Twister Wiki

Eddie (died 1996) was an assistant to Dr. Jonas Miller who led a storm-chasing project. He, alongside Jonas, were rivals to storm chasers Bill and Jo Harding. He was portrayed by Zach Grenier.


Early life[]

Not much is known about Eddie’s past. He seemed to know Bill as he believed that he genuinely wouldn't have put anyone in harms way.

1996 Chase and Death[]

In 1996, Eddie was Jonas' driver. He was loyal to Jonas, but seemed to admire Bill and the other storm chasers working alongside him. Eddie was driving Jonas alongside a tornado when Bill warned Jonas to turn around. Bill then pleaded with Eddie to turn around, but Jonas told Eddie to keep driving. Eddie was killed when a radio tower was thrown through the windshield and impaled him, with the truck soon being picked up and slammed it into the ground.


