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Questions tagged [build-dependencies]

Issues regarding defining builds with well-defined dependencies library versions (for Java mainly using maven's Dependency management)

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how to use multiple versions of maven dependency [duplicate]

In my Java micronaut microservice, I want to use a version of a maven dependency for my main code and another different version of the same maven dependency for unit tests code. So, how can I achieve ...
Test's user avatar
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How do I configure my library to best support static builds of dependent projects?

Suppose I am developing the libfoo library, written in a compiled language, and am using CMake to configure its build. This library itself depends on another library, libbar. Thus, if someone else is ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Intelij ultimate and spring boot giving me errors

I am pretty new to programming and this is my first attempt at using IntelliJ IDE both ultimate and community. The errors are impending my smooth studies. Can someone please tell what is wrong in ...
ahenkan yeboah's user avatar
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In CMake, how to make the test target depend on the default (all) target?

I've enabled testing in CMake as follows: # ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15) project(hello-world VERSION 0.0.1 LANGUAGES C CXX) enable_testing() ... ...and I'...
StoneThrow's user avatar
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Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when compiling maven project

I'm trying to make a simple currency converter program in java with maven and am using json data so I try to import the "org.json.simple" dependency and have the dependency tag in my pom.xml....
Quentin Bordelon's user avatar
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Set up VS Code environment for MAUI .NET 8 - Android

I am desperately trying to set everything up on VS Code for Mac in order to be able to build and release MAUI .NET 8 apps. I also have a MAUI .NET 7 which I actually develop and build on VS for Mac ...
ImproveSoftware's user avatar
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Cannot specify link libraries for target which is not built by this project - but I really want to

A project of mine depends on CUDA, and also on another library, call it libfoo, which itself depends on CUDA. Now, in the CMakeLists.txt of libfoo, we find: find_package(CUDAToolkit REQUIRED) ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How can I get CMake to "forget" about a target?

My CMake project has several dependencies. One of the dependencies may define a target named some_target, and may not define it. Another one of my dependencies performs certain configuration actions ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Idiomatic way to do "find_package and download & build a fallback if not found"

I have a CMake project which requires package foo, with a certain version range. Now, I don't want to force my own foo tarball into the project, nor always download a release from the Internet, i.e. I ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How to tell CMake to use the static version of a dependency library, when building a non-static target? [duplicate]

I'm building an executable which should link dynamically with its dependency libraries, but - not all of them. In the case of one library, I want to link against its static version. Now, the library I ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How to stay on top of OWASP dependencycheck reports

We are using OWASP dependency check. It's a great tool, but it reports lots of vulnerabilities. A big proportion of them is false positives. We can suppress them using the suppression file, but with ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Android Room - Unresolved reference: onConflictStrategy

Dao Interface Image In this in the line @Insert(onConflict = onConflictStrategy.IGNORE) android studio says Unresolved reference: onConflictStrategy and in the line @Query("Select * from ...
Karan Kumar's user avatar
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How do I update (and keep it up to date) a old react.js project?

I have an old react project I am trying to get back into. Its been a few months since and I know there is updates for it. I tried to update them as I read on the internet how, but now my project isn't ...
Wolfaholic's user avatar
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Can we use feature flags for build-dependencies & dev-dependencies in Cargo.toml?

I'm using feature flags for optional dependencies in the Cargo.toml file, which works as expected- compiles less number of crates without the feature flag "bar". [features] bar = ["dep:...
NewToCode's user avatar
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How to add craftbukkit to minecraft 1.19.3 plugin as dependency?

I am trying to update a plugin [in 1.18.2] that I haven't written myself to minecraft 1.19.3. However I am struggling with figuring out how to add craftbukkit as a dependency. I use maven and it seems ...
Fuzetea17's user avatar

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