Minecraft Wiki

Why can't I put up this page. If I cant put it here then where. I mean, maybe it could be a link in advanced circuitry or something, but still... –The preceding unsigned comment was added by Fireglo450 (Talk|Contribs) 12:34, 05:54, 2011 August 5. Please sign your posts with ~~~~

I second that we keep this page. As far as I can tell there is nothing on this wiki that's even remotely similar in form or function. We have perfectly pointless lava-traps against griefers, that any player can easily outrun. There are descriptions of piston-mechanisms that lock chests, which can be bypassed with bare hands. I see no reason why there should be room for such useless contraptions but not for clocks - for which quite a variety of uses exists as shown on the page. However, it would be nice to expand the article with some blueprints and maybe videos of some of these clocks in action, but all in good time. After all, this site is only a few hours old... --Yatsufusa 07:44, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
Totally agree with you Yatsufusa, this tutorial has just as much value as the others (probably more), but I think the issue was that it wasn't prefixed with tutorials/
The layout on this tutorial is great. I think there is a cheaper way of doing this: [Addict] Qcdynamics 21:37, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
Thank you everyone who supports me. I have screenshots pending, but, not having access to youtube, no videos can be added. I will try to do step-by-step visual aids and some diagrams. I hope your lobbying will save my page. fireglo450 6:57 p.m., 5 August, 2011
I appreciate your suggestion Qcdynamics, but I can't use youtube videos as help. I need a link to somehing on the wiki or forums, or written instructions. --fireglo450 5 Aug, 2011 11:14 p.m.
If you can't link to youtube because you're not yet an autoconfirmed user, I can give you a hand with that, just let me know what video(s) you'd like to link. I just made a BlockGrid tutorial (User:Qcdynamics/BlockGrid_Tutorial) which should help with diagrams. (If it doesn't make sense, let me know) Qcdynamics 20:11, 6 August 2011 (UTC)

Sooner or later someone would have proposed a Clock with a 7-segment display anyway, so I took the freedom to do a first draft. If someone with some expertise in redstone circuits knows a good tutorial and/or schematics for 7-segment displays and decoders, please add it to the page. While I could google one, atm I have no way of determining whether it is awesome or garbage. --Yatsufusa 02:08, 8 August 2011 (UTC)

I skimmed through the video you linked and it seems pretty standard. This guy knows his stuff when it comes to redstone, and he has a really good series of tutorials on 7-seg, decoding. He was making a computer, but it could just as easily be hooked up to a clock. Qcdynamics 05:24, 8 August 2011 (UTC)

Automatic Doors[]

While I appreciate the thought I just put a pressure plate on the first block behind any door (on the inside of a structure), so it closes automatically behind me and opens by itself when I want to leave. So the only click needed is the one when I enter. I can't tell how common this technique is, since I play mostly singleplayer, but there will be neither a cow nor a creeper in my living room and nothing will shoot at me through any door accidentally left open.
I appreciate any idea tossed in, but to me this one seems a little redundant because there's already such a cheap and efficient solution. (Yes, I see the irony writing something like this on a page for building ingame clocks out of tons of redstone!) On the other hand I could be very stylish to have doors open and close by themselves while no one is near. Opinions? --Yatsufusa 15:33, 6 August 2011 (UTC)

Your technique to put a pressure plate adjacent to your doors is very common and way cheaper. When I first read this idea, I was thinking that someone would be making a bank with a time-lock delay on mulitplayer. Qcdynamics 20:11, 6 August 2011 (UTC)

Since in over a year no one other than Qcdynamics, Bob and myself made a statement on this topic, I'm going to remove the Automatic Doors idea. --Yatsufusa 17:09, 19 August 2012 (UTC)

more efficiency by using frequency dividers[]

