Minecraft Wiki
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This style guide exists to establish a single convention for write-ups of blueprints of official village structures.


Individual pages

Each village structure blueprint article should be on its own page. This allows it to be transcluded on Village/Structure/Blueprints, but also viewed independently. Each blueprint article should include title (provided), isometric picture, brief text, blueprint (in layers), and materials list. All matter beyond that (if any) should follow after.

Structure blueprint article title
Structure names are provided by the article title. They should be descriptive, unique, and - where possible - reflect the internal naming used by Mojang. Structures that are functionally the same can be named sequentially (StructureType-1, StructureType-2, ...). Blueprint articles are nested under the /Village/Structure/Blueprint namespace.


Image (right-aligned) and single sentence
Floor plan (by layers)
Table of needed blocks
Others (Old) [Videos/Commands/Gallery]
Village/Structure (old)/Blueprints also include longer descriptions, instructions, how-to videos, commands, and `<gallery>`s. These are tertiary to the article, and so follow with level-2 headings after all of the blueprints and materials. This is similar to other articles as specified in the Minecraft Wiki:Style guide/Features. All non-blueprint matter (videos, commands, galleries) are given individual level-2 headings after all the blueprints and materials at the end of the article. This is to keep the focus of the article on the blueprints themselves. While this material on the (old) blueprints doesn't match the current standard, it is retained as it provides more information to users and guides of how to build the structures.


The introduction section of an article is the section before the first heading. It should be capable of standing alone as a concise overview of the article, briefly describing its most important points. It will begin with an isometric image of the structure, followed by a brief description.

Isometric picture
A good isometric image of the structure is the established standard for all structures. The image will display (float) to the upper right of the article, so can generally be viewed concurrently with the description and the blueprint.
Description of structure
A brief - one line - description of the building is appropriate. If the existing build is a modification of an older design, the older blueprint should be mentioned and indicated by a wiki-link within the description text.


The blueprint is included next with a level-2 heading `## Blueprint ##`. Proximity to the top of the article allows the blueprint to flow up beside the isometric picture, and to allow easy viewing of both images (the layers and the isometric) for simple cross-referencing.


All blueprints are formatted following the Template:Layered_blueprint. See the example.


Blueprints should be oriented with the longest axis vertically. The 'front' or 'main entrance' should face either down or to the right (never at the top or left side).


There should be precisely one empty row and column on all sides of the blueprint. This is more a matter of consistency than for style. The large majority of blueprints were crafted this way. Template:TODO|Fix template style/css so the edges of a blueprint aren't crowded (notably by the layer selectors). Then this requirement can be removed and all blueprints simplified to their minimum footprint.


Proposed change The materials are included after the blueprint, with a level-2 heading `## Materials ##`. They are secondary to the purpose of the article and stand to assist the user of the blueprint. The total amounts for each type of material should be included as the second column after the name, rather than being appended to the end. Any structure with sufficient layers ends up with so many columns the total is not easily viewed for reference.

Variant Gallery

A brief gallery showing one isometric image of each variant can be included here.

Commands (Other sections)[]

Commands are included here to match the order and style of the Minecraft Wiki:Style guide/Features.


How-to videos can be included here without extra description. If there is more than one video, then provide a brief description to differentiate them.


The galleries are specific to the different designs per blueprint, and should have individual sub-headings.
