightly easier when GrossDeimosStein said that it was located in "the core" while gloating. The next major phase of the war began when the GME launched 100 biological missiles, each carrying the X-20 virus, at the Legion's island. While 80 were shot down by the island's missile defense system, 20 still hit it and the virus began to spread. From his bunker, IGE sent out drones to gather samples of the virus and analyze its makeup, before detonating them once he got the information. Using said info, he synthesized a vaccine, which he proceeded to send out across the island. While there were casualties, the virus was cured and eliminated. Marshal GrossDeimosStein contacted IGEBM to gloat about how they had simply weakened it, but the Supreme Commanding Legionmaster corrected him by revealing that the vaccine synthesizer had picked up that part of the virus and found a way to combat it, thus eliminating it instead.

The war continued as usual, with various missile strikes and air raids, but the Legion-Chola forces were bolstered when the Illager Clan joined the fray. Their leader, Illager, contacted Cloud, offering to join forces, which was accepted with approval from both Si and IGE. The Clan proceeded to set up a few trenches on the battlefield. Operation: Nuclear Inquisition was initiated at the same time by the Emperor, leading to the launch of 200 nuclear missiles towards the island. IGE was immediately on defending on the place, raising the missile defense shields above the whole island for 30 minutes, which blocked the missiles (the only damage was caused by shrapnel that got through the dome), but as it descended, the Minister of Defense launched 10 more nukes. IGE tested out a theory of his and used the emergency power to power the shield for a second time before it recharged, defending the island while the missile defense system knocked nukes out of the sky. With the missiles seemingly dealt with, the Supreme Commanding Legionmaster remotely sent a fleet of bombers into GME Territories to blow up what he thought was the rest of the missiles. Marshal GrossDeimosStein responded with a message saying that they had been stockpiling them for years, before firing 20 nukes at the now-defenseless Anarchy Island. Legion anti-air missiles (from the defense system) took out 18, but 2 landed in part of the Eastern District, also known as the Green District, prompting Greief, its leader, to issue a radiation warning. Illager ordered for 20 nuclear bunkers to be build on Illager Island as well, just in case, while Rosealeta began to gather a group of magical creatures far away. The Minister of Defense later demanded that the Illager Clan to withdraw from the war and become neutral, but he also threatened them if they didn't comply. The Clan did not comply, but were never attacked. IGE, now backed up by Illager, once again suggested that the Minister stage a coup.

Sure enough, on the night of October 1st, GrossDeimosStein, accompanied by several guardsmen, entered Emperor Wither Storm's office, telling him that he was staging a coup. He then told him that his mental instability was a threat to the Empire, namely his schizophrenia, but the Emperor would not back down. IGE, through a bug planted in the office, saw the whole thing play out and immediately flipped the intercom on, telling all of Anarchy Island to retreat to the nearest apocalypse bunker. He watched as the Emperor threatened to push the red button that would trigger an apocalypse, but Rylu appeared in the doorway and informed their leader that they had disabled it a while back, and a wave of relief washed over him. The guards took the Emperor down to a holding cell, and the Minister of Defense then issued a statement to the public announcing that he was now the military dictator of the Great Monster Empire, and that a ceasefire had been called in preparation for peace negotiations. IGE spinned around in his chair and teleported to the Chaos Legion headquarters, appearing next to an elated Cloud and Si.

Unfortunately, peace would not come so easy. A few hours after IGE set the time for the conference to happen 10 hours after GrossDeimosStein's announcement, a civil war broke out in the GME Territories. It began with the poisoning of the nation's new leader, which incapacitated him long enough for the Royalists, followers of Emperor, to gather in one of the castle courtyards and free their leader. The unrepentant and peace-wanting followers of GrossDeimosStein were eventually joined by him when he recovered. He decides to take the fight to the Emperor, but notices that his troops are too scared to follow him. Upon the Emperor's arrival, many of them defected back to his side. Realizing he was outnumbered, GrossDeimosStein surrendered and begged for forgiveness, which he was granted.

In the Chaos Legion HQ, while preparing for peace talks, IGE learned about the civil war, now considered a coup. When the others went to get food and stuff like that, he was visited by Noi, a servant of Rosealeta, the Blood Ultima, who told him about his leader's plans to wage war on both the Legion-Chola-Illager alliance and the now-unified-once-again GME. IGE warned him about the risks of starting this war, and said warnings were relayed to Rosealeta, along with a message from IGE:

If you threaten the Legion, Cholas, or Illagers, we will take action. We have weapons you can never dream of, ones that will actually cause massive damage.

Watch your back, Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM of the Chaos Legion.

