Minecraft Wiki

A secret mission is a hidden mission that can be unlocked by obtaining scrolls that are usually found in mission secrets. There currently are six Mainland secret missions, seven DLC ones, and four Ancient Hunt exclusive ones.

List of secret missions[]


Ancient Hunt Exclusive[]


Secret missions do not show up on the minimap until the mission that the secret mission is unlocked from is cleared excluding ??? which only show up on the map when its scroll is collected. They possess no value to the main story and therefore are not needed to unlock other missions.

Most of the secret missions are unlocked by finding scrolls in secret areas in the main levels. All missions have a 100% chance for the scroll to generate, with the exception of the Panda Plateau (from Dingy Jungle) (Jungle Awakens DLC), Lost Settlement (from Frosted Fjord) (Creeping Winter DLC), Colossal Rampart (from Windswept Peaks) (Howling Peaks DLC) and the Radiant Ravine (from Coral Rise) (Hidden Depths DLC), which have a chance of the secret area generating.

The ??? mission is unlocked differently. After entering the church area at camp (which can be accessed after completing Obsidian Pinnacle on default), heroes can access the rune rooms in each main non-DLC mission. After obtaining all the runes found in each rune room and placing them at the church area at camp, a room is revealed where the "???" can be unlocked along with two obsidian chests.

There are also a set of special locations that can only be found during Ancient Hunts. These missions cannot be unlocked by any means.

The Echoing Void DLC is the only DLC to not contain any secret locations.

