
Hinrigh Biganduffno (ヒンリギ゠ビガンダフノ, Hinrigi Bigandafuno) is the Underboss of the Xi-Yu Family.[2]


Chap 378 - Hinrigi Bigandaphno

Hinrigh's appearance

Hinrigh is a lean man with long, fair hair, which is wavy except for the locks directly above his scalp. His bangs curl to the left, almost parallel to his forehead, and expand into wavy clumps as they fall down his head. He has thin, long eyebrows that curve upwards, round eyes with clear-colored irises, and remarkably small pupils. He wears black makeup that circles each eye and extends a tip toward his nose. In his first appearance, he wore a suit with light and dark-colored vertical stripes over a lighter shirt.[2]


Hinrigh is a confident individual who lives up to the responsibilities of his station and does not shy away from fieldwork. Nonetheless, he relishes the prospect of an all-out war against the Heil-Ly Family due to his grudge against Morena for violating the code of conduct that binds the Mafia families of Kakin. His sadistic side can take convoluted articulations, as seen when he killed two soldiers right after promising he would not cause any trouble bribing them, and waiting for their death before resuming his former course of action.[1]

Despite his sadistic tendencies, Hinrigh shows considerable civility and restraint, as shown when he successfully negotiates with Hisoka, a person who revels in chaos, to be patient. He also likes the Phantom Troupe and would like to see the battle between Hisoka and them.


Succession Contest arc[]

Hinrigh boards the Black Whale and acts as intermediary between Tier 1 and Tier 4. On the fourth day of the voyage, he is summoned by Onior, who orders him to find Hisoka before the Phantom Troupe. Hinrigh returns to Tier 4 and instructs his subordinates to search the list of passengers for men traveling solo, and, if they cannot find Hisoka that way, to focus on families of three or more, explaining those are the least likely conditions where everyone could expect to find him. He then admits that he is probably stowed away, which makes him harder to find, and tells his underling to request Queen Tang Zhao Li to get soldiers to do a round of ID and ticket verifications. He claims that he will take care of the rest once they find Hisoka.[2] Hinrigh is shown to still be stationed in the Xi-Yu Family office on Tier 4.[3]

Hinrigh stalks a member of the Heil Ly Family

Hinrigh stalks a member of the Heil-Ly Family

Over the next few days, as members of the Heil-Ly Family murder dozens of those of the other two main Mafia families, Hinrigh searches for Hisoka in Tier 4, to no avail, and makes contact with some Spiders. On the tenth day of the voyage, Onior authorizes Hinrigh to let them search for their target in Tier 4 while he is assigned to look for him in Tier 3 and kill Morena. He enlists Lynch and Zakuro's help before passing the checkpoint. As soon as they enter Tier 3, Hinrigh notices that they have been spotted by two Heil-Ly members and tasks his underlings with questioning the man while he chases the woman, promising to let her live if she takes him to her Boss. She crosses over into an area guarded by multiple soldiers, warning that if they attack civilians such as they are, the military will have to intervene. The Heil-Ly falsifying their status causes Hinrigh to realize that they always intended to go for an all-out war. As the woman walks away, he promises her retaliation.[1]

V37 Change 67B

Hinrigh bribes the two Kakin Army soldiers

Two soldiers escort Hinrigh back to where Lynch and Zakuro just incapacitated their opponents. While promising that they will not be back and pretending to bribe the soldiers, Hinrigh furtively uses Biohazard on their weapons. The three walk a few paces before the soldiers are shot by their own rifles, after which the three Xi-Yu members resume their investigation.[1]

Chap 391 - Hinrigh killing Padaille

Hinrigh kills Padaille with his hand axe

As he goes to the shopping mall area to investigate, he buys a camera from a passenger and conjures it into a cat. At the same time, he is tailed by three Heil-ly members, Padaille, Quorolle, and Tevelares, who want to kill him to gain further level. Due to their inexperience with Nen, Hinrigh manages to dispatch his attackers using his handcuff-conjured pigeons and successfully kills Padaille with his own conjured weapon, causing the other two to flee.[4]

Chap 392 - A soldier asking Hinrigh for money

Maizan negotiates a deal with Hinrigh

As Padaille's body is disposed of by Misha's Post-Mortem Nen, he is then approached by a Kakin army corporal whom he offers 50 million Jenny Symbol 2011 for the intel of the location of Morena. Still, the corporal demands payment first before giving him the intel. Hinrigh then agrees to a 30 million Jenny down payment, and the corporal tells him that he knows a man in charge of the ship's circuit wiring who knows about the possible hideout of Morena. Hinrigh then agrees with the intel and demands that he lead him to the guy while he prepares the payment.[5]