Noi left just as Rob returned, and he was summarily caught up by IGE, as was Elightin, who arrived several minutes later. In Castle Großmonsterstein, the GME castle, Emperor Wither Storm II returned to his throne only to find Rosealeta herself waiting there. She told him of her plans for a three-way war, and they found themselves having a common interest in destruction, leading to an alliance between the Mystical Forest Empire (the Blood Ultima's empire) and the Great Monster Empire. That night, Rylu sits at her desk and writes an anonymous letter calling all pro-peace GME members to join her secret group.

Later that night, the Marshal makes an announcement branding her a traitor for her participation in his attempted coup. Guards marched into her room, but she quickly knocked them out and opened the window, flying away in the rain. In the morning, the rain got slightly worse, but only for those on Anarchy and Illager Island, as the Emperor had ordered weather machines to be set up near them, allowing him to remotely trigger devastating hurricanes. IGE saw this on his cameras and raised the long-term shields for Anarchy Island, sheltering them. Emperor Wither Storm saw this and directed more power towards Illager Island's hurricane, raising it from a category 1 to a category 2. The storm not only affected the island now, but also some of the surrounding area, as evidenced by the disruption of the signal in Orangey and Flamingo's bunker, which interrupted their viewing of news broadcasts covering the ongoing war. To top things off, Rosealeta sent a pair of storm dragons to Illager Island, which the Illager Clan were forced to fend off in the harsh weather conditions.

IGE looked at one of his monitors and saw a wanted poster for Rylu on it, above a news headline reading "GME Air Military Officer wanted for coup participation." He looked back to his main monitor and had the computer run a search for her. A map appeared once the search was completed, showing a small island off the coast of the GME Territories. He powers down the computers and disappeares in a burst of teal energy, materializing on the island in the rain. (The island was just barely in the radius of the Anarchy Island hurricane.) "So... I saw this." he says, raising his right arm and showing a hologram of a wanted poster. ”I’m guessing you’re wondering why I’m here, but at the same time, it may be obvious: I’m offering you a chance to join us, or at least ally with us. We’d grant you protection, in exchange, of course, for the Empire’s military secrets. I am aware, thanks to bugs planted in the castle, that the missile defense system is controlled from a single mainframe, which can be accessed with GrossDeimosStein’s password. So, are you in… or out?" Rylu looked to the imposing shadow of Castle Großmonsterstein, and then to IGE. "I want to help my empire that needs help badly, so I'll accept your offer and join you." she says. "I know the empire like the back of my hand, and I still have the flight plans of the aircrafts." She smiles weakly, wondering of the pain of all the peace-wanting citizens. “I’ll let the others know. Take my hand.” He extends his right hand. "Okay." she says, grabbing his hand. They fade away, leaving behind turquoise particles that eventually dissipate, and materialize in the Legion HQ’s main room. Rylu looks amazed at the room. ""This is different from the GME." she whispers to herself. "We're pretty techy." IGE says with a small laugh. He then raises his right arm and taps the screen of his communicator, turning it on. He selects "PVT-LGN" and contacts Cloud.

As this happens, Marshal GrossDeimosStein sits in his office in the Ministry of Defense building of the castle. His desk phone rings, and he answers it. "Yes?" he says. Someone speaks to him. "That someone wants to make an alliance with us?" The person on the other end continues speaking. "Who are you? You are the Great Alien Empire!?" he asks. The person answers the question. "You are aliens and your emperor wants to personally meet with Emperor Wither Storm?" A faint "yes" is heard on the other end. "Okay, I will organize it!"

Having left in the night before the storm, Cloud had gone alone to Mystical Forest Island and fought his way through the MFE's warriors. He soon arrived at the Mystic Castle, where Rosealeta and the rest of the higher-ups were based. The Supreme Commanding Legionmaster continued to fight through the warriors, before being contacted by IGEBM. He hid in a storage room and locked the door, and then answered the call. "Hey, how're you doing down there?" IGE asks, his voice coming out of the small communicator on Cloud's wrist. "It's going great!" Cloud says. "You should see the looks on their faces!" "Heh." IGE chuckles. "Well, when you can, get back here. We have a new ally I want you to meet." "Will do." Cloud responds. "Just let me finish some things here." He leaves the closet and fires a few more arrows at the guards. Then, he turns and runs with great speed and agility out of the castle and through the woods, returning to her boat at the coast, which thankfully hasn't been sunken by MFE warriors.

