Minecraft Wiki
This page describes an education-related feature. 
This feature is available only in Minecraft Education or when enabling the "Education" option in Bedrock Edition.
Information icon
This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education. 

Super fertilizer is a powerful form of bone meal that is created using ammonia and phosphorus.


Lab table[]

Result Materials Needed

Super Fertilizer
Ammonia, Phosphorus


Super fertilizer can be used in the same way as bone meal. It produces more flowers in a larger area when used on grass blocks compared to bone meal. When super fertilizer is used on a sapling, a tree is instantly grown after one use, instead of multiple uses as with bone meal. Super fertilizer matures crops with a single use.

Note that super fertilizer does not instantly grow a hanging mangrove propagule. This could be a bug.


SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
PlayersWhen super fertilizer is created by a lab tablestep.gravel1.00.2/0.4
BlocksWhen super fertilizer is successfully useditem.bone_meal.use??

Data values[]


NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormTranslation key
Super Fertilizerrapid_fertilizer597Itemitem.rapid_fertilizer.name


Bedrock Edition
1.4.0beta Fertilizer BE1 Added super fertilizer.
Education Edition
1.0.27Super Fertilizer BE1 Added super fertilizer.