Minecraft Wiki
Gear (item)
This article is a work in progress. 
Please help in the expansion or creation of this article by expanding or improving it. The talk page may contain suggestions.

This page aims to document the changes to resources made during 13w24a upon the implementation of resource packs and deprecation of texture packs.



All block texture files have been moved from textures/blocks to assets/minecraft/textures/blocks. Renamed files were as follows:

Texture Old file name New file name (13w24a—17w46a)
Off Activator Rail (texture) JE1 BE1 activatorRail rail_activator
On Activator Rail (texture) JE1 BE1 activatorRail_on rail_activator_powered
Anvil (top texture) JE1 BE1 anvil_top anvil_top_damaged_0
Block of Coal (texture) JE2 BE1 blockCoal coal_block
Block of Diamond (texture) JE2 BE2 blockDiamond diamond_block
Block of Emerald (texture) JE1 BE1 blockEmerald emerald_block
Block of Gold (texture) JE3 BE2 blockGold gold_block
Block of Iron (texture) JE2 BE2 blockIron iron_block
Block of Lapis Lazuli (texture) JE2 BE2 blockLapis lapis_block
Block of Redstone (texture) JE1 BE1 blockRedstone redstone_block
Brewing Stand (texture) JE1 BE1 brewingStand brewing_stand
Brewing Stand (bottom texture) JE1 BE1 brewingStand_base brewing_stand_base
Root Vegetables Age 0 (texture) JE1 BE1 carrots_0 carrots_stage_0
Root Vegetables Age 1 (texture) JE1 BE1 carrots_1 carrots_stage_1
Root Vegetables Age 2 (texture) JE1 BE1 carrots_2 carrots_stage_2
Carrots Age 3 (texture) JE1 BE1 carrots_3 carrots_stage_3
Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened hardened_clay
White Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_0 hardened_clay_stained_white
Orange Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_1 hardened_clay_stained_orange
Magenta Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_2 hardened_clay_stained_magenta
Light Blue Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_3 hardened_clay_stained_light_blue
Yellow Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_4 hardened_clay_stained_yellow
Lime Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_5 hardened_clay_stained_lime
Pink Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_6 hardened_clay_stained_pink
Gray Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_7 hardened_clay_stained_gray
Light Gray Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_8 hardened_clay_stained_silver
Cyan Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_9 hardened_clay_stained_cyan
Purple Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_10 hardened_clay_stained_purple
Blue Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_11 hardened_clay_stained_blue
Brown Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_12 hardened_clay_stained_brown
Green Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_13 hardened_clay_stained_green
Red Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_14 hardened_clay_stained_red
Black Terracotta (texture) JE1 BE1 clayHardened_15 hardened_clay_stained_black
White Wool (texture) JE1 BE1 cloth_0 wool_colored_white
Orange Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_1 wool_colored_orange
Magenta Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_2 wool_colored_magenta
Light Blue Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_3 wool_colored_light_blue
Yellow Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_4 wool_colored_yellow
Lime Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_5 wool_colored_lime
Pink Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_6 wool_colored_pink
