Minecraft Wiki
This article is about the status effect. For the advancement, see Advancement § Hero of the Village. For the board game, see Minecraft: Heroes of the Village.

Hero of the Village (or village hero) is a status effect granted to the player upon defeating a raid.


Players receive gifts‌[JE only] and discounts from villager trades while under the effect, which lasts 40 minutes. It does not affect the wandering trader's trades.


Hero of the Village Bedrock Animation

The Bedrock Edition animation for the Hero of the Village effect activating.

In Bedrock Edition, upon the effect being given a short animation of the effect icon appearing on the screen plays, similar to a Totem of Undying.

Price decrement[]

Level I Hero of the Village decreases the cost of the first item in a trade by 30%; each additional level decreases the price by an additional 116 (6.25%). In Survival, the maximum level is V‌[JE only] or I‌[BE only], giving discounts of 55% and 30%, respectively. Nevertheless, one can use commands to give higher levels of the effect. Hero of the Village XII gives a discount of 98.75%, decreasing all prices to 1. No matter how large the discount is, the final item count in the trade is always at least one, never zero. In other cases, the decrement is the discount ratio multiplied by the original count rounded down or rounded up if the decrement is less than 1.

Example: Level III would give a 42.5% discount. For trade with 14 emeralds as the cost, the discount would be 5 emeralds (rounded down from 5.95 emeralds), for a final price of 9 emeralds.

The formula can be written as Discounted price = Initial price - max[1, floor(Initial Price × (0.0625 × (Level - 1) + 0.3))].

Hero of the Village is a status effect and can be removed through all conventional methods, such as drinking milk, using Totem of Undying, or dying.‌‌[Java Edition only]


Information icon
This feature is exclusive to Java Edition. 

Upon obtaining the effect, villagers randomly throw items from a certain pool at the player as rewards, listed below. In order for a player to have gifts thrown to them, they must have Hero of the Village, the villager must be able to see them, and they must be within 5 blocks of the villager. After throwing a gift, a villager enters a cooldown lasting between 30 seconds and 5min 30 sec. Villagers give gifts only while idle, working, or meeting at the town center (bell). They do not give gifts during the night when they should be sleeping.

Type of villager Gift pool
Nitwit, Unemployed

If /gamerule mobGriefing is set to true, villagers might pick up seeds and bread that were thrown as gifts if the player doesn't get to them first.


Cause Potency Length Notes
All illagers in the final wave of a raid are killed. I–V ‌[JE only] 40:00 The player must have killed at least one raider. The level is the same as the level of Bad Omen the raid was started with.
I ‌[BE only] 40:00 The player must have killed at least one raider.

Even using the /effect command can give the player the Hero of the Village effect and cause the villagers to decrease prices, give gifts, and increase the player's popularity.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key
Hero of the Villagehero_of_the_village32effect.minecraft.hero_of_the_village

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key
Hero of the Villagevillage_hero29effect.villageHero


Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other
Buy Low, Sell HighTrade for the best possible price.Buy something for 1 emerald, or when the Hero of the Village effect is applied.50GGold


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-fancy-rawHow Did We Get Here?
Have every effect applied at the same time A Furious CocktailHave all of these 27 status effects applied to the player at the same time: The source of the effects is irrelevant for the purposes of this advancement. Other status effects may be applied to the player, but are ignored for this advancement.
This is a hidden advancement, meaning that it can be viewed by the player only after completing it, regardless of if its child advancement(s), if any, have been completed.
Advancement-fancy-rawHero of the Village
Successfully defend a village from a raid Voluntary ExileKill at least one raid mob during a raid and wait until it ends in victory.
This is a hidden advancement, meaning that it can be viewed by the player only after completing it, regardless of if its child advancement(s), if any, have been completed.


Java Edition
1.1419w13aHero of the Village JE1 BE2 Added Hero of the Village.
1.19.322w46aThe inventory now correctly shows the remaining time on the Hero of the Village effect, instead of **:**.[1]
Bedrock Edition
1.11.0beta of the Village BE1 Added Hero of the Village. Currently has no effect.
beta of the Village JE1 BE2 Changed Hero of the Village icon.
beta of the Village now grants a villager trading discount.
Hero of the Village can be obtained by defeating a raid.
beta animation now plays on-screen when a player gets Hero of the Village.
PlayStation 4 Edition
1.91Hero of the Village JE1 BE2 Added Hero of the Village.


Issues relating to "Hero of the Village" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