Not too long after leaving, he walks into the main room of the Chaos Legion HQ, his fur wet and soggy due to sailing through the storm. IGE, Rylu, Si, Elightin, and Rob are all waiting around the central table, as is a small hologram of Illager (which is on the table). "So, to catch y’all up, Rylu’s wanted by the GME for treason, as she sabotaged the doomsday button and aided the Marshal in his coup, and now she’s agreed to my offer to help us beat them in exchange for our protection." IGE explains. "Keep in mind that she knows some of their aerial military information..." "Okay, I'll have the air forces prepared." Rob says. Illager jokes that he has no idea what to say, which prompts Si to tell him to say something "strategic and smart" and possibly slam his fist on a table. "Well, my current plan is to hack into the GME’s missile defense system and direct them towards the MFE to, you know, cause some chaos." IGE says. Rob compliments on the plan and says they should execute it soon, and then Illager asks what he should do. Rob asks the same question after him. "Maybe focus on finding a way to destroy the weather machine that's sending a powerful hurricane towards your island. And Rob, I'll probably execute it soon." They talk for a little bit before he speaks up again. "Anyways, Rylu, since Marshal GrossDeimosStein seemed to trust you, did he ever tell you the access code to get into the missile control program?" the Supreme Commanding Legionmaster asks. "Yeah." Rylu answers, nodding. She then tells him the code.

A little later, Elightin and Rob leave for Thanjavur, a city in the Cholan Empire-controlled territories of Anarchy Island, to prepare for peace negotiations later that day. When the time comes, IGE, Si, and Cloud take a hovertrain there, entering the new Castle Cholan. They sit around a table in the meeting room (right of the throne room) and are joined by Elightin and Rob a few minutes later. Full-sized holograms of Illager and Emperor Wither Storm II appear in seats at the table, courtesy of holo-communicators. "Ok, welcome everyone to this meeting." King Elightin Elytra begins. "I welcome the Chaos Legion, Monster Empire, and the Illager clan to this summit for negotiations. I hope we can make peace and things in the past can be resolved!" "Uh, I suggest we end this meeting right now." IGE tells Elightin. "I don't know if you heard, but the Emperor and MFE are planning to attack us. There's no hope for peace right now." "Well then, time to release the nuke, fellas!" Elightin says, excited. "He's been waiting a loooooong time." Si comments. "And I'm gonna release a nuclear blitzkrieg." Rob adds. "Only one problem: we don't have any way to reach the GME Territories by land, since it's an island." IGE notes. "I can send air forces to release a nuclear blitzkrieg, then we can send ships through the water." Rob says. "Water is too risky; they'd see us coming from a mile away." IGE says. "With the air, the scanners have to pick us up first." "True." Rob agrees. "So we've agreed air is the best option, but how effective would submarines be?" "We don't have subs, just transport hovercrafts." IGE answers. "No nukes." Si interrupts. "If one launches, all of them do. It's really simple actually. We send in Elites from each Legion District to different areas behind enemy lines using cloaking tech from the South District. They're trained to strike silently and from a distance, so the enemy will believe there to be more troops than there are. With their focus twisted behind them and in front at the same time, we can easily surround them."

"Firstly, we turned our island into one large fortified area with numerous powerful lines of defense and turned the cities into powerful fortress cities." the Emperor says. "Secondly, an attempt to conduct a military operation to eliminate the leaders of the Empire will lead to dire consequences. The murder of our leaders is a red line, crossing which will lead to the apocalypse and there will be no winners in this war. Thirdly, the opposition in the Empire is in the crosshairs of the Empire's state security service. Fourthly, we know your secrets, you have a traitor who is sending us your information." "Y'all have a traitor?" IGE asks. "Well... so do we!" He then proceeds to rebut the Emperor's other statements. It was at this moment that Elightin decided it was time. He quickly got up from his seat and ran into the throne room, unnoticed by the arguing leaders of the Chaos Legion, Cholan Empire, Illager Clan, and Great Monster Empire. He took a secret elevator behind his throne down to a command center, where he was greeted by Cat, one of the people who helped him form the Cholan Empire in July over a year ago. "I'm guessing it's time." she says. "Yep." Elightin responds, walking down the aisle of people working on their computers to design new weapons. At the end of the hall, there is a red button, which is connected to a single missile launcher set up on eastern border of the territory. He flips up the glass cover and presses it, firing a deadly, highly-destructive nuclear missile towards Castle Großmonsterstein. He then took the elevator back up to the throne room and returned to the meeting room. "Hey, Emperor Wither Storm, you may wanna take cover." he says. The Emperor, worried, gets up and walks out of the range of the holo-communicator, looking out the window of his throne room, where he sees the nuke flying towards the castle. He then frantically switches on the intercom and shouts into the mic. "EVERYONE, TAKE COVER!" he shouts. "A NUKE IS COMING TOWARDS THE CASTLE." The GME leader proceeded to rush out of his room and go down to his nuclear bunker as fast as possible. Back in Thanjavur, everyone looked at the smiling Elightin with the same mixed expression of joy and horror.

