Minecraft Wiki
This page uses many images. 
It is not recommended for people with limited or slow internet connections to read through this page.
This page describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Minecraft. 
This feature used to be in the game, but has ever since been removed.It may or may not return in a future update.

items.png in 13w01b, the last version to actually use this file.

items.png was a texture atlas found inside minecraft.jar that was used to load the game's item textures.


items.png is a fixed-width 256×256-pixel file that is split into different 16×16 squares which correspond to the texture of each item found in-game. Like with particles.png, unused sections of the texture are completely transparent, unlike with terrain.png and the paintings sheet where such regions are colored magenta.


Before the introduction of texture packs, items.png was used as the texture file for all items in the game. To change any item textures in-game, it had to be edited and placed inside an edited minecraft.jar file.

items.png was in use by Java Edition until 13w02b, Pocket Edition Alpha until version v0.7.0 alpha and actively by Legacy Console Edition.


May 24, 2008
200806032323 items
This version of items.png can be found in the files of Legend of the Chambered. It contains some of the sprites later used in Minecraft but not in the same layout.
June 20, 2008
LoC2 items
This version of items.png can be found in the files of Legend of the Chambered 2. It is the same as the version from the first version of the game, but with the armor textures removed.
LoC2 armor
The armor textures were instead moved to their own file, armor.png, which contains the textures for leather, studded, chainmail and iron armor.
Java Edition Indev
200912312132 items
Added items.png.
Empty Armor Slot Helmet Empty Armor Slot Chestplate Empty Armor Slot Leggings Empty Armor Slot Boots Leather Cap (item) JE1 BE1 Leather Tunic (item) JE1 BE1 Leather Pants (item) JE1 BE1 Leather Boots (item) JE1 BE1 Studded Helmet (item) JE1 Studded Chestplate (item) JE1 Studded Leggings (item) JE1 Studded Boots (item) JE1 Chainmail Helmet (item) JE1 BE1 Chainmail Chestplate (item) JE1 BE1 Chainmail Leggings (item) JE1 BE1 Chainmail Boots (item) JE1 BE1 Iron Helmet (item) JE1 BE1 Iron Chestplate (item) JE1 BE1 Iron Leggings (item) JE1 BE1 Iron Boots (item) JE1 BE1 Apple JE1 BE1 Quiver JE1 Iron Sword JE1 BE1 Iron Shovel JE1
The textures of empty armor slot icons, leather, studded, chainmail, iron sets of armor, apples, quivers, iron swords, iron shovels have been added.
201001102241 items
Flint and Steel JE1 Iron Axe JE1 Iron Pickaxe JE1 The textures of flint and steel, iron axes, pickaxes have been added.
Bow JE1 An unused texture of bows and random purple сurve have been added.
20100122items.png has been updated.
Arrow (item) JE1 BE1 The texture of the arrow has been added.
Iron Axe JE2 Bow JE2 BE1 Quiver JE2 BE1 The textures of iron axes, bows, quivers have been changed.
Bows use own texture.
201001231248 items
Iron Axe JE3 The texture of the iron axes has been changed.
The random purple curve has been removed.
201001282032 items
Coal JE1 Diamond JE1 BE1 Gold Ingot JE1 Iron Ingot JE1 Wooden Sword JE1 BE1 Wooden Axe JE1 BE1 Wooden Pickaxe JE1 BE1 Wooden Shovel JE1 BE1 Stone Sword JE1 BE1 Stone Axe JE1 BE1 Stone Pickaxe JE1 BE1 Stone Shovel JE1 BE1 Diamond Sword JE1 BE1 Diamond Axe JE1 BE1 Diamond Pickaxe JE1 BE1 Diamond Shovel JE1 BE1
The textures of coal, diamonds, gold ingots, iron ingots, wooden, stone, diamond types of swords and tools have been added.
