Minecraft Wiki

Deletion required[]

I've already tagged this page for deletion. This page documents a tutorial about an unreleased feature. Nobody other than the developers has even had a chance to take the Deep Dark into their own hands and playtest it, let alone trying to write a useful tutorial for how to explore and "defeat" the Ancient Cities within it. It's just ridiculous. Please delete ASAP. Zegatrox (talk) 07:08, 4 December 2021 (UTC)

  • I have to agree here. This page shouldn't exist yet. Zenphia (talk) 16:11, 3 December 2021 (UTC)
  • Okay this is almost starting to be vandalism. Someone literally tried to remove the deletion request. This page is absolutely pointless. It talks about an unreleased feature that we don't know much specifics about; as a result it doesn't benefit anyone because the information is only trivial and nobody is looking for a tutorial about a feature before its even in snapshot phase. Please delete this page if you're an admin; not that much effort went into it really, anyone could replicate what's on there in 30 minutes. Zegatrox (talk) 21:14, 4 December 2021 (UTC)

Rename the article to “Tutorials/Defeating an ancient city”.[]

The Wild Update article was updated and the Deep Dark City was renamed to the Ancient City, so I don't see a difference in doing the same in this article.

  • Yes please can an admin rename the article Vwoot (talk) 09:20, 29 January 2022 (UTC)