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This feature is exclusive to Java Edition. 

Force chunks to load constantly or not, or lists/queries forceloaded chunks.


forceload add <from> [<to>]

Forces the chunk at the <from> position (through to <to> if set) in the dimension of the command's execution to be loaded constantly.

forceload remove <from> [<to>]

Unforces the chunk at the <from> position (through to <to> if set) in the dimension of the command's execution to be loaded constantly.

forceload remove all

Unforces all chunks in the dimension of the command's execution to be loaded constantly.

forceload query [<pos>]

If chunk coordinates are given, displays the specified chunk in the dimension of the command's execution is force loaded; otherwise, lists which chunks in the dimension of the command's execution are force loaded.


<from>: column_pos and <to>: column_pos

Specifies the targeted chunks.
Must be a column coordinates composed of <x> and <z>, each of which must be an integer or tilde notation.

<pos>: column_pos

Specifies a chunk to query.
Must be a column coordinates composed of <x> and <z>, each of which must be an integer or tilde notation.


CommandTriggerJava Edition
anythe arguments are not specified correctly Unparseable
/forceload add ...more than 256 chunks are specified Failed
there's a specified chunk that is out of the world
/forceload add ...all specified chunks have already been forced to be loaded
/forceload remove <from> [<to>]none of specified chunks have been forced to be loaded
/forceload query <pos>the specified chunk hasn't been forced to be loaded


CommandEditionSituationSuccess Count/execute store success .../execute store result ...
anyJava EditionOn fail000
/forceload add ...On success11the number of forceloaded chunks that is newly added.
/forceload remove <from> [<to>]On success11the number of forceloaded chunks that is successfully removed.
/forceload remove allOn success110
/forceload queryOn success11The number of forceloaded chunks in the current dimension.
/forceload query <pos>On success111


  • Forced chunks get load ticket with load level of 31, the same ticket that chunks get by being in a player's chunk loading distance, which means that said chunk processes all aspects of the game, while adjacent chunks get activated by the load level's spread. But since it increases its load level each time, adjacent chunks don't process every aspect of the game as well. See also: chunk.
  • Crops do not grow in forceloaded chunks unless a player is nearby. Crop growing (without the use of bonemeal) depends on chunk ticks.
  • Coordinates are actually block coordinates. In order to forceload chunks 0,0 to 1,2, the player should use /forceload add 0 0 31 47, which loads chunks 0,0 to 1,2 (1,2 inclusive, 2×3 chunks).
  • When using /forceload add 0 0 10 30 chunks 0,0 to 0,1 are actually loaded (one chunk equals 16×16 blocks on x/z axis). However, /forceload query gives result in chunk coordinates.


Java Edition
1.13.118w31aAdded /chunk.
pre1Renamed /chunk to /forceload.
1.14.4pre4/forceload is now available up to permission level 2.
1.17?Chunks are now loaded asynchronously, so chunks selected by /forceload are no longer guaranteed to be loaded on the same tick that the command is run.[1]


  1. MC-227930 — resolved as "Works As Intended".