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Questions tagged [angular]

Questions about Angular (not to be confused with AngularJS), the web framework from Google. Use this tag for Angular questions which are not specific to an individual version. For the older AngularJS (1.x) web framework, use the AngularJS tag.

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Missing data in nested interface after mapping

I am retrieving data using HttpClient in angular. I prepared an interface to map the json response, which has nested objects. In one nested array the values are missing. Component: export class ...
Zetka's user avatar
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HttpErrorResponse et ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED in angular

enter image description here Error fetching client and net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED I have to write cin and the nom and prenom should write automatically in input values ( i make connection between ...
Safa Baalouch's user avatar
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Angular file upload convert base64 to string binary

From file upload I get the data as below: data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjcNCiW1tbW1D... I want to convert this to a string binary because I need to send file upload data together with other ...
grabrep gg's user avatar
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Maven, how to terminate angular frontend

I am using Maven in combination with Quarkus and Angular for my website. In order to start and stop the Angular frontend with the quarkus backend I have the following plugin set up in my pom.xml: &...
Reewen's user avatar
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SVG Images not loading properly as strict CSP Policy blocking style execution of SVGs, using mat-icon in Angular 16

I am using angular16 with Angular Material. In CSP Policy I have replaced unsafe-inline with 'nonce-myDynamicNonce'. I am applying CSP_NONCE provider value as per angular16 inbuilt way. Now everything ...
Tech Geek's user avatar
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CORs error for Spring Boot and Angular app deploying on Render

I deployed my spring boot and angular site on Render. I am getting the following errors: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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PDF-lib not found giving 404 error on import in angular

i'm using External JS file in my Angular project. That file is loaded and successfully recognised by Angular, even few functionalities are working just fine. Only Module that's not working is using ...
Syed Shaheer Ali Zaidi's user avatar
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How to configure Angular 18 Zone.js accepting Supabase promise?

I want to use Supabase authentication for my App and simply built this auth service: import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { AuthResponse, createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'; ...
Haris Kurspahic's user avatar
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Overflowing tooltips with custom callback

I use ng2-charts 3.1.2 and with using of line chart label callback and following settings: lineChartOptions = { scales: { xAxis: { type: 'time', ticks: { source: '...
Nomik's user avatar
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Pagination not working in Angular | SwiperJS

I am trying to use swiper.js and its pagination is not working, the slider is working but not pagination, here is the code. ts ngAfterViewInit(): void { new Swiper('.swiper-container', { ...
Muhammad Faisal's user avatar
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Angular 17: Angular function guard inject() inject new instance of service

I have an Angular functional guard (CanActivateFn) that needs to update/access a value in a service. Unfortunately, that service does not act as a singleton: a new instance is injected each time the ...
Jason's user avatar
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spec.ts is missing from the TypeScript compilation. Please make sure it is in your tsconfig via the 'files' or 'include' property in angular test

Recently I upgraded the angular version from 8 to 14, ng serve and ng builds running fine, while I run unit test cases(ng test), it gives us an error -> spec.ts is missing from the TypeScript ...
Bajrang Singh's user avatar
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The event binding is not working on my system but works on an online compiler

I am a beginner and using version 18 of Angular but Event binding doesn't work when i try it on my system. Here is the code i was trying product-list.component.html <img [src]="product.pImage&...
Yash Saxena's user avatar
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Angular 17: Oversized main.js

Upon building my Angular app in production mode, my main.(hash).js is very oversized at around 2.8 mb. Looking at it, it looks like it's integrating all of a third-party library (specifically Kendo) ...
Jason's user avatar
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Mat-table get column width

How can I get column header width (angular mat-table) in typescript? I tried to use id and get elementById.clientWidth but it doesn't work for mat table column. I need to get the size of each column ...
Silver Origami's user avatar

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