Flint and Steel JE2 Iron Axe JE4 BE1 Iron Pickaxe JE2 BE1 Iron Shovel JE2 BE1 The textures of flint and steel, iron axes, iron pickaxes, iron shovels have been changed.
201001291407 items
Stick JE1 BE1 The texture of the sticks has been added.
Gold Ingot JE2 BE1 Iron Ingot JE2 BE1 The textures of gold and iron ingots have been changed.
201001300050 items
Bowl JE1 BE1 Mushroom Stew JE1 BE1 Gunpowder JE1 BE1 Feather JE1 String JE1 BE1 Golden Sword JE1 Golden Axe JE1 Golden Pickaxe JE1 Golden Shovel JE1
The textures of bowls, mushroom stew, gunpowder, feathers, strings, golden swords, golden axes, golden pickaxes, golden shovels have been added.
201002062028 items
Golden Helmet (item) JE1 BE1 Golden Chestplate (item) JE1 BE1 Golden Leggings (item) JE1 BE1 Golden Boots (item) JE1 BE1 Diamond Helmet (item) JE1 BE1 Diamond Chestplate (item) JE1 BE1 Diamond Leggings (item) JE1 BE1 Diamond Boots (item) JE1 BE1 Wheat JE1 BE1 Bread JE1 BE1 Wheat Seeds JE1 BE1 Wooden Hoe JE1 BE1 Stone Hoe JE1 BE1 Iron Hoe JE1 BE1 Golden Hoe JE1 BE1 Diamond Hoe JE1 BE1
The textures of the golden and diamond sets of armor, wheat, bread, wheat seeds, and wooden, stone, iron, golden, and diamond hoes have been added.
Feather JE2 BE1 Golden Sword JE2 BE1 Golden Pickaxe JE2 BE1 Golden Axe JE2 BE1 Golden Shovel JE2 BE1
The textures of the feathers and golden swords, pickaxes, axes, and shovels have been changed.
The textures for the studded armor set have been removed.
201002191230 items
Cooked Porkchop JE1 Raw Porkchop JE1 BE1 Flint JE1 BE1 The textures for cooked porkchop, raw porkchop, and flint have been added.
Coal JE2 BE1 Flint and Steel JE3 BE1 The textures for coal and flint and steel have been changed.
201002231359 items
Painting JE1 BE1 The texture for paintings has been added.
Java Edition Infdev
201002261217 items
Golden Apple JE1 BE1 The texture for golden apples has been added.
201006071454 items
Oak Sign JE1 BE1 Oak Door (item) JE1 The textures for signs and wooden doors have been added.
201006151515 items
Bucket JE1 BE1 Water Bucket JE1 BE1 Lava Bucket JE1 BE1 The textures for buckets, water buckets, and lava buckets have been added.
201006181507 items
Minecart (item) JE1 The texture for minecarts has been added.
201006201142 items
Minecart (item) JE2 BE1 The texture for minecarts has been changed.
201006252010 items
Saddle JE1 BE1 The texture for saddles has been added.
Java Edition Alpha
201007012145 items
Iron Door (item) JE1 BE1 Redstone Dust JE1 BE1 The textures for iron doors and redstone dust have been added.
Oak Door (item) JE2 BE1 The texture for wooden doors has been changed.
201007132253 items
Snowball JE1 BE1 The texture for snowballs has been added.
201007161157 items
Oak Boat (item) JE1 The texture for boats has been added.
201007200021 items
Leather JE1 BE1 Milk Bucket JE1 BE1 The textures for leather and milk buckets has been added.
201007231635 items
Brick JE1 BE1 Sugar Cane (item) JE1 BE1 Clay Ball JE1 BE1 Paper JE1 BE1 Book JE1 BE1 Slimeball JE1 BE1
The textures for bricks, reeds, clay balls, paper, books, and slimeballs have been added.
201007301748 items
Egg JE1 BE1 Music Disc 13 JE1 BE1 Music Disc Cat JE1 BE1 Minecart with Furnace (item) JE1 Minecart with Chest (item) JE1 BE1
The textures for eggs, 13 and Cat music discs, minecart with furnace, and minecart with chest have been added.
