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How do I set up Public Roadmaps? 

A public product roadmap enables you to communicate your feature priorities to prospects and customers in a transparent manner. 

Here is how you can install the Public Roadmap feature. 

  • First, you’ll need a Beamer account. If you don’t have one, you can get one for free here. Feedback is a Beamer add-on.
  • If you haven’t enabled Feedback before, you can go to the Feedback view by clicking the  icon on the left menu.
  • Navigate to Settings on the left panel.
  • Click on Beamer Feedback.

public roadmap in Beamer

  • In the ‘Public Roadmap’’ section, slide the red dot to enable the feature on your Beamer widget and/or the standalone page.
  • Don’t forget to hit Save.

setup a public roadmap with Beamer

And that’s it! It will be visible to your customers, and prospects in a widget or a stand alone page.

Next, you can choose when an Idea will be visible on the Public Roadmap and under which section.

  • In the same Settings page, go to Default Options
  • Go to Default Visibility, 
    • Enable the option to show all new Ideas in the Public Product Roadmap. 
    • Note, if this option is not enabled, you can manually choose to add selected Ideas to the Roadmap. More information here.

  • Go to Default Status.
    Choose the option to show as the default status of the new Idea.

how to setup public roadmap

  • Go to Default Sorting.
    Choose the order of the Ideas.

Next, you can choose which status you’d like to show. 

  • In the same Settings page, scroll down to Order and Visibility and you should see the STATUS ORDER TYPE FOR ROADMAP VIEW section.
  • In the Currently displayed box, reorder the statuses in any order.
  • In the Hidden box, any statuses dragged there will not be visible in the public view.

You can choose to share your Public Roadmap with everyone or with select customers, Learn more here.

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