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Questions tagged [cmake]

CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system generator. It generates files for build systems like native makefiles, ninja-build and project files for several integrated development environments.

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Cmake issue when trying to build project with opencv

I've spent 10 hours with no success, I'm trying to build a c++ project with opencv using cmake but I keep getting this error log below. There seems to be an issue with the CMakeDetermineCompilerId....
joe's user avatar
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Can I put a generator expression inside a set command in CMake?

When I build SDL (Simple Direct Media Layer) it has an option to build with address sanitizer using the variable you can set SDL_ASAN. I'm pretty sure within its CMake files it sets things depending ...
Zebrafish's user avatar
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Unresolved external symbol for ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitForVulkan, even though it appears to be correctly linked

I'm trying to add ImGui to my project but seem to be having linker issues. vulkanapi.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitForVulkan(class GLFWwindow *,...'s user avatar
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Two ways to create CMakeLists.txt file for a library with no sources but with headers

I have a library and want to provide it to other projects by wrapping it into a cmake project. I know two ways of achieving this via a CMakeLists.txt file. First method is the following: ...
Patrick Fromberg's user avatar
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Cmake 3.30 seems to break use of $(ARCHS_STANDARD) for Xcode Generator

In all my Cmake builds on macos devices, I've been using $(ARCHS_STANDARD) to configure the build to a 'fat library' or universal binary. As far as I can tell, this is usually (always?) resolved to &...
Sidelobe's user avatar
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Could not find a configuration file for package "Protobuf" that is compatible with requested version "3.1.0"

I'm trying to fork an old program, and I used CMake to grab the necessary dependencies. Here's the thing: when loading up the project folder, I get the error: Could not find a configuration file for ...
Mubinul Haque's user avatar
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CMake Error: Could Not Find pthread Library While Installing ns-allinone-3.37 and opengym

I installed ns-allinone-3.37 and the opengym library in the /home/chae/ns-allinone-3.37/ns-3.37 directory. The next step was to run the command cmake . in that directory. (ns3-gym-env) chae@chae-B660M-...
채희주인공지능학과's user avatar
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Rust C++ FFI: How specify path for linking library files?

I'm attempting to build a Rust FFI wrapper for a C++ library using the cmake and bindgen crates. The C++ code has a supported cmake build. When trying to build I get an error on attempting to link to ...
Albatross's user avatar
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cmake build results in -ljsoncpp shouldn't it use libjsoncpp.a instead?

I'm running CLion on OSX 12.7.5. I have the libjsoncpp.a file under /usr/local/lib. In my root CMakeLists.txt file I have the following: find_library(jsoncpp NAMES libjsoncpp.a PATHS /usr/local/lib) ...
Tristan's user avatar
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CMake install rules

I'm trying to make sense of the installation rules while using cmakepresets and a vcpkg manifest. I have a project that runs perfectly in debug mode, but in release mode it does not work,I am ...
Jossue M's user avatar
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Undefined Reference For RayLibs when linking with CMake?

To start off I'm pretty new to the development workspace and CMake. As a test project I'm trying to use CMake to setup a simple project linking raylibs. After much counseling with the documentation, ...
Doppler's user avatar
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New to VSCore, how can I make this setup work?

I have a project that I am not in control of the file structure. The file structure contains project files for different operating systems, and I am expect to make it work with linux (the code is ...
KiraHoneybee's user avatar
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Trying to list files in sub directory using CMake

I am trying to list files in subdirectory with a specific pattern using CMake... function(ListFilesInSubmodule directory_path pattern) if(DEFINED WIN32) execute_process(COMMAND powershell -...
Zorono's user avatar
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Freetype missing - CMake on Windows

I have been through all the posts I could find on here about this but nothing works. I am trying to build a project using CMake on Windows using Visual Studio Code. I have installed, VS with C/C++ &...
DrBwts's user avatar
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No known features for CXX complier Error for Windows

enter image description hereI was trying to install opencv file paths and qt on cmake. I added the appropriate paths and configured, I did not receive any errors, but when I try to generate, I get a ...
Anka Hanım's user avatar

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