201009101116 items
Compass (texture) JE1 BE1 The texture for compasses has been added.
201009181854 items
Fishing Rod JE1 BE1 The texture for fishing rods has been added.
201010301803 items
Clock (texture) JE1 BE1 Glowstone Dust JE1 BE1 Cooked Cod JE1 BE1 Raw Cod JE1 BE1
The textures for clocks, glowstone dust, cooked fish, and raw fish have been added.
Java Edition Beta
201101111014 items
Bone Meal JE1 BE1 Lapis Lazuli JE1 BE1 Cocoa Beans JE1 BE1 Ink Sac JE1 BE1 Bone JE1 BE1 Sugar JE1 BE1 Cake (item) JE1 BE1 Light Gray Dye JE1 BE1 Gray Dye JE1 BE1 Red Dye JE1 BE1 Orange Dye JE1 BE1 Yellow Dye JE1 BE1 Lime Dye JE1 BE1 Green Dye JE1 BE1 Cyan Dye JE1 BE1 Light Blue Dye JE1 BE1 Purple Dye JE1 BE1 Magenta Dye JE1 BE1 Pink Dye JE1 BE1
The textures for bonemeal, lapis lazuli, cocoa beans, ink sacs, bones, sugar, cake, and light gray, gray, red, orange, yellow, lime, green, cyan, light blue, purple, magenta, and pink dyes have been added.
Placeholder Item (texture) JE1 BE1 Placeholder icons have been added around the dyes.
201102160819 items
Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1 Redstone Repeater (item) JE1 The textures for beds and redstone repeaters have been added.
201103301636 items
Cookie JE1 BE1 The texture for cookies has been added.
1.6Test Build 3
201105121020 items
Map (item) JE1 BE1 Cast Fishing Rod JE2 BE1 The textures for maps and cast fishing rods have been added.
201106271152 items
Shears JE1 BE1The texture for shears has been added.
201109071717 items
Melon Seeds JE1 BE1 Melon Slice JE1 BE1 Pumpkin Seeds JE1 BE1 Rotten Flesh JE1 Ender Pearl JE1 Raw Beef JE1 BE1 Steak JE1 BE1 Raw Chicken JE1 BE1 Cooked Chicken JE1 BE1 Bow (Pull 0) JE1 BE1 Bow (Pull 1) JE1 BE1 Bow (Pull 2) JE1 BE1
The textures for melon seeds, melon slices, pumpkin seeds, rotten flesh, ender pearls, raw beef, steak, raw chicken, cooked chicken, and the three stages of drawing a bow have been added.
Cooked Porkchop JE2 BE1 The texture of cooked porkchops has been changed.
Placeholder Item (texture) JE1 BE1 Placeholder Icons have been added under the bows, cooked chicken, ender pearl, and cookie, as well as to the right of the bed.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease
201109211153 items
Fire Charge JE1 BE1 Blaze Rod JE1 BE1 Ghast Tear JE1 BE1 Gold Nugget JE1 Nether Wart (item) JE1
The textures for fire charges, blaze rods, ghast tears, gold nuggets, and nether wart have been added.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2
201109291446 items
Fermented Spider Eye JE1 BE1 Spider Eye JE1 BE1 Magma Cream JE1 Glass Bottle JE1 BE1 Potion (inside texture) JE1 Music Disc 11 JE1 BE1 Music Disc Blocks JE1 BE1 Music Disc Chirp JE1 BE1 Music Disc Far JE1 BE1 Music Disc Mall JE1 BE1 Music Disc Mellohi JE1 BE1 Music Disc Stal JE1 BE1 Music Disc Strad JE1 BE1 Music Disc Ward JE1 BE1 Music Disc 13 JE1 BE1 Music Disc Cat JE1 BE1
The textures for fermented spider eyes, spider eyes, magma creams, glass bottles, the liquid overlay for potions, the 11, Blocks, Chirp, Far, Mall, Mellohi, Stal, Strad, and Ward Music Discs, and 5 extra discs, using the 13 and Cat textures, have been added.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3
201110061448 items
Eye of Ender JE1 BE1 Cauldron (item) JE1 BE1 Brewing Stand (item) JE1 BE1 The textures for eyes of ender, cauldrons, and brewing stands have been added.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4
201110121506 items
Glistering Melon Slice JE1 BE1 Splash Potion (texture) JE1 BE1 The textures for glistering melons and splash potions have been added.