Word had spread quickly of Elightin's reckless and unauthorized actions, and justice was been served. On short notice, a trial was been held by Si for Elightin, as he had violated a rule of the PMC City Conventions, which stated that, in times of war with multiple nations in an alliance, extreme actions such as nuclear assaults had to be approved by everyone in the war council. The king of the Cholan Empire was summarily locked up in Thanjavur for 10 years, but he was allowed to maintain communication with the war council and any close friends. Everyone was sorry for him, even though they knew he deserved it. The war entered an unofficial ceasefire for the next few days, and the Mystical Forest Empire ceased involvement in the conflict, though their alliance with the GME was maintained. Not too long after the trial, the Emperor also demanded a formal public apology from everyone at the peace conference that day. IGE quickly started setting up a blog, as he knew it would be too hard to publicly speak and words would be easier for everyone. While both he and Elightin apologized, Si and Cloud did not, as they weren't exactly involved in the Chola king's decision to prepare a nuke back when the war began, and essentially said he should be the only one apologizing. Illager also didn't apologize, as he got involved in the war several days after the nuke plan was announced. Finally, Rob made a speech about how this is all the fault of Elightin and thus no other apologies should've been demanded. Said speech was presumably able to convince the Emperor that Elightin was the only one who did something wrong, as he agreed with him in a comment on the blog.

On October 6th, a day after the nuking of the Castle Großmonsterstein, IGEBM was privately contacted by Emperor Wither Storm II, who said that "the conflict needed to be frozen." The full message can be read below:

This conflict needs to be frozen and a ceasefire agreement signed. It will be a peace without a peace treaty. There can be no winners or losers in this conflict. In the end, this conflict has reached a dead end; if we begin to resolve this conflict with decisive measures, this will lead to mutual destruction. Not one of the parties failed to achieve their goals, draw.

IGE responded asking if this meant he wanted him to start peace talks to which the Emperor answered:

Yes, I'm planning peace . What will result in the end will be an honorable peace for both sides, a peace without annexations and indemnities that will return everything to the status quo that was before the start of the war.

Later that day, a peace conference was held in the Chaos Legion HQ, with Cloud deciding to stay out of it. IGE, Si, and Rob gathered around the central table, and Elightin (who had been cleared by Rob upon IGE's request to partake in negotiations), Illager, and Emperor Wither Storm joined via holo-communicators. A full transcript of the negotiations is available below.

Peace Negotiations: Attempt #2
Note: This is mostly-unchanged transcript of the 3-page PM chat that was the peace negotiations. There are grammar corrections, and parts are omitted, like real-world references and a comparison between the Emperor and the Marshal to Vigo and Ryker from Dragons: Race to the Edge. That's also why some responses from people are delayed, since we weren't all online at the same time to chat.

IGE: Let's get this started.

(IGE explains the Emperor's message to him and their brief conversation)

Elightin: Peace... He can have it. I just hope most stuff can get back to normal.

IGE: Agreed. I’m sick of this war, I’m sick of this fighting, I just want it all to end. No winners, no losers - that’s all.

Wither: Agreed, no winners, no losers.

IGE: If Si, Rob, and Illager agree, these can be over as fast as possible and the war can be over as fast as possible.

Elightin: Not so sure about Si giving up. If he wouldn't forgive, why would he surrender?

IGE: True, true, but we have to hope. Plus, what’s the point of more fighting? It’s basically just allowing more to die…

Si: I don't forgive him, and I am not his friend. But my goal is peace. So if I have to agree to this to create peace, then I will. And I've won.

IGE: No, Si. No winners. We both suffered casualties. We both did equal damage to each other.

Si: And for what reason? Peace. In war you either fight for peace or power. So yes, I agree to a ceasefire, and maybe in your eyes that means a draw, but I've won my peace.

IGE: He may have nuked us repeatedly and unleashed a virus, but we still did something just as bad. Plus, a declaration of winners and losers would only make relationships between the Legion and GME more tense if one of us was the winning or losing side. Also, a ceasefire isn’t exactly peace between countries… that means the war isn’t over…

Si: Well if it's not over then all we're doing is reloading.

IGE: We’re trying to agree to peace So far, 3/6 of us have agreed: Me - agreed, Elightin - agreed, Wither - agreed, Rob - hasn’t spoken yet, Illager - hasn’t spoken yet, you - wants a ceasefire. While the Emperor did ask for a ceasefire, all we’ve talked about is an official treaty so far.

Si: "Peace without a peace treaty" - the Emperor. I will agree to the terms, but the peace will be broken again, just know that, but if it's the one way to stop the war, even temporarily.. I agree.

IGE: Are you threatening him, because how do you know the GME will attack again? And yes, he said that, but also, he did agree to “no winners, no losers,” which implies ending this war. Now we just wait for Rob and Illager to respond. I have a feeling they’ll agree to peace.

