

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
"That is Geonosis. We are on one of its moons."
Agent Alexsandr Kallus, to Garazeb Orrelios[1]
Yavin 4 and Yavin BF2

The moon Yavin 4 orbits the gas giant Yavin

A moon was a celestial body that circled another celestial body, usually a planet. A planet could have several moons orbiting it, as exemplified by Hoth[2] or Iego, which was nicknamed the "Planet of a Thousand Moons."[3] It was also possible for a moon to have moons of its own, such as in the case of Ajan Kloss.[4] Like planets, moons came in a variety of terrains, from barren rock[5] to lush forests,[6] and were sometimes referred to as "worlds."[7][8]

A moon was equally as likely to support life as the planet it orbited[9] and some moons were habitable, such as the moons of Naboo, which at one point hosted spice mines.[10] The Rebel Alliance maintained a base on the fourth moon of the gas giant Yavin.[11] The Forest Moon of Endor and the space around it were the site of a decisive battle between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance.[12]

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