201112060917 items
Spawn Egg (texture) JE1 The texture for spawn eggs has been added.
201112291035 items
Spawn Egg (overlay texture) JE1 The texture for spawn egg overlays has been added.
Spawn Egg (texture) JE2 The texture for spawn eggs has been changed.
201201250840 items
Bottle o' Enchanting JE1 BE1 The texture for bottles of enchanting has been added.
201204261424 items
Book and Quill JE1 BE1 Written Book JE1 BE1 Added textures for book and quill and written book.
201205101048 items
Cocoa Beans JE2 The texture for cocoa beans has been changed.
201205241215 items
Ruby JE1 BE1 Emerald JE1 BE1 The textures for rubies and emeralds have been added.
201206141359 items
Ender Pearl JE2 BE1 The texture for ender pearls has been changed.
201207261249 items
Flint JE2 BE2 Coal JE3 BE2 Diamond JE2 BE2 Redstone Repeater (item) JE2 BE1 Rotten Flesh JE2 BE1 Raw Beef JE2 Steak JE2 Gold Nugget JE2 BE1 Nether Wart (item) JE2 BE1 Blaze Powder JE2 BE1 Magma Cream JE2 BE1 Oak Boat (item) JE2 BE1 Red Dye JE2 BE2 Green Dye JE2 BE2 Cocoa Beans JE3 BE2 Bone Meal JE2 BE2
The textures of flint, coal, charcoal, diamonds, redstone repeaters, rotten flesh, raw beef, steak, gold nuggests, nether wart, blaze powder, magma cream, boats, red dye, green dye, cocoa beans, and bone meal have been changed.
201208231427 items
Potato JE1 BE1 Baked Potato JE1 Poisonous Potato JE1 BE1 Carrot JE1 Golden Carrot JE1 Flower Pot (item) JE1 BE1 Empty Map JE1 BE1 Item Frame (item) JE1 BE1 Nether Star JE1
The textures for potato, baked potato, poisonous potato, carrot, golden carrot, flower pot, empty map, item frame, and nether star have been added.
Leather Cap (texture) JE2 BE2 Leather Tunic (texture) JE2 Leather Pants (texture) JE2 BE2 Leather Boots (texture) JE2 BE2 The textures of the leather armor set have been changed.
Placeholder Item (texture) JE1 BE1 Placeholder icons have been added near the bottom of the file.
201208241220 items
Leather Tunic (texture) JE3 BE2 The texture for the leather chestplate has been changed.
201209061143 items
Carrot on a Stick JE1 BE1 Skeleton Skull (item) JE1 Wither Skeleton Skull (item) JE1 Zombie Head (item) JE1 Player Head (item) JE1 Creeper Head (item) JE1
The textures of carrot on a stick, skeleton, wither skeleton, zombie, player, and creeper heads have been added.
Golden Carrot JE2 The texture of golden carrots has been changed.
Placeholder Item (texture) JE1 BE1 Placeholder icons have been added near the bottom of the file.
201209131223 items
Pumpkin Pie JE1 BE1 Leather Cap (overlay texture) JE1 BE1 Leather Pants (overlay texture) JE1 BE1 Leather Boots (overlay texture) JE1 BE1 The textures for pumpkin pie and the undyeable leather armor overlays (Helmet Piece, Kneecaps, Boot Piece) have been added.