Elightin: Try your luck with Rob, both of us Commies know that if we allow peace to some monsters, we'll end up being backstabbed. Only reason I may be saying this is because I'm imprisoned. If I wasn't, I would've never released the nuke and would've sent someone into their territory instead.

Si: I didn't threaten anyone. Honestly, I feel more threatened than anyone else. All I was implying was that even though the war has stopped I'm not lowering my defenses. I will not attack them in any way, I just want to be prepared in case they don't share the sentiment. I agree.

Elightin: I also feel that there'll be a Legion Civil War over this decision.

Wither: If you say you're a winner, Si, the empire has no means of having peace with you or your allies.

Si: The Chaos Legion will never have a civil war. Never. I agree to the terms. Let's end it there.

IGE: Yeah, I doubt we’d have a civil war. That just leaves Rob and Illager to give their opinions. Sorry for accusing you, Si, just the way you phrased it. I do think we should keep our defenses ready just in case, so if we are backstabbed like Elightin thinks we’ll be, we’ll be prepared.

Wither: I would really advise you to strengthen your defenses because I think about the Marshal GrossDeimosStein's reaction. The fact is that, how can I tell you correctly, Marshal does not want peace and perhaps he will arrange some kind of provocation. I wanted to reveal that Marshal is not as simple as he seems.

Si: Funny, he said the same about you. That you wanted a war.

IGE: We’ll keep our defenses ready, but keep your Marshal in line and keep an eye on him.

Wither: The Marshal was the main culprit of this war. During the meeting of the Imperial Committee, which was on the eve of the start of the war, he said, and I quote him:

"We need to exterminate and destroy representatives of this inferior race. We need living space. On the ruins of this world we will build our own."

The Marshal is a complete racist and chauvinist. And after that I have a question: why did he need to say that the emperor was crazy and why did he stage a coup?

Elightin: Ahem, he is the racist? Why was your empire built then? If you weren't racist, you would've stayed among the PMCers.

IGE: Now, the question is, who do we believe? You... or him? I must admit, I was the one who suggested the coup repeatedly after hearing his claims of you having schizophrenia and the fact that the war was started because you forgot to take your pills for it. I was urging him to overthrow you since he seemed to want peace and you sounded like a - no offense- crazy lunatic who wanted to kill every last one of us.

Wither: In the Empire, there was a group of aristocrats who raved about these ideas. The Marshal was their informal leader at that time; this group of aristocrats was close to me. My question is, what did this group of aristocrats tell me and how did they justify the idea of starting an aggressive war? Doesn't this remind you of anything?
I would like to ask your to help me eliminate Marshal, if you really want peace.

IGE: Hmmmm, that would be tricky. We'd have to send in Legion soldiers somehow. Perhaps you could give us permission to enter GME Territories? Or we could lure him out into the open and snipe that son of a biscuit.

I thought. Although, I could try to eliminate it myself, without unnecessary noise.

IGE: How about this? You allow us to send a squad - which I'll lead myself - yes, I'm finally going into the field - into your territory on standby, as a back-up in case you fail to eliminate the Marshal, or he tries to escape. Elightin, Si, what do you think?

Wither: The security services of the Monster Empire will try to arrest him first, but if this fails, then the representatives of the security services will be forced to kill him. I am sure that Imperial Security Service will cope with this task on their own.

I'm all for taking him down.

A few moments pass. The Emperor looks away after hearing a beep on his communicator, and then looks back at the others.

Wither: I was just informed that the Marshal has disappeared. it was as if he had disappeared into thin air. He's nowhere to be found. I have no idea where he is. He probably knew or had a presentiment that he was in danger.

IGE turns on the intercom.

IGE: All Legion forces on high alert! The Marshal has disappeared."

Realizing they don't have context, he gives a brief summary of what the war council has learned.

IGE: Si, I think I should take a team into the GME Territories to help them find him...

The conference ends and several hours pass. Soon, the Emperor calls again, and Si answers. Elightin and Illager join as well.

Wither: We have good news: my special services managed to find the Marshal, he was in one of the secret underground military installations. Well, he killed himself. He shot himself with his personal weapon and at the same time he took poison. The Marshal realized that he couldn't hide for long and that it was over, so he killed himself.

IGE: YEAHHHH! So does this mean we're 1 step closer to peace?

Wither: I think that now there are no forces in the Monster Empire that would prevent peace from being made. Long live peace!


I like peace. I agree with this.

IGE: Well, that just leaves Rob, but even if he doesn’t agree, the majority of us have…

Rob: I agree, I'm glad we finally got it...

IGE: Alright, that means… me - agreed, Elightin - agreed, Wither - agreed, Rob - agreed, Illager - agreed, Si - agreed WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WE OFFICIALLY HAVE PEACE WITH THE GME! THIS BLOODY WAR IS OVER!

