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Astral Beasts

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(Astral Beast foot soldiers, the most common)

Models and render by LegendarySi
Astral Beast character sheets
These character sheets were made by @IGEBM to show his idea of what the Astral Beasts look like. Both the versions shown below and the ones in the renders above exist in Chaos Legion lore.

Foot Soldiers



Note: If you notice similarities between this and the foot soldier sheet, that’s because it’s an edited version of it since the flyers and foot soldiers are largely similar in design.
Description below written by IGEBM

The Astral Beasts are the primary threat to the Chaos Legion. Long ago, before the creation of Planet Minecraft, they ran amok through the universe, causing chaos all around. After 15 years of chaos, they were detained in the furthest reaches of space by the Galactic Society of Astral Protection (GSAP), all of whom are now dead and have no known ancestors. In the modern day, around the end of 2022, they enacted an escape plan, and chose a random planet to attack. That planet was PMC, which was in the midst of a three-way civil war that was being dealt with by a fourth party, us. The war came to end when the Astral Beasts attacked, and the Chaos Legion became the primary defense against them. Anyone who didn’t want to fight remained in their home nations, which are each protected by their militaries. IGEBM conducted a study on the invaders (with a “capture, x-ray, autopsy, burn the body” process), and was able to divide them into different groups.

First of all, as a generalization, every Astral Beast has muddy brown skin, which conceals dark gray muscles, all of which is formed around bones around the same density as those of PMCers. They all have four yellow eyes and arms that end in claws, as well as digitigrade legs. They are a relatively mindless horde that are smart enough to know how and when to fight, and some have been known to figure out simple battle strategies (see the section on flyers for an example). Now, onto the different types of Astral Beasts.

Foot Soldiers
The weakest and most common Astral Beasts, foot soldiers are slender, four-armed creatures whose limbs end in sharp claws. There are two subcategories known to exist, with one being more monstrous and aggressive (the character sheet version) and the other being more smooth, precise, and deadly (the render version). Another way to differentiate them is that the first type have four yellow eyes while the second have two red ones. Each of their arms have retractable shields that they can use to defend themselves. In terms of height, they are hunched over, but if they stood up straight, they’d be around the same height as the average PMCer. The best way to kill foot soldiers is by shooting their arms off at the joint, which is where the bone is at its weakest, to prevent them from blocking the following shot to the head with them.

Twice the size and half as common (for every 2 foot soldiers there is one bruiser) are the bruisers, hulking brutes with thicker skin and more armor across their body. Their two arms are bulky and long, ending in thick claws with a sharpness that could be compared to that of a steak knife. They also have the same retractable shields as the foot soldiers, albeit stronger and harder to penetrate, but they can extend further into blades comparable to machetes. To defeat them, it is recommended that you focus on their arms or chest, but be sure to stay out of reach of their hands, because once you’re their tight grip, your last thoughts will be wondering whether you’ll be snapped in two or ripped in half.

Note: don’t take everything in this description as final (except the "how to kill" part) since I’m still working out the details for these guys.
These are the least common Astral Beasts, making up 5% of their massive population. They are blessed (if you can even call it that) with the ability to remember several languages, including English, and the power to morph their skin and bone to take on new shapes, even making false clothes. However, their memory is rather strange, though, as they can only remember one form at a time, and for a limited time. In other words, let’s say one gets into a room with you. They see you, transform into you, and go around looking like you. After roughly an hour, they’ll forget you look like and be unable to hold the form, reverting to their original shape. The best way to tell if someone’s a shapeshifter is by asking them questions only the person they’re disguised as would know. If they answer incorrectly, it’s suggested that you shoot them on sight.

Beware of these winged demons, for they are some of the most annoying Astral Beasts. Flyers are essentially winged versions of the foot soldiers, with two paper thin wings formed around a single bone that allows them to fly freely through the skies of even space. IGE and the Science Division have theorized that they are an evolved version of the foot soldiers that had to adapt to a different region, as the bone that their wings are formed around is rather similar to that of the upper arms of brethren. Speaking of their arms, they normally use them to carry foot soldiers into battle, and a few infantrymen have reported spotting a team of four carry a bruiser into the Green District. The wings of flyers are also able to be used as blades, swinging them around at people walking nearby to slash their skin or armor. To kill them, you need to first clip their wings by either shooting them off or cutting them with an electro-machete. After the wings are rendered useless, you can perform the same process done to kill normal foot soldiers.
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