Chap 393 - Hisoka and Hinrigh

Hisoka and Hinrigh talk

While he was preparing the payment, Zakuro and Lynch regained consciousness after Hisoka knocked them out and reported their encounter with Hisoka to him. Hinrigh immediately switches his attention to Hisoka and hopes to strike a bargain with him. He found Hisoka sitting in a cinema and offered him a VVIP pass in Tier 1 of the ship, persuading him not to pursue the Spiders for a moment as he needed them to take down the Heil-ly and confessing that, if possible, he and the family would prefer not to face him, saying he could not defeat him. Hinrigh is also asked by Hisoka who would win the battle between him and The Troupe, in which Hinrigh says he backs the Troupe, revealing that he also likes the group. Hisoka was impressed by his honesty and agreed to his bargain, though telling him he would react if he were attacked.[6]

Later on, he and his men, along with Ken'i Wang and the Char-R family goons, are guided by the corporal to a room in Tier 3 that is supposed to be Morena's hideout, only to find an old man in there. The corporal enters, only to disappear in thin air. Suspicious, Hinrigh throws several knives at the room and realizes they are not vanishing. He then threatens the old man to come out of the room, or his next knife throw will not miss the old man.[6]

Chap 394 - Gateaume vanishing

The old man vanishes before Hinrigh and Ken'i

The old man takes his time walking to the door, and Hinrigh loses his patience, throwing his knife at the old man's leg. The old man falls to the ground screaming, but Hinrigh points out there is no blood from the "wound," and the old man drops the act, revealing he is a conman who always exaggerates his injuries to garner sympathy before vanishing. Ken'i then suggests leaving the Heil-Ly to the Troupe. One of the Char-R goons, Tassi, decides to enter the room despite Hinrigh and the other Char-Rs' protests, and he promptly vanishes, confirming the doorway is a trap. Hinrigh assumes Luini was the cause, but Ken'i corrects him, revealing the Troupe had already killed him. Hinrigh decides to follow up on his own leads by checking out the cat camcorder he left behind.[7]

Looking through the footage, Hinrigh notices the same Heil-Ly members walking around outside the entrance to the cabins despite entering and not being seen coming out. This proves his suspicion that the Heil-Ly are warping around the ship. Discussing this with the Ken'i and Tserriednich's men, he is told that the three spiders who killed Luini will be dealing with the trap at the cabins.[8]

Chap 398 - Hinrigh volunteering

Hinrigh eats the oyster tracker

While the Troupe gets ready to trigger the door trap, Hinrigh approaches them and offers to use a transmitter transformed into a raw oyster so that he can be tracked as he triggers the teleporter. The transmitter will remain an oyster for around two hours, and he will do his best to stay alive so the troupe can find him. The Troupe accepts, and Hinrigh steps through the door and instantly teleports to a large room. He immediately drops to the floor and pivots with his knife out to attack anyone nearby, but the room is empty. Nobunaga appears behind him, to his shock. Nobunaga attempts to use his sword on the room walls, but the slashes disappear, suggesting the room is someone's Nen construct. Hinrigh asks Nobunaga to observe as he opens a shower room, a bathroom, and three empty toilets. He opens a door leading to a laundry room, preparing to enter.[9]

The room appears unoccupied, yet Hinrigh feels certain that someone was there recently. Nobunaga suddenly becomes angry at himself, believing the people he earlier teleported inside the hideout were Heil-ly associates who alerted the group of an imminent attack. Hinrigh reassures him, stating that it’s pointless to speculate and to instead focus on one of the suspicious unopened door. Knife in hand, Hinrigh opens the door and finds multiple Hei-ly members in the middle of a discussion. He attempts to get their attention and asks if they are Heil-ly members, but the group nonchalantly ignores him. Their relaxed attitude suggests the existence of a trap in the doorway, and both Hinrigh and Nobunaga agree on taking the offensive.[10]

