The Chaos Legion's Avatar
We make Order Out of Chaos
Expert Order
Level 28
Only the strong will last


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Climb the ranks

Stop the war

Create peace

Control the Chaos

There are two methods of joining the Legion-

1. Send in an application via pms to the Anarchist or a Supreme Commanding Legionmaster

2. Request to join in the group guest book

Official lore/guide (written by IGEBM) here (with links in the blog to more Legion lore content)
Roleplay thread (made by MoonlitRuby) here

Credit to cloudkitty for making the flag (and no, it’s not political) and to IGEBM for making the “Christmas Legion” flag

This group was made by SuperstitiousBot (o7), and given to anonpmc4316492 after he left. (Violiie then held a poll to see who the new leader would be, and Si won.)
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