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Questions tagged [spring-boot]

Use the Spring Boot tag for questions related to spring boot framework and the features it brings to your Web application. This includes questions about configuration, embedding of the Web servers, setting up metrics, health checks, externalized configuration etc. It does not include questions about the Web server itself, Java code running in your application, or standard spring components. Tag these questions with its own tags to get the best response!

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NoClassDefFound Could not initialize class org.appformer.maven.integration.embedder.MavenSettings$SettingsHolder

When I upgraded the dependency below from 3.5.1 to 4.0.1, I started getting the error below when I run the app: Error: NoClassDefFound Could not initialize class org.appformer.maven.integration....
MA1's user avatar
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Unable to set Global Header in Swagger-UI Spring-Boot

I am configuring Swagger UI for my spring boot application and the swagger is up and running fine. Now I need to setup a global header in swagger for all the APIs, made all the changes as given below ...
Deepu's user avatar
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Why Java Spring App get Memory leak when I use PSPDFKit then app crash

When I directly fetch documents without using PSPDFKit, Memory functions as expected. The Memory leak seems to be isolated to working with the PSPDFKit library. Rendering many pdf files can fill 2GB ...
Rakan Alfantoukh's user avatar
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When attemping to cache book : Java 8 date/time type `java.time.LocalDate` not supported by default

When I'm trying to cache book in redis I'm running into this problem. Config classes: @Configuration @EnableCaching @RequiredArgsConstructor public class CacheConfig { private final ObjectMapper ...
WlfromB's user avatar
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HttpErrorResponse et ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED in angular [closed]

enter image description here Error fetching client and net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED I have to write cin and the nom and prenom should write automatically in input values ( i make connection between ...
Safa Baalouch's user avatar
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CORs error for Spring Boot and Angular app deploying on Render

I deployed my spring boot and angular site on Render. I am getting the following errors: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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Is there a replacement for @Type(type="pg-uuid") from Hibernate 6.1

I'm getting compilation error after upgrading Hibernate 6.1 version. @Type annotation got deprecated in Hibernate 6.1. I want replacement annotation for @Type(type ="pg-uuid") annotation. My ...
Lingamoorthy Nandyala's user avatar
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Spring Security in Spring Boot 3 - Swagger is broken

I need some help. Below you can see my security config. I want to make localhost:8080/swagger endpoint to be publicly available. When I call swagger ui I am getting Failed to load remote configuration....
Alex Bondar's user avatar
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Empty page or endless loop when auth fails

I'm migrating from Spring 5 with Spring Security 3 to Spring Boot 3 with Spring Security 6. I have to do several "things" when people call a page first, or e.g. log missed logins and save ...
Rick H's user avatar
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GraphQLResolver with spring boot 3

I am migrating spring boot version from 2.6.6 to 3.3.0 i followed step here : Springboot 3 and GraphQL compatibility But now all of my * are not call during a graphql request So i can't ...
Hytobi's user avatar
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Unexpected Key Value in Spring Boot `@ConfigurationProperties`

I have the following configuration in my Spring Boot application.yml file: widget-proxy-route: /my/**: stripPrefix: 1 targetUri: bbbbbbbbb And I have a @ConfigurationProperties class to ...
Seil Suh's user avatar
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I cannot connect to the Postgres database located on the server

I created a database on the Railway app service. Created a postgres database on it but when I try to join it using the provided credentials I get an error error when I try to run the project locally ...
Артем Лебідь's user avatar
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Spring boot Redis omit phantoms during search

I am using Redis search together with Spring data redis. I need time to live functionality hence phantoms are created by the framework which is fine. But when doing I do not want those ...
adamzrk's user avatar
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Apache PLC4X S7 error: The number of requested items doesn't match the number of returned items

I am a bit new to PLC4X and programming in general. I want to read data from a snap7 Python simulator I have set up locally (source: with a ...
deleteJavascript's user avatar
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How and Should We Validate Optional Query Parameters in Spring REST Controller

I have a Spring REST API endpoint defined as follows: @GetMapping("/books") public List<Book> getBooks( @RequestParam @NotNull Long id, @RequestParam(required = false) ...
NoobCoder's user avatar
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