Gray Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_7 wool_colored_gray
Light Gray Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_8 wool_colored_silver
Cyan Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_9 wool_colored_cyan
Purple Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_10 wool_colored_purple
Blue Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_11 wool_colored_blue
Brown Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_12 wool_colored_brown
Green Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_13 wool_colored_green
Red Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_14 wool_colored_red
Black Wool (texture) JE2 BE2 cloth_15 wool_colored_black
Cocoa Age 0 (texture) JE1 BE1 cocoa_0 cocoa_stage_0
Cocoa Age 1 (texture) JE1 BE1 cocoa_1 cocoa_stage_1
Cocoa Age 2 (texture) JE1 BE1 cocoa_2 cocoa_stage_2
Command Block (texture) JE1 BE1 commandBlock command_block
Off Redstone Comparator (texture) JE2 BE1 comparator comparator_off
On Redstone Comparator (texture) JE2 BE1 comparator_lit comparator_on
Wheat Age 0 (texture) JE1 BE1 crops_0 wheat_stage_0
Wheat Age 1 (texture) JE1 BE1 crops_1 wheat_stage_1
Wheat Age 2 (texture) JE1 BE1 crops_2 wheat_stage_2
Wheat Age 3 (texture) JE1 BE1 crops_3 wheat_stage_3
Wheat Age 4 (texture) JE1 BE1 crops_4 wheat_stage_4
Wheat Age 5 (texture) JE1 BE1 crops_5 wheat_stage_5
Wheat Age 6 (texture) JE1 BE1 crops_6 wheat_stage_6
Wheat Age 7 (texture) JE1 BE1 crops_7 wheat_stage_7
Daylight Detector (side texture) JE1 BE1 daylightDetector_side daylight_detector_side
Daylight Detector (top texture) JE1 BE1 daylightDetector_top daylight_detector_top
Missing Texture JE4 destroy_0 destroy_stage_0
Missing Texture JE4 destroy_1 destroy_stage_1
Missing Texture JE4 destroy_2 destroy_stage_2
Missing Texture JE4 destroy_3 destroy_stage_3
Missing Texture JE4 destroy_4 destroy_stage_4
Missing Texture JE4 destroy_5 destroy_stage_5
Missing Texture JE4 destroy_6 destroy_stage_6
Missing Texture JE4 destroy_7 destroy_stage_7
Missing Texture JE4 destroy_8 destroy_stage_8
Missing Texture JE4 destroy_9 destroy_stage_9
Missing Texture JE4 detectorRail rail_detector
Missing Texture JE4 detectorRail_on rail_detector_powered
Missing Texture JE4 dispenser_front dispenser_front_horizontal
Missing Texture JE4 doorIron_lower door_iron_lower
Missing Texture JE4 doorIron_upper door_iron_upper
Missing Texture JE4 doorWood_lower door_wood_lower
Missing Texture JE4 doorWood_upper door_wood_upper
Missing Texture JE4 dragonEgg dragon_egg
Missing Texture JE4 dropper_front dropper_front_horizontal
Missing Texture JE4 enchantment_bottom enchanting_table_bottom
Missing Texture JE4 enchantment_side enchanting_table_side
Missing Texture JE4 enchantment_top enchanting_table_top
Missing Texture JE4 fenceIron iron_bars
Missing Texture JE4 fire_0 fire_layer_0
Missing Texture JE4 fire_1 fire_layer_1
Missing Texture JE4 flower flower_dandelion
Missing Texture JE4 flowerPot flower_pot
Missing Texture JE4 furnace_front furnace_front_off
Missing Texture JE4 furnace_front_lit furnace_front_on
Missing Texture JE4 goldenRail rail_golden
Missing Texture JE4 goldenRail_powered rail_golden_powered
Missing Texture JE4 hayBlock hay_block_side
Missing Texture JE4 hayBlock_top hay_block_top
Missing Texture JE4 hellrock netherrack
Missing Texture JE4 hellsand soul_sand
Missing Texture JE4 hopper hopper_outside
Missing Texture JE4 itemframe_back itemframe_background
Missing Texture JE4 lava lava_still
Missing Texture JE4 leaves leaves_oak
Missing Texture JE4 lightgem glowstone
Missing Texture JE4 mobSpawner mob_spawner
