The Chaos Legion's Avatar
We make Order Out of Chaos
Expert Order
Level 28
Only the strong will last

The Legion

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These are the defenders our world, our saviors that protect us. Each Infantryman is divided in squads. The men and women in your squads will be the ones you fight with on the battlefield and work together with to solve dilemma after dilemma.

Commanding Infantryman

You have ascended to the commander of your squad. You organize them and lead those with you to victory, whether it be in fighting for freedom or helping those in need. You are the guiding light.

The 5 powerful elites of the Legion were specially selected to represent each district, and each of you wears a suit of Spartan armor. You prefer to work alone, going behind enemy lines and taking out large portions of enemies, but aid your fellow Legion soldiers when they need it.

As the Battlemaster, you will be expected to guide those under you. You command squads and give them the directions they need to work and thrive. Each Battlemaster commands several sqauds.

Here you are, so close to the highest ranks. You do not have much more power than a simple Battlemaster but you are near it. You are being trained to join the legends that guide the Chaos Legion further out and help guide those in need to the light. You command the Battlemasters.

You are one of the less battle-interested people, preferring to sit at a table and help strategize and manage troops and resources. You can give orders to those in lower ranks, but your plans and suggestions must be approved by the Supreme Commanding Legionmasters and the Anarchist.

The third highest rank in the Legion. You serve as the seconds of the SCLs and advise them.
If your SCL is unable to lead for any reason, you take their place.

Supreme Commanding Legionmaster

You command the Legion. There are only 4 of you, each one overseeing an entire district of the Legion.

The Anarchist

This is the top. The Anarchist is the most powerful person in the Legion, and possibly the galaxy. You have become a legend, one to be known for centuries after your demise. You have the entire Legion within your hands and you, you are the guiding light.


Made by The Last Kirbalorian
Decided as the uniform by the Chaos Legion Jam

Basically, this section just details what each people of each rank do in the lore. It’s not important for group contributions, but if you’re roleplaying or writing a story, we’d recommend reading this.

Equipment: standard uniform, plasma rifle, electro-machete, communicator
Most Infantrymen are part of squads, and thus their work is detailed in that section, but those that haven’t been added to one yet are in charge of guarding the island from Astral Beasts. Some get chosen to do special jobs, like KaiOceansword, who is in charge of designing vehicles, or JustaFlqmingo, who builds the Spartan armor suits.

Commanding Infantrymen
Equipment: standard uniform, plasma rifle, electro-machete, communicator

Most Commanding Infantrymen are part of squads, and thus their work is detailed in that section, but those that haven’t been added to one yet are in charge of organizing Infantrymen stationed around the island.

Equipment: Spartan armor, plasma rifle, electro-machete, Spartan cannon, Spartan shield, Spartan plasma hammer, communicator
The Elites are special group of soldiers. Only 5 have been chosen, one to represent each district, and each of them wear the powerful Spartan armor designed, built, and painted by Infantryman JustaFlqmingo. They prefer to work alone, going on solo missions with a high risk of death and defending PMC from Astral Beasts with their Spartan cannons, which have plasma, flamethrower, acid, and electric blast settings, as well as their other heavy weapons.

Squads (Infantrymen, Commanding Infantrymen, and sometimes Elites)
Each district has a military base, and each squad is assigned to one of these bases. At these bases, they are given missions by the Battlemaster(s) running them. Said missions are normally trips to other nations to deal with attacking Astral Beasts. There are also times where they will be sent on missions on Anarchy Island to drive out the Astral Beasts here. During wars, all squads are called back to the island to defend it from invading enemy forces, and will dispatched accordingly. If needed, they will be sent off-island to aid our allies in foreign lands. Their usual mode of transportation is a Truckerzilla, and when they need to go overseas, they take a transport hovercraft.

Equipment: slightly-armored uniform (adds shoulder pads, arm guards, and shin guards), dual plasma rifles, electro-machete, communicator
Each Battlemaster is assigned to a military base in each district (with two being assigned to Capital District Military Base), and they have the task of running the base. That means ensuring the vehicles are in good condition, making sure that there is enough equipment, and, most importantly, giving each squad their missions.