Apple JE2 BE2 Bread JE2 BE2 Raw Porkchop JE2 BE2 Cooked Porkchop JE3 BE2 Raw Beef JE3 BE2 Steak JE3 BE2 Raw Chicken JE2 BE2 Cooked Chicken JE2 BE2 Carrot JE2 BE1 Golden Carrot JE3 BE1 Baked Potato JE2 BE1 Nether Star JE2 BE1 Skeleton Skull (item) JE1 BE1 Wither Skeleton Skull (item) JE1 BE1 Zombie Head (item) JE1 BE1 Player Head (item) JE1 BE1 Creeper Head (item) JE1 BE1
The textures of apple, bread, raw porkchop, cooked porkchop, raw beef, steak, raw chicken, cooked chicken, carrot, golden carrot, baked potato, nether star, and heads have been changed.
201211011315 items
Music Disc Wait JE1 BE1 The texture of one of the extra Cat discs has been changed into the Wait disc.
201212071427 items
Enchanted Book JE1 BE1 Firework Rocket JE1 BE1 Firework Star JE1 BE1 Firework Star (overlay texture) JE1 BE1 The textures for enchanted books, firework rockets, firework stars, and firework star overlays have been added.
201301031509 items
Nether Quartz JE1 BE1 Nether Brick JE1 BE1 Redstone Comparator (item) JE1 BE1 The textures for nether quartz, nether brick, and redstone comparators have been added.
13w02aThe items.png file has been replaced by individual item images, allowing for HD and animated textures. The items.png has been effectively replaced by procedurally generated texture atlases.
13w02bitems.png has been removed from the jar file from this point onwards.
Pocket Edition Alpha
201108040915 items
Camera (item texture) BE1 Tripod (texture) BE1 Camera (texture) BE1 It is set to match Java Edition Beta 1.3, with the addition of the camera, tripod, and an unidentified texture, similar in appearance to a real-life camera.
201112060917 items
The camera, tripod, and unidentified camera texture have been removed.
The file has been updated to match Java Edition 11w49a.
201301181025 items
Nether Quartz JE1 BE1 Nether Brick JE1 BE1 The textures for nether quartz and nether brick have been added.
201304221142 items
Chicken Spawn Egg JE2 BE1 Sheep Spawn Egg JE2 BE1 Cow Spawn Egg JE2 BE1 Pig Spawn Egg JE2 BE1 The textures for chicken, sheep, cow, and pig spawn eggs have been added.
v0.8.0build 2 items.png is no longer supported and has been removed, now being replaced with items-opaque.png.
Legacy Console Edition
Build 0016
1.66.0016.0 items
Added items.png.
Added textures for arrow; leather, iron, diamond and gold armors, tools and swords; apple, flint and steel, bows, coal, diamond, gold ingot, iron ingot, stick, bowl, mushroom stew, gunpowder, string, feather, bread, seeds, wheat, flint, raw porkchop, cooked porkchop, golden apple, bucket, water bucket, lava bucket, saddle, snowball, leather, milk bucket, paper, book, clay ball, brick, slimeball, sugar cane, egg, music discs, minecart with furnace, minecart with chest, compass, fishing rod, clock, glowstone dust, cooked fish, raw fish, bone, bone meal, lapis lazuli, cocoa beans, ink sac, charcoal, dyes, sugar, cookie, and maps.
CLCK 1 CLCK 2 CLCK 3 CMPS 1 CMPS 2 CMPS 3 Added unused textures with words "CLCK 1", "CLCK 2", "CLCK 3", "CMPS 1", "CMPS 2", "CMPS 3".
201201250840 items
Added unused version of items.png.
TU3Updated items.png.
Shears JE1 BE1 Added texture for shears.
Cooked Porkchop JE2 BE1 Changed texture for cooked porkchop.
TU5Updated items.png.
