Minecraft Wiki
Gear (item)
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Dark Oak Sapling
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This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition. 
Blue Beaker BE1
The features on this page are exclusive to Experimental Gameplay in Bedrock Edition. 
These features may be properly added in a future update, but currently require enabling one or more settings in the "Upcoming Creator Features" section of the Game Settings menu.

Add, remove, or list volumes in the current dimension.


volumearea add <identifier: string> <from: x y z> <to: x y z> <name: string>
volumearea list [all-dimensions: VolumeAreaAllDimensions]
volumearea remove <name: string>
volumearea remove <position: x y z>
volumearea remove_all


identifier: string: basic_string

from: x y z: CommandPosition and to: x y z: CommandPosition

name: string: basic_string

position: x y z: CommandPosition

[all-dimensions: VolumeAreaAllDimensions]: enum


CommandTriggerBedrock Edition
anyIf the syntax is incorrect N/A
<identifier: string> ID not found in
anyOtherwiseYou can execute components between coordinates.


Bedrock Edition
1.18.30beta /volumearea.
1.21.10beta has been deleted