Si: Lasted less than a week.

I never use private government conversations in the newspaper unless I ask permission. This is me asking, may i use direct quotes from this meeting?

IGE: I give you my permission.

Rob: For me there's no problem.

And so, as of Saturday, October 7th, 2023, at 3:13 PM OT, peace was made between the Chaos Legion, Cholan Empire, and Illager Clan and the Great Monster Empire. Since then, Si has made a public announcement about it, Rob as become the king of the Cholan Empire, and all nations have started rebuilding.

Phase 5 - Post-War

In the aftermath of the war, all parties involved began rebuilding. The Illager Clan continued to repair their buildings after many of them had been wrecked by the hurricane, and the Chaos Legion eventually finished fixing things up in the nuked part of the Western District. In the GME Territories, it turned out that Minister of Defense Marshal GrossDeimosStein had not actually died, and his death was faked by Emperor Wither Storm II and the doctors in the hospital. He went on a secret mission into outer space, to the astral fortress of the Great Alien Empire, where he had a meeting with Emperor XenomorphRex V. (Said meeting was set up by him during the war.) An alliance was formed between the GME and GAE, though the emperor of the latter briefly fell ill around this time, leading to the Marshal becoming the regent in his place. He returned to PMC a few days later, once XenomorphRex was well again, with hi-tech weapons from the GAE, and the knowledge of him being alive was revealed to the world. The allied nations were soon contacted by Marshal DarkRob, leader of the Dark Alts, proposing an alliance. The two emperors agreed, and the deadly Evil Internationale was formed.

Infantryman Kai was discovered later as a spy in the GME ranks, and barely managed to escape and return to Anarchy Island. When he returned, he offered to build new vehicles for the Legion, as he noticed they didn't have many. Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM allowed him to do so, launching the Vehicle Program. In early November, Infantryman Flamingo unveiled a new prototype armor suit he had been working under the supervision of Anarchist Si as part of the Spartan Program, which would see select Legion soldiers getting these suits. Following several weeks of silence about this project, Si realized that no one had the Elite rank yet and came up with an idea for the Elites to wear the Spartan armor suits. He told Flamingo and IGE about this, and they agreed with him. Si left later that day for Illager Island to help them rebuild, leaving IGE and Flamingo to work out who would be promoted. They eventually settled on a line-up, as well as who would represent each district, and the future Elites were notified of this. Flamingo also confirmed that he would be becoming an Elite that represented all 5 districts.

Over in the GME Territories, Head of the Armed Forces FeldMarshal Totenkriegstein staged a military coup against Emperor Wither Storm. He was backed by much of the GME's army, including Marshal GrossDeimosStein, and during the battle, the Emperor was killed (or, as Totenkriegstein said, "liquidated"). In the end, Totenkriegstein won and became the head of state.

"Cast" List
cloudkitty as Supreme Commanding Legionmaster Cloud (formerly Head Councilman)
AxolotlArmy as Councilman Axo
WhisperOfTheWild as Councilman Whisper
BigFatPotat as Councilman Potato
BlueBoyBuilds as Councilman Blue
Firestar2477278 as Aspect of Horror Firestar of the Cryptic Family
Silabear as High Councilman Silabear
ComfySteve12345 as King ComfySteve of Nether Empire
anonpmc4374529 as SB
Elightin_elytra as Elightin Elytra(formerly king)
anonpmc4316492 as Supreme Commanding Legionmaster Violiie
LegendarySi as Anarchist Si (formerly Apprentice Legionmaster, then Supreme Commanding Legionmaster, known as LegionairreSi in PMC: Apocalypse)
IGEBM as Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM (known as the Maddened One in PMC: Apocalypse)
SynthesizedEcho as Supreme Commanding Legionmaster Neon
IGEBM as IGEBM (Normax 1010.17)
LegendarySi as Si (Normax)
Tzyber as Tzyber (Normax)
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden (Normax)
Greief as Greief (Normax)
IGEBM as Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM (Chaoseus 723.19)
Rob333 as King Rob of the Cholan Empire (formerly Field Marshall)
Marshal GrossDemonStein as Minister of Defense Marshal GrossDeimosStein
General Slenderman as Emperor Wither Storm II
MoonlitRuby as Blood Ultima Rosealeta
RyluSpark as Air Military Officer Rylu
illager as Arch Illager
Greief as Supreme Commanding Legionmaster Greief
ItzOrangey as Ground Military Officer Orangey
JustaFlqmingo as Infantryman Flamingo
ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy as Marshall Cat
KaiOceansword as Infantryman Kai
Tsar XenomorphRex II as Emperor XenomorphRex V
DarkRob333 as Marshal DarkRob
Marshal Totenkriegstein as Feldmarshal Totenkriegstein

*The list of the members of the Legion's home nations in next dropdown.
**The Cyberverse version of unspace is the version I based my lore's version of unspace on, hence why the link goes to that part of the TFWiki page.