High Battlemasters
Equipment: slightly-armored uniform, plasma weapons of their choosing (rifles, beam rifles, or handguns), electro-machete, additional weapons of their choosing, communicator

High Battlemasters oversee the other facilities of Anarchy Island, like factories and power plants. They report directly to the Council. The only two High Battlemasters who do more than what the others in their rank to are ClayMan1077 and Diiby, who run the Northern District.

Equipment: standard uniform, plasma blaster, electro-knife, communicator
The Council work on the fourth floor of the Chaos Center, strategizing and managing troops and resources. They file paperwork, discuss potential projects, and oversee the distribution of equipment like ammunition and weapons, as well as the output of factories.

Equipment: slightly-armored uniform, plasma weapons of their choosing, electro-machete, additional weapons of their choosing, communicator
The Legionmasters also work in the Chaos Center, across the third, fourth, and fifth floors, helping to generally run the Legion. Some choose to participate in combat, while others are less hands-on and help from afar.

Supreme Commanding Legionmasters
Equipment: slightly-armored uniform, plasma weapons of their choosing, electro-machete, additional weapons of their choosing, communicator

The second-in-commands of the Chaos Legion help the Anarchist lead the group. Three of them (formerly four) run districts, those being cloudkitty, Greief, and SynthesizedEcho, with Echo going on diplomatic missions across PMC to strengthen relations with the others with fellow SCL anonpmc4316492. The final Surpeme Commanding Legionmaster, IGEBM, is the closest to the Anarchist and advises him (Cloud does too, but not as much), with the two working together quite often. IGE is also the primary spokesperson for the Legion when it comes to public announcements that the Anarchist can’t make and communications with enemies.

The Anarchist
Equipment: slightly-armored uniform, plasma weapons of their choosing, electro-machete, additional weapons of their choosing, communicator
Anarchist LegendarySi is the supreme leader of the Chaos Legion. His commands override all others, and he makes sure everyone is safe, that all is working well, and that people are making the contributions they need to make.

The PMC World War
We were at war with The Great Monster Empire, or GME for short
Their leader General Slenderman declared war on 9-30-23, but the war had been known about since 9-28-23

The first part of the war took place on this now-locked thread
For a summary, read the phase 4 portion of the guide section on the official lore blog

On 10-2-23, after several days of battling, Minister of Defense Marshal GrossDemonStein staged a small coup and overthrowed the Emperor, ordering a ceasefire

Peace negotiations were set to begin later that day, but were delayed due to the GME winding up in a civil war between Royalists and Militarists. The war (now classified as a coup) ended soon after, and an alliance was made between the GME and the Mystical Forest Empire, ruled by Blood Ultima MoonlitRuby

On 10-3-2023, King Elightin_elytra of the Cholan Empire fired a deadly nuclear missile at the GME Territories, which caused major damage and led to a ceasefire. Peace negotiations have yet to be resumed, and the Minister of Defense said that the war may not yet be over...

On 10-7-2023, after several days of an unnoticeable undeclared ceasefire, peace negotiations were held on a holo-call, during which LegendarySi, IGEBM, Elightin_elytra, Rob333, illager, General Slenderman all agreed to peace. The war ended that day at 3:13 PM when Rob agreed, prompting a celebratory cheer from IGE.

Alliances and Agreements
We are currently allied with the Cholan Empire as of 9-?-23 and the Illager Clan as of 10-1-23

Alliance Terms:
- we must help each other in times of war
- we are allowed free passage into each other’s territories at all times
- we must share resources
- we must maintain open communication lines
- our troops must help each other when needed

We are currently allied with the Monsteranian Federation as of 6-8-2024

Alliance Terms:
- we will help each other protect the Planet Minecrafts of our respective universes from the Astral Beats

Defend PMC against the Astral Beasts

If you need help contact:


I would recommend contacting IGE, as he is the most active.

#00001: Marshal EnderCyborg
Captured on: 12-11-23
Captured by: Infantryman ItzOrangey and Supreme Commanding Legionmaster IGEBM
Crime: betraying the Legion and blowing up an armory for the GME

Released 12-11-23 and returned to the GME Territories
Reason: Marshal Totenkriegstein threatened to start another war

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