Missing Texture JE4 mushhroom_skin_brown mushroom_block_skin_brown
Missing Texture JE4 mushroom_inside mushroom_block_inside
Missing Texture JE4 mushroom_skin_red mushroom_block_skin_red
Missing Texture JE4 mushroom_skin_stem mushroom_block_skin_stem
Missing Texture JE4 musicBlock noteblock
Missing Texture JE4 mycel_side mycelium_side
Missing Texture JE4 mycel_top mycelium_top
Missing Texture JE4 netherBrick nether_brick
Missing Texture JE4 netherquartz quartz_ore
Missing Texture JE4 netherStalk_0 nether_wart_stage_0
Missing Texture JE4 netherStalk_1 nether_wart_stage_1
Missing Texture JE4 netherStalk_2 nether_wart_stage_2
Missing Texture JE4 oreCoal coal_ore
Missing Texture JE4 oreDiamond diamond_ore
Missing Texture JE4 oreEmerald emerald_ore
Missing Texture JE4 oreGold gold_ore
Missing Texture JE4 oreIron iron_ore
Missing Texture JE4 oreLapis lapis_ore
Missing Texture JE4 oreRedstone redstone_ore
Missing Texture JE4 piston_inner_top piston_inner
Missing Texture JE4 piston_top piston_top_normal
Missing Texture JE4 potatoes_0 potatoes_stage_0
Missing Texture JE4 potatoes_1 potatoes_stage_1
Missing Texture JE4 potatoes_2 potatoes_stage_2
Missing Texture JE4 potatoes_3 potatoes_stage_3
Missing Texture JE4 pumpkin_face pumpkin_face_off
Missing Texture JE4 pumpkin_jack pumpkin_face_on
Missing Texture JE4 quartzblock_bottom quartz_block_bottom
Missing Texture JE4 quartzblock_chiseled quartz_block_chiseled
Missing Texture JE4 quartzblock_chiseled_top quartz_block_chiseled_top
Missing Texture JE4 quartzblock_lines quartz_block_lines
Missing Texture JE4 quartzblock_lines_top quartz_block_lines_top
Missing Texture JE4 quartzblock_side quartz_block_side
Missing Texture JE4 quartzblock_top quartz_block_top
Missing Texture JE4 rail rail_normal
Missing Texture JE4 rail_turn rail_normal_turned
Missing Texture JE4 redstoneLight redstone_lamp_off
Missing Texture JE4 redstoneLight_lit redstone_lamp_on
Missing Texture JE4 redtorch redstone_torch_off
Missing Texture JE4 redtorch_lit redstone_torch_on
Missing Texture JE4 repeater repeater_off
Missing Texture JE4 repeater_lit repeater_on
Missing Texture JE4 rose flower_rose
Missing Texture JE4 sandstone_side sandstone_normal
Missing Texture JE4 sapling sapling_oak
Missing Texture JE4 snow_side grass_side_snowed
Missing Texture JE4 stem_bent melon_stem_connected
Missing Texture JE4 stem_straight melon_stem_disconnected
Missing Texture JE4 stonebrick cobblestone
Missing Texture JE4 stonebricksmooth stonebrick
Missing Texture JE4 stonebricksmooth_carved stonebrick_carved
Missing Texture JE4 stonebricksmooth_cracked stonebrick_cracked
Missing Texture JE4 stonebricksmooth_mossy stonebrick_mossy
Missing Texture JE4 stoneMoss cobblestone_mossy
Missing Texture JE4 stoneslab_side stone_slab_side
Missing Texture JE4 stoneslab_top stone_slab_top
Missing Texture JE4 thinglass_top glass_pane_top
Missing Texture JE4 torch torch_on
Missing Texture JE4 tree_birch log_birch
Missing Texture JE4 tree_jungle log_jungle
Missing Texture JE4 tree_side log_oak
Missing Texture JE4 tree_spruce log_spruce
Missing Texture JE4 tree_top log_oak_top
Missing Texture JE4 tripWire trip_wire
Missing Texture JE4 tripWireSource trip_wire_source
Missing Texture JE4 water water_still
Missing Texture JE4 whiteStone end_stone
Missing Texture JE4 wood planks_oak
Missing Texture JE4 wood_birch planks_birch
Missing Texture JE4 wood_jungle planks_jungle
Missing Texture JE4 wood_spruce planks_spruce
Missing Texture JE4 workbench_front crafting_table_front
Missing Texture JE4 workbench_side crafting_table_side
Missing Texture JE4 workbench_top crafting_table_top