List of Chaos Legion Members' Home Nations
D = Deceased
L = Left

(Status, if any) Rank and Name - Home Nation - PMC Member

Anarchist Si - PMC City - LegendarySi

(D) Supreme Commanding Legionmaster SB - PMC City - anonpmc4374529
Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM - PMC City - IGEBM
Supreme Commanding Legionmaster Cloud - the Forge - cloudkitty
Supreme Commanding Legionmaster Echo - PMC City - SynthesizedEcho
Supreme Commanding Legionmaster Violiie - PMC City - anonpmc4316492

Legionmaster Tem - PMC City - CrownDeluxe
Legionmaster Elightin - the Cholan Empire - Elightin_elytra
Legionmaster Greppi - PMC City - Greppi
Legionmaster Stormy - PMC City - Stormy (also the tech expert)

Councilman Converses - PMC City - blackconverses
Councilman Rob - the Cholan Empire - Rob333
Councilman Silabear - PMC City - Silabear

High Battlemaster Clay - PMC City - ClayMan1077
High Battlemaster Diiby - PMC City - Diiby
High Battlemaster Spencer - PMC City - Sp3nc3r_
High Battlemaster Wagnerbaum - PMC City - Wagnerbaum

Battlemaster Afap - PMC City - Darkfap
Battlemaster Gracie - PMC City - GracieMockingjay
Battlemaster Greief - PMC City - Greief
Battlemaster Boomsky - PMC CIty - LBoomsky
Battlemaster Rob - the Cholan Empire - Rob333
Battlemaster Shadow - PMC City/End Nation - ShadowOnTheLoose

Commanding Infantryman AJ - PMC City - ajthepeach
Commanding Infantryman Circett - PMC City - Cirxett
Commanding Infantryman Extreme - PMC City ExtremeGames
Commanding Infantryman Toad - PMC City - Insomniac_Toad
Commanding Infantryman Wffl - PMC City - ItsYeWffl
Commanding Infantryman Leaf - PMC City - LeafpoolCat2009
Commanding Infantryman Nether - the Nether Empire - Purpl3_
Commanding Infantryman Noncommercial - the Nether Empire - Noncommercial
Commanding Infantryman Kirbalorian - PMC City - The Last Kirbalorian
Commanding Infantryman Trot - the Forge - Trotelot
(L) Commanding Infantryman GrossDeimosStein - PMC City - Marshal GrossDemonStein (he betrayed us)

Infantryman Arianwyn - PMC City - Arianwyn
Infantryman BDBGaming - PMC City - BDBGamingLol
Infantryman BookWyrm - the Cholan Empire - BookWyrm_ (also the Chief Medical Officer)
Infantryman Fatal - PMC City - fatal error
Infantryman Floofy - End Nation - FluffyGuy201
Infantryman Belle - PMC City - BelleChxn
Infantryman Choco - PMC City - L33
Infantryman Legit - PMC City - TheMountaineer
Infantryman Nathsphere - Illager Island - nathsphere
(D) Infantryman Peter - PMC City - @OrderOutOfChaos (killed by an Astral Beast)
Infantryman Skull - the Forge - skull80100
Infantryman Dakota - PMC City - SouthDakotaGirl
Infantryman Trotelot - the Forge - Trotelot
Infantryman Toast - PMC City - T0ast
Infantryman Skilled - Illager Island - ApparentlySkilled
Infantryman Extreme - PMC City - ExtremeGames
Infantryman Narwhal - PMC City - NarwhalYT
Infantryman Autumn - the Forge - Autumn pastry
Infantryman Dagger - PMC City - BlackDagger
Infantryman Blluberrisms - PMC City - blluberrisms
Infantryman Cats - PMC City - Catsncartnwheels
Infantryman Fox - PMC City - Commander_The_Fox
Infantryman Fuschia - PMC City - Fuschi
Infantryman Freddy - PMC City - anonpmc4381008
Infantryman Illager - Illager Island - illager
Infantryman Flamingo - PMC City - JustaFlqmingo
Infantryman Kai - PMC City - KaiOceansword
Infantryman Kay - PMC City - xkaito
(D) Infantryman Kay (the other one) - PMC City - @kay_moon (abducted and killed by Astral Beast flyers)
Infantryman Piracy - PMC City - LEGALISE_PIRACY
Infantryman Loleven - PMC City - loleven
Infantryman Tyger - PMC City - Panda_Tyger
Infantryman Psio - PMC City - PsioPsia001
(D) Infantryman Rad - PMC City - RadCoole (crushed by an Astral Beast bruiser)
Infantryman Alayna - PMC City - Rxsealayna
Infantryman Shneeky - PMC City - shneeky
Infantryman Steam - PMC City - SteamMallard07
Infantryman Sunshine - PMC City - SunshineMeadows
Infantryman Waffle - PMC City - anonpmc4611129
Infantryman Milkshake - PMC City - Weirdness

A Guide to Anarchy Island
This is essentially a guide to everything on Anarchy Island. Because I a) need some practice describing places and b) am too lazy to draw the island outside of maybe doing a map later down the line, this is the best you'll get. Hope it's helpful!


