Minecraft Wiki

This page is about features that were included in New Nintendo 3DS Edition, but are dummied out of the game. Many of these were originally part of Pocket Edition v0.15.4 alpha, from which the New Nintendo 3DS Edition is derived.

Blocks and items[]

For the following blocks and items, except for the stonecutter, only textures have been found so far. It is possible that they themselves may exist within the game files, but it has not been determined whether or not this is the case.


Main article: Map

The map and empty map items were removed from the New Nintendo 3DS Edition as the Touch Screen UI has a map instead. Despite this, the textures still exist. Maps can still be obtained in natural stronghold chests, but trying to select it crashes the game. Breaking the chest containing the map will allow the player to hold it.

Glowing Obsidian[]

Glowing Obsidian
Main article: Glowing Obsidian

Textures for glowing obsidian, a block which was also dummied out of Pocket Edition v0.15.4 alpha, exist within the game files.

Nether Reactor Core[]

Main article: Nether Reactor Core

Textures for the nether reactor core, a block which was also dummied out of Pocket Edition v0.15.4 alpha, exist within the game files.

info update[]

Info update
Main article: info update

The default texture pack (does it still use terrain.png?) contains references to the two "info update" unused blocks from Pocket Edition. Their texture is also included in all texture packs.


Main article: reserved6

The default texture pack contains references to reserved6, an unused block in Pocket Edition, which is set to have the info update block texture. Reserved6 block have same texture as info update.


Stonecutter (Old) BE1
Main article: Stonecutter/old

Like in Pocket Edition, The stonecutter is obtainable in creative mode only and is just used for decorative purposes.


  • The game files contain all of the skin packs that were in Pocket Edition v0.15.4 alpha, including some which are unavailable in-game on 3DS: City Folk, Town Folk, Halloween Costumes, Minecraft Story Mode, and Villains.
  • As in Pocket Edition v0.15.4 alpha, the default Minecraft texture pack contains some textures for things that were not in the game yet (such as written books), and the City and Plastic texture packs have even more (such as armor stands).
  • Data relating to Microsoft HoloLens and virtual reality is in the game files, which only exists as a carryover from Pocket Edition's data.


New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Nether Reactor Core BE1 Initialized Nether Reactor Core BE1 Finished Nether Reactor Core BE1 Added nether reactor cores.
Glowing Obsidian BE1 Added glowing obsidian.
Stonecutter (Old) BE1 Added stonecutters.