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This template is used to create an interface which looks similar in-game containers and inventories.


To control the contents of the many slots of the inventory and other GUI components, the following parameters may be used.

Common parameters
Parameter Function Default value
type Required. The type of GUI to show. Always includes player inventory. Can be any value from the table headers below
title The custom title to show on the GUI the default title of the GUI
scale The magnification level (size) of the resulting element (doesn't work in Firefox or on Android) 1
inventory Whether or not the player inventory is to be shown ("no" means hidden, unhidden otherwise) yes
0 – 8 Hotbar item slots
9 – 17 Top inventory row of item slots
18 – 26 Middle inventory row of item slots
27 – 35 Bottom inventory row of item slots
Recognised arguments for required parameter type

Specifications for Various GUI Types[]

type=survival parameters
Parameter Function Default value
-106 Offhand item slot
103 Head item slot
102 Body item slot
101 Legs item slot
100 Feet item slot
background The background color of the player avatar preview area next to the armor slots #000000
player The image of the player avatar preview area, must be 98 × 140 pixels Steve inventory.png
recipebook Recipebook button item Recipe Book
A1, B1 Top 2×2 crafting grid slots
A2, B2 Bottom 2×2 crafting grid slots
Output 2×2 Crafting grid output slot
title Note: This common parameter has no effect on the survival inventory.
type=chest parameters
Parameter Function Default value
C0 – C8 Top chest row of item slots
C9 – C17 Middle chest row of item slots
C18 – C26 Bottom chest row of item slots
type=large-chest parameters
Parameter Function Default value
C0 – C8 Chest row 1 of item slots
C9 – C17 Chest row 2 of item slots
C18 – C26 Chest row 3 of item slots
C27 – C35 Chest row 4 of item slots
C36 – C44 Chest row 5 of item slots
C45 – C53 Chest row 6 of item slots
type=furnace parameters
Parameter Function Default value
Input Furnace input slot
Output Furnace output slot
lit Whether or not to render the fire as lit ("true" means lit, not active otherwise) false
Fuel Furnace fuel item slot
recipebook Recipebook button item Recipe Book
type=anvil parameters
Parameter Function Default value
text The custom text filled into the textfield of the anvil
Input1 The left anvil input slot
Input2 The right anvil input slot
Output The anvil output slot
crossed Whether or not the anvil operation (arrow) should be rendered crossed out ("true" means crossed out, normal otherwise) false
cost The enchantment level cost of the anvil operation, any value or "expensive"
expensive Whether or not the anvil operation should be marked as too expensive ("true" means the text for the operation cost becomes dark red, bright green otherwise) false
type=smithing-table parameters
Parameter Function Default value
Input1 The left input slot
Input2 The right input slot
Output The output slot
crossed Whether or not the arrow should be crossed out (as type=anvil) false
type=dispenser parameters
Parameter Function Default value
D0 – D2 Top dispenser row of item slots
D3 – D5 Middle dispenser row of item slots
D6 – D8 Bottom dispenser row of item slots
type=hopper parameters
Parameter Function Default value
H0 – H4 Hopper item slots
type=crafting-table parameters
Parameter Function Default value
A1, B1, C1 Top 3×3 crafting grid row of slots
A2, B2, C2 Middle 3×3 crafting grid row of slots
A3, B3, C3 Bottom 3×3 crafting grid row of slots
Output 3×3 Crafting grid output slot
recipebook Recipebook button item Recipe Book
type=brewing-stand parameters
Parameter Function Default value
Fuel Brewing fuel input item slot
Input Brewing input item slot
Output1 The left bottle item slot
Output2 The middle bottle item slot
Output3 The right bottle item slot
fuel Remaining fuel actions 0
progress Brewing action progress 0
type=generic parameters
Parameter Function Default value
rows The number of rows to show (max is 16). 1
0 – 143 Available item slots.


Survival inventory[]

|0=[&b&oMystical Sword]Diamond Sword[&7Sharpness III/&7Looting III/&7Unbreaking VII/&7Mending//&9+9 Attack Damage]
|1=Diamond Axe
|2=Damaged Diamond Pickaxe
|3=Damaged Bow
|7=Oak Wood Planks,18
|-106=Totem of Undying
|103=Diamond Helmet
|102=Broken Elytra
|101=Diamond Leggings
|100=Diamond Boots


|0=Damaged Wooden Axe
|1=Damaged Stone Pickaxe
|Fuel=Stripped Dark Oak Log,14
|Input=Raw Salmon,8
|Output=Cooked Salmon,56}}

Large chest[]

|title=Treasure Chest
|6=Blue Torch,64
|C0=Bucket of Salmon
|C2=Gold Ingot,6
|C4=Diamond Shovel
|C15=Block of Iron,64
|C21=Oak Wood,16
Treasure Chest5636416Inventory364

Crafting table[]

|A1= |B1=Blaze Powder  |C1=
|A2= |B2=Coal,Charcoal |C2=
|A3= |B3=Gunpowder     |C3=
|Output=Fire Charge,3


|text=Mystical Sword
|1=Damaged Diamond Axe
|2=Damaged Diamond Pickaxe
|3=Damaged Bow
|Input1=[&b]Diamond Sword[&7Unbreaking VII/&7Mending]
|Input2=Enchanted Book[&7Sharpness III/&7Looting III]
|Output=[&b&oMystical Sword]Diamond Sword[&7Sharpness III/&7Looting III/&7Unbreaking VII/&7Mending//&9+9 Attack Damage]
Repair & NameMystical Sword Enchanted Book

Enchantment Cost: 28Inventory646413435212

Smithing Table[]

|Input1=Diamond Sword
|Input2=Netherite Ingot
|Output=Netherite Sword
Upgrade Gear



|D1=Firework Rocket,64
|D3=Fire Charge,64
|D5=Ice Bomb,16


|H1=Wooden Shovel
|H2=Wooden Shovel
|H3=Wooden Shovel
|H4=Wooden Shovel
Item Hopper2Inventory2

Brewing stand[]

|title=Magic Stand
|Fuel=Blaze Powder,13
|Input=Nether Wart
|Output1=Awkward Potion
|Output2=Lingering Potion of Night Vision
Magic Stand13



|title=Small Box of Stuff
|Oak Log
|Spruce Log
|11=Netherite Scrap
Small Box of Stuff4

See also[]

[view | edit | history | purge]The above documentation is transcluded from Template:Inventory/doc.