Chap 399 - Hinrigh attacking Terebellum

Hinrigh attacking Terebellum

Hinrigh then hurls a knife toward Terebellum, and it pierces his head, causing the member to say that it hurt and to stand up from his chair. Soufflé can't believe that it's all the way in his head, but Terebellum calmly pulls it out, crushing the handle and revealing that the blade is missing. Hinrigh sees that the blade's tip is in the drink can Terebellum was holding, realizing that his ability involves matter transfer. As Soufflé grabs Terebellum's left arm and reminds him that they were told not to deal with intruders, Hinrigh throws another knife toward him, with Terebellum dodging and pushing Soufflé out of the way. As the knife heads straight for Perigord, he calmly puts out his hand and wonders how long it would take for the injury to heal. However, Orarge uses an issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump to stop the knife and tells Perigord that he should have avoided it, wondering why he's trying to use his ability. Terebellum criticizes Soufflé for carelessly touching him, and she apologizes before saying that she will leave and reminding them that they shouldn't fight there. Orarge reminds Perigord that he has already been chosen as the "organ" (kikan) and that Morena told him to keep his head down, with Perigord remembering and apologizing.[10]

Yokotani speaks up and confirms Hinrigh's identity, introducing himself as the Heil-Ly Family's lawyer. Terebellum then tells him to call the military and police since a crazy person is throwing knives and going on a rampage. Yokotani explains that they have committed both trespassing and bodily harm, which is as close as they can get to attempted murder. He asks if it's okay to report it to the police, and Hinrigh says that it's convenient since they're lost, wondering where they are. Yokotani replies that he can't reveal that and agrees to keep things civil if they follow his instructions. Nobunaga then gets his attention, and Yokotani recognizes him as a member of the Phantom Troupe, saying that it's a big deal for them.[10]

After Nobunaga attacks Yokotani, Terebellum protects him and tells him that he will make the intruders disappear, reminding him that he identified himself to them and that he is a guard. Yokotani then activates his Conjuration ability, A Battle of Wits: "LSDF", which is explained to be a defensive ability that can only be used at the hideout where Morena is located. It activates when Yokotani identifies himself to an intruder who has broken the law, and while the guards he conjures cannot harm the criminal, the criminal's attacks are also ineffective. The more serious the opponent's crime, the higher the level of guards Yokotani can create. With aura swelling around them, seven puppets appear behind him and identify the two criminals, charging them with trespassing and attempted murder as they reach alert level 4. Yokotani confirms the sentence and orders them to be expelled from the premises. As the puppets run forward, Nobunaga readies his katana and strikes one of them, but it takes no damage and reaches the maximum alert level as its aura increases. Nobunaga realizes that its aura has been enhanced and tells Hinrigh that the puppets are most likely invincible since the two of them already met the conditions of Yokotani's ability.[10]

Chap 399 - Hinrigh fleeing

Hinrigh fleeing Yokotani's puppets

The puppets swarm and restrain Nobunaga, with one of them confiscating his katana. Nobunaga tells Hinrigh to run since the puppets are on autopilot and won't stop until they remove him as well. The puppets carry Nobunaga out, and he is eventually teleported away, with Yokotani confirming his expulsion and adding that they have one more target. As the puppets sprint toward Hinrigh, Yokotani tells him that he also has two attempted murders with willful negligence and that he will be expelled, asking him to give up and leave. Based on the teleportation traps and invincible-type users, Hinrigh is confident that it's the Heil-Ly's main base, returning to the laundry room and closing the door behind him. As the puppets pound on the door, Hinrigh tells himself that he will use Nobunaga's advice and hide the transmitter there since the puppets are on autopilot and the user won't be able to see what he's doing in the room. He then puts two fingers in his mouth so that he can vomit up the transmitter.[10]

Back in Room 3101, Nobunaga realizes that entering from the front door teleports someone to the hideout and entering from the door of the hideout teleports someone to Room 3101. He adds that the Heil-Ly can kill two birds with one stone since it acts as a trap and a secret passageway. However, he says that there has to be a jump point that only members can use, wondering if it's somewhere in the room. Hinrigh then teleports back, and Nobunaga wonders how it went. Hinrigh replies that the enemy probably won't notice the transmitter thanks to his advice, telling Nobunaga that he will support him since he (Hinrigh) won't be able to use his ability anymore that day and adding that he used all his knives.[10]

Chap 399 - Nobunaga and Hinrigh splitting up

Nobunaga and Hinrigh splitting up to find the Heil-Ly

Hinrigh explains that he will first get an idea of where the hideout is located on the ship's floor plan before creating descriptions for the members, looking for witnesses, and narrowing down their area of activity. He adds that he will gather together every Xi-Yu member to get the information, and Nobunaga says that the Troupe will handle the search for the transmitter. In the hideout's laundry room, the transmitter (still in the form of an oyster) is seen under one of the cabinets as it beeps twice. Hinrigh tells Nobunaga that he's counting on them and that even though the Heil-Ly looked like amateurs, they have to be cautious since they don't know what Morena can do and what one of the members meant when he said "organ". Nobunaga agrees and adds that whoever is moving the pieces isn't stupid.[10]

