Twister Wiki

Javier "Javi" Rivera is a storm chaser. Javi was portrayed by Anthony Ramos in the 2024 film, Twisters.


Javi was a storm chaser from Muskogee State University in Oklahoma with Kate, Addy, Praveen, and Jeb. They worked to deploy sodium polyacrylate solution into a tornado to reduce its intensity. After a successful launch, the tornado intensified unexpectedly. The team abandoned their truck and sought shelter under a bridge, where Addy, Praveen, and Jeb were killed, leaving Javi and Kate as survivors.

Years later, Javi was recuited in US army and then he met Scott, they were in relationship, but Scott's arrogant ended it. Now he is working with Storm Par. He reaches out to his former teammate, Kate, inviting her to join his team to test a new tornado scanning system in Oklahoma, Although Kate initially refuses, she agrees after seeing recent tornado damage in the news.

Back in Oklahoma, Javi and Kate reunite, and Javi introduces her to the Storm Par team. Including Scott, who doubt Kate and got jealous about Javi, knew he had crush on her. and YouTube storm chaser Tyler Owens. During their first mission, Kate suffers a PTSD attack and drives away, failing to assist Javi with a scanner. Despite this, they successfully deploy the system in the next tornado, although one scanner is destroyed.

While he was with Scott and Riggs to give a tornado result and how profit they could make, Kate confronts Javi about Riggs' unethical actions, leading to an argument where Javi blames her for their colleagues' deaths. While he blamed her that he needs to find his own way after losing all friends in Tornado, 5 years ago. Despite this, he came to her house and gave his Tornado's data, ignored Scott's protests.

After narrowly escaping the tornado with Scott, Javi, disillusioned by Riggs and Scott's tactics, quits Storm Par after a heated argument and how argressive Scott is. Javi and Kate helps with recovery efforts and learns that investor Marshall Riggs is profiting from the disaster.

Javi later helps rescue Tyler and Kate during a massive tornado near El Reno. When the storm is finally subdued, Javi supports Kate’s efforts and helps her in the recovery. At the film’s end, Javi drops Kate at the airport, promising ongoing research but then followed Kate and Tyler to their new research at the field with Tornado Wranglers.


  • It was stated in test screening, that Javi and Scott were in relationship between 5 years, but their mentioned scene remove for unknown reason.
  • Javi has the role similar to Bill Harding and Jo Ann Harding, is working on collecting more data.