All item texture files have been moved from textures/items to assets/minecraft/textures/items. Renamed files were as follows:

Texture Old file name New file name (13w24a—17w46a)
Missing Texture JE4 appleGold apple_golden
Missing Texture JE4 beefCooked beef_cooked
Missing Texture JE4 beefRaw beef_raw
Missing Texture JE4 blazePowder blaze_powder
Missing Texture JE4 blazeRod blaze_rod
Missing Texture JE4 boat oak_boat
Missing Texture JE4 book book_normal
Missing Texture JE4 bootsChain chainmail_boots
Missing Texture JE4 bootsCloth leather_boots
Missing Texture JE4 bootsCloth_overlay leather_boots_overlay
Missing Texture JE4 bootsDiamond diamond_boots
Missing Texture JE4 bootsGold gold_boots
Missing Texture JE4 bootsIron iron_boots
Missing Texture JE4 bow bow_standby
Missing Texture JE4 bow_pull_0 bow_pulling_0
Missing Texture JE4 bow_pull_1 bow_pulling_1
Missing Texture JE4 bow_pull_2 bow_pulling_2
Missing Texture JE4 bucket bucket_empty
Missing Texture JE4 bucketLava bucket_lava
Missing Texture JE4 bucketWater bucket_water
Missing Texture JE4 carrotGolden carrot_golden
Missing Texture JE4 carrotOnAStick carrot_on_a_stick
Missing Texture JE4 carrots carrot
Missing Texture JE4 chestplateChain chainmail_chestplate
Missing Texture JE4 chestplateCloth leather_chestplate
Missing Texture JE4 chestplateCloth_overlay leather_chestplate_overlay
Missing Texture JE4 chestplateDiamond diamond_chestplate
Missing Texture JE4 chestplateGold gold_chestplate
Missing Texture JE4 chestplateIron iron_chestplate
Missing Texture JE4 chickenCooked chicken_cooked
Missing Texture JE4 chickenRaw chicken_raw
Missing Texture JE4 clay clay_ball
Missing Texture JE4 diode repeater
Missing Texture JE4 doorIron door_iron
Missing Texture JE4 doorWood door_wood
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_black dye_powder_black
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_blue dye_powder_blue
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_brown dye_powder_brown
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_cyan dye_powder_cyan
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_gray dye_powder_gray
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_green dye_powder_green
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_lightBlue dye_powder_light_blue
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_lime dye_powder_lime
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_magenta dye_powder_magenta
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_orange dye_powder_orange
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_pink dye_powder_pink
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_purple dye_powder_purple
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_red dye_powder_red
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_silver dye_powder_silver
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_white dye_powder_white
Missing Texture JE4 dyePowder_yellow dye_powder_yellow
Missing Texture JE4 emptyMap map_empty
Missing Texture JE4 enchantedBook book_enchanted
Missing Texture JE4 enderPearl ender_pearl
Missing Texture JE4 expBottle experience_bottle
Missing Texture JE4 eyeOfEnder ender_eye
Missing Texture JE4 fermentedSpiderEye spider_eye_fermented
Missing Texture JE4 fireworksCharge fireworks_charge
Missing Texture JE4 fireworksCharge_overlay fireworks_charge_overlay
Missing Texture JE4 fishCooked fish_cod_cooked
Missing Texture JE4 fishingRod fishing_rod_uncast
Missing Texture JE4 fishingRod_empty fishing_rod_cast
Missing Texture JE4 fishRaw fish_cod_raw
