Twister Wiki

Jonas Miller was the lead scientist of a professional group of storm chasers, following tornadoes for the notable Oklahoma Polytechnic University. He was also Bill Harding and Jo Ann Harding's rival and competitor. He knew them well from the early days before Bill left and was working with them but later separated from the team to find funds and get more money to be his own boss. He is portrayed by Cary Elwes in Twister.


Jonas was a storm chaser until 1996 and was described as a night crawler with high-tech gadgets but lacked the special instincts that Bill has.

Rivalry with Bill & Jo[]

Where Bill Harding and Jo Ann Harding have a keen sense and developed theories that have proven true from vast experiences of chasing combined with science technology of tornadoes, such as Bill's knowledge of "sidewinder" tornadoes. Jonas had become envious and competitive and began to lead his own chase group. Jonas relies more on computer technology for his insights on tornadoes and hoped to deploy his DOT3 device before Bill and Jo, being described as a "corporate kiss-ass" and seemingly in it for the money, not the science.

When Bill has some service done to his Dodge at a local garage, he suddenly notices Jonas speaking to this team with a camera on him and finds out that Jonas had made his own version of his own brainchild, Dorothy. He's presenting the machine in front of his crew for presumably promotional purposes, but Harding is enraged as he feels like his design was copied and stolen. He interrupts Jonas during his analysis and demonstration by knocking his cap off and grabbing onto him. Jonas is not impressed, and Bills team intervenes, trying to keep Bill from attacking him. Jonas' crew is also looking on as Jonas humiliates Bill by saying his ideas were unrealized. When Jo tries to calm Bill by telling him that Jonas won't manage anything with his new device, Jonas is only further motivated to name the special features his expensive looking unit has. Jonas further instigates Bill by remarking that "the days of sniffing dirt are over" and mocking Bill's weather reports as he walks away with a mean smile on his face.


During the 1996 Oklahoma F5 tornado, he was riding with Eddie chasing the tornado and they were getting ready for deployment. Bill was warning them to steer clear of the shifting twister. Jonas ignored Bill due to pride and even turned the radio off despite Eddie arguing that Bill's intentions were good as "he'd never put us in harm's way". Bill tried one final time to reach Eddie, but as feared, the tornado shifted its track grabbing a radio tower which subsequently was thrown into the Suburban's windshield, killing Eddie, whilst also getting picked up by the tornado which spun the car around its funnel at considerable height. It eventually landed on the ground at the other side in a fiery explosion, which meant Jonas was dead too. Shocked, Bill uttered his frustration over Jonas' stupidity.


  • Christopher McDonald, Gary Sinise, Michael J. Fox, Matthew Broderick, Chris O' Donnell and the late Chris Farley were all considered for the role of Jonas Miller before Cary Elwes was cast.