Island Layout
The districts are essentially small cities connected to each other, and it's very easy to tell when you're entering another district, as the change in lighting color is hard to not notice. There are roads that go through the streets, although there was a lack of automobiles for a time. (That's changed now thanks to KaiOceansword.) The only area that's different from rest of the island is the Cholan Empire-controlled territories, but that area is described in its own section at the bottom.

Residential Sections
Every district has a residential section, where several apartment buildings and hotels are located. Most of the Legion members own apartments where they keep their personal belongings and the such, while the rest are owned by people who live on Anarchy Island because of its security compared to other nations, owned by people who live elsewhere, or empty.

Capital District
The Capital District is located in the center of the island, surrounded by the other 4 districts and the Cholan Empire territories. The lights are all colored orange, representing the favorite color of the Anarchist.

Chaos Center
The Chaos Center is the headquarters of the Chaos Legion. It is a hexagonal-shaped 5-story building. Every floor has regular blue windows except the fifth, which has a singular window that stretches around almost the entirety of the wall. The first floor is a lobby, and the second floor serves as [​haven't come up with anything yet]. The third floor is where the tech department is located, while the fourth floor houses the Legionmasters and Council. Most importantly, the top floor is where the Supreme Commanding Legionmasters and the Anarchist work, as well as the higher tech department, which is a highly-trusted group of people. When you step out of the elevator, there is a large room. On the far right is the tech department's cubicles, which each have a desk, several computers, and a mini-fridge. In the center of the room, there is a holo-table where high command meets. The holo-table can project holograms and be used for holo-calls. In the back left corner is the Anarchist's office, which has a bed, desk, map of PMC, and closet, as several other things. Next to it is the mini-kitchen, which has a fridge, freezer, counter, microwave, stove and oven, and a few cabinets.

Northern District
The Northern District is located in the north of Anarchy Island. The lights are all colored yellow, which coincidentally became the color associated with its former commander, Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM (the original, not the alternate universe one that's currently a member), also known as the Maddened One.

Eastern District
The Eastern District is located along most of the east coast of Anarchy Island. The lights are all colored green, representing the favorite color of its Supreme Commanding Legionmaster, Greief.

Southern District
The Southern District is located on the southern end of Anarchy Island. The lights are all colored red (for unknown reasons).

Western District
The Western District is located along the west coast of Anarchy Island. The lights are all colored blue, much like the suits its Supreme Commanding Legionmaster, cloudkitty, likes to wear.

Cholan Empire-controlled territories

14 Update Logs

Update #14 : by IGEBM 11/26/2023 4:47:46 pmNov 26th, 2023

Wrote another paragraph to the lore section describing the coup in the GME

Wrote general descriptions for the island and each of the districts, as well as a description of the "residential sections"

Removed the Astral Beasts section because it kept glitching into BBCode when I saved the blog, as there's a better guide on the group page

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06/20/2024 12:19 pm
He/Him • Level 1 : New Explorer
SSpotomice's Avatar
11/26/2023 5:39 pm
She/Her • Level 28 : Expert Explorer Pixel Painter
SynthesizedEcho's Avatar
the lights are red at the south cus they dope af /j
11/24/2023 8:11 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster uwu Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar

anonpmc was sb?!?!?!?!

so he renamed himself and left??

11/25/2023 10:53 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Here’s what happened:

1. he left and renamed himself from “SuperstitiousBot” to “SB_dead_account”
2. he gave his account to anonpmc4316492
3. a few months later, without telling her, he presumably filed for deletion, as the account was deleted

All deleted PMC accounts have the “anonpmc” thing and then a series of numbers
11/25/2023 3:47 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc4316492's Avatar
11/25/2023 4:16 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
When accounts are locked or deleted, their messages are removed too
11/25/2023 4:20 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc4316492's Avatar
10/10/2023 11:55 am
She/Her • Level 28 : Expert Explorer Pixel Painter
SynthesizedEcho's Avatar
info go br
10/10/2023 3:05 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
fr tho

I love writing long stories of lore
10/10/2023 4:21 pm
She/Her • Level 28 : Expert Explorer Pixel Painter
SynthesizedEcho's Avatar
lol its def cool
and one hell of a read occasionally i fight my attention span so i can read more of it lmfao
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