Abilities & Powers[]

As the Underboss of the Xi-Yu family, Hinrigh's authority is second only to that of the Boss himself. He can enter Tiers 1 and 4 at will, despite not being ordinarily permitted. He proved to be very observant when he noticed that two Heil-Ly members glanced in his direction in a crowded environment. His analytical skills enabled him to understand the implications of their registering themselves as civilians, while his craftiness translates in surreptitious ways for him to activate his Nen ability.[1]

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Hinrigh is a skilled fighter as shown when he disarms and kills Padaille, a member of the Hei-ly family, easily by turning his own conjured weapon against him.[4]

Expert Knife-Throwing: Hinrigh's primary weapons are several throwing knives which he can skillfully throw at great precision at the target.[10]


Hinrigh is a Conjurer skilled enough to have created a Nen ability.[1] His Ken is strong enough to deflect bullets from handguns. He can reinforce his conjured objects to withstand bullets from handguns as well, suggesting he is skilled in Enhancement.[4] There seems to be a limit on how many objects he can conjure in a day.[10]

Hinrigh's En has been observed by Heil-Ly member Quorolle to be at least 16' (~4.8m).[4]

Hinrigh's Nen Type: Conjuration
Type: Conjuration Biohazard (てのひらを太陽に(バイオハザード) Sun in the Palm of Your Hand)
Hinrigh can turn any device or object he touches into a living creature. The device or weapon can retain its original function and can be manipulated at will. The transformation can be partial and take effect a few seconds after contact. The transformative properties of this ability as well as the fact that non-users can see its effects seem to point to it falling in the Conjuration category, while Hinrigh's control over the animals might imply the involvement of Manipulation.[1] Among the animals that Hinrigh can conjure there are snakes, pidgeons, cats[4] and oysters.[9]

Manga Appearances[]

Succession Contest arc
349. Worm Toxin Absent
350. Prince Absent
351. Battle to the Death Absent
352. Troublesome Absent
353. Cold-Blooded Absent
354. Heat Absent
355. Detonation Absent
356. Unfortunate: Part 1 Absent
357. Unfortunate: Part 2 Absent
358. Eve Absent
359. Departure Absent
360. Parasite Absent
361. Withdraw Absent
362. Resolve Absent
363. Nen Beast Absent
364. Speculation Absent
365. Choice Absent
366. To Each His Own Absent
367. Synchronization Absent
368. Foul Play Absent
369. Limits Absent
370. Observation Absent
371. Mission Absent
372. Disappearance Absent
373. Inheritance Absent
374. Ability Absent
375. Persuasion Absent
376. Determination Absent
377. Scheme Absent
378. Balance Debut
379. Collaboration Absent
380. Alarm Pictured
381. Predation Absent
382. Awakening Absent
383. Escape Absent
384. War Absent
385. Warning Absent
386. Hypothesis Absent
387. Recreation Absent
388. Reflection Absent
389. Curse Absent
390. Clash: Part 1 Appears
391. Clash: Part 2 Appears
392. Information Appears
393. Plea Appears
394. Hypothesis Appears
395. Founding: Part 1 Appears
396. Founding: Part 2 Absent
397. Founding: Part 3 Absent
398. Search Appears
399. Expulsion Appears
400. Secrecy Mentioned


  • Succession Contest arc:
    • Hinrigh vs. Kakin Royal Army soldiers†[1]
    • Hinrigh vs. Padaille†[4]
    • Hinrigh vs. Terebellum[10]


  • Hinrigh's Nen ability is named as '"All Creatures Great and Small"—Biohazard' in the Viz translation.[1]

Intertextuality and References[]

  • The kanji name of Hinrigh's Nen ability, Sun in the Palm of Your Hand, is derived from the title of a Japanese children's song.
  • The ability to turn inanimate objects into living creatures is quite similar to a Stand ability from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: "Gold Experience", which belongs to Giorno Giovanna, the main character of Part 5.
  • One of his main attacks of throwing knives may be a reference to Giorno's father, Dio Brando.

Translations around the World[]

Language Name
The Arab world Flag Arabic هينريگ بيگاندفنو


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 37, Chapter 390
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 378
  3. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 380
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 391
  5. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 392
  6. 6.0 6.1 Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 393
  7. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 394
  8. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 395
  9. 9.0 9.1 Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 398
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 399

