Minecraft Wiki
This page describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Minecraft. 
This feature used to be in the game, but has ever since been removed.It may or may not return in a future update.
Information icon
This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education. 

Transfers a specified quantity of items from one slot to another of your Agent's inventory.


transfer <srcSlotNum: int> <quantity: int> <dstSlotNum: int>


srcSlotNum: int

Specifies the source of slot number to be transferred, slots are numbered from 1 to 27.

quantity: int

Specifies the number of items to be transferred from the Agent's inventory slot.

srcSlotNum: int

Specifies the destination of slot number to be transferred, slots are numbered from 1 to 27.


Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, or returns false if the destination already has items of a different type, and if the source slot was empty.

On success, returns true if there was a room for the items to be transferred.


Education Edition
?Added /transfer.