Minecraft Wiki
For the enchantment in Minecraft Dungeons, see MCD:Protection.

Protection is an enchantment applied to armor that adds bonus damage reduction.


Protection reduces the damage taken from all sources except for damage caused by hunger, a warden's sonic boom attack, the void or the /kill command. This enchantment is capable of reducing damage from sources that normally ignore the user's armor value, such as falling or magical damage from status effects.

The formula for damage reduction is (4 �� level)% for each armor piece, for a maximum damage reduction of 64% if all armor pieces are enchanted with Protection IV.

Unlike some of the other armor enchantments (e.g. Blast Protection), Protection offers no side effects outside of damage reduction.

Damage reduction from Protection, Fire Protection, Feather Falling, Blast Protection, and Projectile Protection stacks up to an upper limit of 80% (see armor enchantments). However, it is impossible to reach this cap with the base Protection enchantment alone as it is impossible to obtain Protection V in survival mode.

The protection enchantment is applied after the armor's damage reduction. For example, 20 armor points provide a 4% * 20 = 80% damage reduction, meaning 20% of the original damage will still get through to the player. If the total protection enchantment levels on the armor adds up to 10, they provide 40% damage reduction against the 20% that made it through, or 8% additional protection (40% * 20% = 8%) for a total of 88% damage reduction.

If applied on wearable items that can't get the enchantment normally, such as a pair of elytra (using commands or an anvil in Creative mode), the enchantment works as usual.


Protection, Blast Protection, Fire Protection, and Projectile Protection are mutually exclusive. Attempting to combine these enchantments with an anvil will delete the enchantment in the upgrade slot and replace it with the enchantment in the sacrifice slot. However, if commands are used to force two or more of these enchantments on the same item, the effects stack.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key


Main article: Armor/Old
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3Added Protection. Its formula is (4 × level)%².
1.915w36aProtection enchantments have been nerfed from (4 × level)%²; their bonuses are now linear instead of quadratic ((4 × level)%).
1.1419w02aProtection enchantments are no longer mutually exclusive.
1.14.3Pre-Release 2Protection enchantments are now once again mutually exclusive.
1.19Pre-release 3The warden's sonic boom attacks now ignore this enchantment.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.12.1build 1Added Protection. The formula is (5 × level)%
Bedrock Edition
1.18.30beta enchantments have been nerfed to match Java Edition.
The Protection enchantment now reduces damage from magic attacks such as Instant Damage, Poison and Wither.[1]
Legacy Console Edition
TU7CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Added Protection.


Issues relating to "Protection" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  1. MCPE-40651 — resolved as "Fixed".