Added textures for melon, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, raw beef, steak, raw chicken, cooked chicken, rotten flesh, ender pearl, the 11, Blocks, Chirp, Far, Mall, Mellohi, Stal, Strad, and Ward Music Discs, chain armor.
TU7Updated items.png.
Added textures for blaze rod, ghast tear, gold nugget, glass bottle, water bottle, spider eye, fermented spider eye, eye of ender, glistering melon, nether wart, blaze powder, bottle o' enchanting, magma cream.
TU9 items
Fire Charge JE1 BE1 Item Frame (item) JE1 BE1 Nether Brick JE1 BE1 Dragon Fireball LCE1 Spawn Egg (texture) JE2 Spawn Egg (overlay texture) JE1 Added textures for fire charge, item frame, nether brick and dragon fireball, base and overlay textures for spawn eggs,
TU12 items
Added textures for ocelot spawn egg, the skeleton, wither skeleton, zombie, player, creeper mob heads.
TU14 items
Added textures for emerald, nether quartz, enchanted book, enchanted golden apple, potato, baked potato, poisonous potato, carrot, golden carrot, carrot on a stick, pumpkin pie, potions.
TU19 items
Added textures for minecart with hopper, minecart with TNT, redstone comparator, firework rocket, firework star, nether star, lead, horse armor, name tag, the horse, donkey and mule spawn eggs.
TU25 items
Added textures for barrier and book and quill.
TU28 items
Added textures for armor stand, raw rabbit, cooked rabbit, rabbit stew, raw mutton, cooked mutton, rabbit's foot, rabbit hide, potion of leaping, potion of water breathing, salmon, cooked salmon, clownfish, pufferfish, prismarine crystals, prismarine shard, spawn eggs for rabbits, endermites and guardians.
TU33 items
TU43 items
Beetroot JE1 BE1 Beetroot Seeds JE1 BE1 Beetroot Soup JE1 BE1 Added textures for beetroot, beetroot seeds and beetroot soup.
TU44 items
Change the texture of doors.
TU46 items
Tipped Arrow (base texture) JE1 BE1 Tipped Arrow (head texture) JE1 BE1 Added textures for chorus fruit, popped chorus fruit, dragon's breath, elytra, end crystal, lingering potion, splash potions, potion of luck, tipped arrow, the spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak boats.
TU53 items
Added textures for shulker shell, iron nugget.
TU54 items
Bed (overlay texture) LCE1 Added overlay texture for beds.
Bed (texture) LCE2 Changed base texture for beds.
Removed unused texture for ruby.
TU60 items
Resized items.png from 256 × 256 pixels to 256 × 272 pixels.
Leather Horse Armor (texture) BE1 Leather Horse Armor (overlay texture) BE1 Added base and overlay textures for leather horse armor.
TU69 items
Bucket of Cod JE1 BE1 Bucket of Salmon JE1 BE1 Bucket of Tropical Fish JE1 BE1 Bucket of Pufferfish JE1 Kelp (item) JE1 BE2 Dried Kelp BE1 Sea Pickle (item) JE1 BE1 Nautilus Shell JE1 BE2 Heart of the Sea JE1 BE2 Turtle Shell (item) JE1 BE1 Scute JE1 BE1 Trident (item) Phantom Membrane JE1 BE1
Added textures for buckets of cod, salmon, pufferfish, and tropical fish, kelp, dried kelp, sea pickle, nautilus shell, heart of the sea, turtle shell, scute, trident, phantom membrane.
Raw Cod JE4 BE2 Cooked Cod JE4 BE3 Raw Salmon JE2 BE2 Cooked Salmon JE2 BE2 Pufferfish (item) JE5 BE2 Tropical Fish JE2 BE2 Changed textures for raw cod, cooked cod, raw salmon, cooked salmon, pufferfish, tropical fish.
Pi Edition
201112060917 items
Added items.png.
201301181025 items
Nether Quartz JE1 BE1 Nether Brick JE1 BE1 The textures for nether quartz and nether brick have been added.

See also[]
