Minecraft Wiki

Some of your attacks can be followed up by another attack in quick succession.

In-game description

Echo is a melee weapon enchantment that can be found within the various melee weapons of Minecraft Dungeons.


Tier Effect Cost
I 5 seconds cooldown 1 enchantment point
II 4 seconds cooldown 2 enchantment points
III 3 seconds cooldown 3 enchantment points


When Echo is applied to an item, an automatic second attack is performed after the hero attacks, followed by a cooldown period. In this cooldown period, the hero can still perform a single attack. After the cooldown period is over, the hero is able to use echo again. The cooldown period shortens by one second for each tier, at the maximum tier the cooldown period is three seconds.


Echo tier I is built-into the following weapons:


Minecraft Dungeons
Dungeons BetaEchoAdded Echo.