Please, handle with care! I'm just starting with redstone circuits‎ in Minecraft and my description might be a little confusing to some.
You can use a T flip-flop as frequency divider to slow a given frequency down. One flip-flop slows the frequency down by the factor 2 and therefore dividing the number of repeaters needed by 2. Using a second frequency divider will slow that frequency down to half speed again - slowing the original frequency down to 4 times the original frequency. Three by 8, four by 16 and so on...
I'm not familiar enough in the whole subject matter to tell if every kind of T flip-flop described in the wiki will do. The cheapest one that seems not to be based on some sort of glitch uses 16 redstone totals. As example: You could do the 75-clock with 10 repeaters instead of 75, which saves 147 units of redstone dust (195 from the repeaters minus the 48 for 3 flip-flops, not counting any redstone-wire you might need to properly connect all the parts). That's quite a lot of digging you don't have to do. --Yatsufusa 19:04, 7 August 2011 (UTC)

I'm not a super great redstone circuit guy, and also I used SPC and did no digging except maybe to put the circuit underground. Screenshot instructions are coming, everyone! --[[fireglo450|fireglo450]] 5:54 p.m. Aug 7 2011
Okay, on top of saving redstone it's more compact, more craftily and means less work, especially for players that want to build a timer that ticks every real life-hour (assuming that it is possible to build T flip-flops in Minecraft that work like real ones). My instincts tell me not everyone who tries to build something big will switch to singleplayer creative-mode or a creative-mode server to do so. I'm looking forward for your screenshots and redstone schematics. Also a small picture of the whole clock mechanism from afar or merged into a pre-existing structure would really spice the page's head up. --Yatsufusa 01:32, 10 August 2011 (UTC)
That's not a bad idea, using a small clock and scaling the output. I'm not sure a T flip-flop would do the trick, but it depends how you're wiring it. This is probably the cheapest one I'm aware of, but it uses a sticky piston which means different resources. Qcdynamics 05:24, 8 August 2011 (UTC)

I'm working on screenshots. Sorry, I'm not patient and am busy with my 32x texture pack. Oh yeah, and guys I can't use youtube links. I can't use most links. Try to link to something on the wiki or forum. :-) --fireglo450 09 Aug, 2011. 10:25 p.m.

The phrase "I can't use most links." puzzles me. If you can register here you can basically do it anywhere. If you're just opposed to the idea of using youtube, you could still record your tutorial in any given video-format, compress it and upload it to a file-sharing site like mediafire, rapidshare, depositfiles etc. I'm sure someone will upload it to youtube gladly. Screenshots can be uploaded directly to the wiki, so those shouldn't be a problem. --Yatsufusa 08:08, 10 August 2011 (UTC)
No, no ,no, the problem is that I have an internet watch program with a whitelist, and youtube is not in my allowed list. --[[fireglo450|fireglo450]]
Huh. Well that's different. Can you watch youtube videos that are embedded in this wiki? Qcdynamics 22:17, 10 August 2011 (UTC)
Sadly, no...--fireglo450
Hey, I read what Yatsufusa last said more carefully, and I can get stuff off an allowed file-sharing site, 4shared. --fireglo450
Fireglo450, I uploaded a video to 4shared and posted the link on your talk page. Both links are to the same video, but with different format.Qcdynamics 23:27, 14 August 2011 (UTC)

Automatic doors - Really?[]

This article suggest automatic doors that close every 7 hours. Why on earth would you use 525 repeaters for that (even with only 75-circuits) when you could use a dispenser-pressure plate 5 minute despawn timer that is 6 minecraft hours and much smaller. Honestly. For some things "For curiosity factor" is not good enough. Let's remove that section or add a note that the method is horrible. –Preceding unsigned comment was added by Bobbobbob (Talk|Contribs) 12:21, 2011 November 29 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~

elaborate 12h clock[]

For those of you with more ambition, here's a tutorial by CNBMinecraft on how to build a 7-segment display 12h clock which measures Minecraft time. This design won't freeze every time you log out and is actually quite compact as well. The clock updates in 3 Minecraft minute intervals - which, trust me, is fast enough...
So here's part 1, part 2 & part 3. Have fun! --Yatsufusa 15:36, 22 November 2012 (UTC)


This page is extremely outdated with hopper clocks now being possible as of 1.5. Either this page should be marked as outdated, or this page should be entirely replaced by a hopper clock or similar mechanism. 23:53, 7 May 2015 (UTC)