Missing Texture JE4 flintAndSteel flint_and_steel
Missing Texture JE4 flowerPot flower_pot
Missing Texture JE4 frame item_frame
Missing Texture JE4 ghastTear ghast_tear
Missing Texture JE4 glass_bottle potion_bottle_empty
Missing Texture JE4 goldNugget gold_nugget
Missing Texture JE4 hatchetDiamond diamond_axe
Missing Texture JE4 hatchetGold gold_axe
Missing Texture JE4 hatchetIron iron_axe
Missing Texture JE4 hatchetStone stone_axe
Missing Texture JE4 hatchetWood wood_axe
Missing Texture JE4 helmetChain chainmail_helmet
Missing Texture JE4 helmetCloth leather_helmet
Missing Texture JE4 helmetCloth_overlay leather_helmet_overlay
Missing Texture JE4 helmetDiamond diamond_helmet
Missing Texture JE4 helmetGold gold_helmet
Missing Texture JE4 helmetIron iron_helmet
Missing Texture JE4 hoeDiamond diamond_hoe
Missing Texture JE4 hoeGold gold_hoe
Missing Texture JE4 hoeIron iron_hoe
Missing Texture JE4 hoeStone stone_hoe
Missing Texture JE4 hoeWood wood_hoe
Missing Texture JE4 horsearmordiamond diamond_horse_armor
Missing Texture JE4 horsearmorgold gold_horse_armor
Missing Texture JE4 horsearmormetal iron_horse_armor
Missing Texture JE4 ingotGold gold_ingot
Missing Texture JE4 ingotIron iron_ingot
Missing Texture JE4 leash lead
Missing Texture JE4 leggingsChain chainmail_leggings
Missing Texture JE4 leggingsCloth leather_leggings
Missing Texture JE4 leggingsCloth_overlay leather_leggings_overlay
Missing Texture JE4 leggingsDiamond diamond_leggings
Missing Texture JE4 leggingsGold gold_leggings
Missing Texture JE4 leggingsIron iron_leggings
Missing Texture JE4 magmaCream magma_cream
Missing Texture JE4 milk bucket_milk
Missing Texture JE4 minecart minecart_normal
Missing Texture JE4 minecartChest minecart_chest
Missing Texture JE4 minecartFurnace minecart_furnace
Missing Texture JE4 minecartHopper minecart_hopper
Missing Texture JE4 minecartTnt minecart_tnt
Missing Texture JE4 monsterPlacer spawn_egg
Missing Texture JE4 monsterPlacer_overlay spawn_egg_overlay
Missing Texture JE4 mushroomStew mushroom_stew
Missing Texture JE4 nameTag name_tag
Missing Texture JE4 netherquartz quartz
Missing Texture JE4 netherStalkSeeds nether_wart
Missing Texture JE4 netherStar nether_star
Missing Texture JE4 pickaxeDiamond diamond_pickaxe
Missing Texture JE4 pickaxeGold gold_pickaxe
Missing Texture JE4 pickaxeIron iron_pickaxe
Missing Texture JE4 pickaxeStone stone_pickaxe
Missing Texture JE4 pickaxeWood wood_pickaxe
Missing Texture JE4 porkchopCooked porkchop_cooked
Missing Texture JE4 porkchopRaw porkchop_raw
Missing Texture JE4 potatoBaked potato_baked
Missing Texture JE4 potion potion_bottle_drinkable
Missing Texture JE4 potion_contents potion_overlay
Missing Texture JE4 potion_splash potion_bottle_splash
Missing Texture JE4 pumpkinPie pumpkin_pie
Missing Texture JE4 redstone redstone_dust
Missing Texture JE4 rottenFlesh rotten_flesh
Missing Texture JE4 seeds seeds_wheat
Missing Texture JE4 shovelDiamond diamond_shovel
Missing Texture JE4 shovelGold gold_shovel
Missing Texture JE4 shovelIron iron_shovel
Missing Texture JE4 shovelStone stone_shovel
Missing Texture JE4 shovelWood wood_shovel
Missing Texture JE4 speckledMelon melon_speckled
Missing Texture JE4 spiderEye spider_eye
Missing Texture JE4 sulphur gunpowder
Missing Texture JE4 swordDiamond diamond_sword
Missing Texture JE4 swordGold gold_sword
Missing Texture JE4 swordIron iron_sword
Missing Texture JE4 swordStone stone_sword
Missing Texture JE4 swordWood wood_sword
Missing Texture JE4 writingBook book_writable
Missing Texture JE4 writtenBook book_written
Missing Texture JE4 yellowDust glowstone_dust