
Teapotcutie Teapotcutie 12 December 2023

Experiment Blog Post

Note: Names are listed based off their Japanese Romaji spellings.

{{Tabber |あ-お |Test Goal: find way to organize a list of Cyber Mobile definitions without breaking code or being unclear.

|さ-そ |

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Dardanidae Dardanidae 26 November 2023

Togashi’s Q&A on “Iwakura and Yoshizumi’s Show”

The former Sakurazaka46 member, Yumiko Seki, is an avid fan of Hunter × Hunter, having mentioned her enjoyment of the series multiple times. She recently sent Togashi a list of 11 questions, and he sent back an extensive handwritten letter. It was then read aloud on “Iwakura and Yoshizumi’s Show”.

Translation by 브이브 and AoM.

NOTE: There are spoilers for the current arc in the manga.


1. How much of Hunter × Hunter’s story did you have in mind when you started writing it?

The first three chapters.

Once I had a rough idea of the setting (a story in another world that focuses on the profession of Hunters), I felt like I could continue the story as long as I wanted. So I decided that the goal of the serialization would be to “continue for as long …

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Teapotcutie Teapotcutie 18 June 2023

Notes to self

Tasks finished:

  • Adding gallery art
  • Made gallery page for game
  • Translating commercial
  • Translating relationship chart
  • Unstubbed pages on Heroes wiki
  • Made page for Villains wiki
  • Unstubbed pages on RoR wiki
  • Finished philosophy paper
  • Filled out weekly fourm
  • Found clean art for Promare
  • Created new code to use (cipher kind)

Tasks related to HxH to finish in order of importance:

  • Translating videos (58% complete due to summer classes and month long break).
  • Adding pages of characters (need to gather sprites for Donal, Rorgo's men, and Nino first. Lost game files, thus will need to replay).
  • Finishing adding info to stubs.
  • Looking over guidebooks (optional).
  • Looking into lns (never enough free time).

Tasks unrelated to wiki to complete:

  • Animation for summer class.
  • Two se…
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Damage3245 Damage3245 23 November 2022

To-Do List

  • Complete the Appearances project.
    • Add Appearance templates to characters.
    • Create Appearance templates for Chimera Ant arc characters.
  • Investigate other sections that could be added to Character pages.
  • Prepare outline for Nen ability pages.
  • Investigate feasibility of Battle/Event pages.
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AngryBanana AngryBanana 30 October 2022

Nen users by category boxes

Everything up to date as for chapter 394.

Canon Source (Manga, Togashi's Chart)
Hunter x Hunter Manual (section)
Hunter x Hunter Characters Book: World x Character x Blessing
Hunter x Hunter Omnibus Version: Treasure 9
Hunter Association Official Issue: Hunter’s Guide

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Martialmaniac Martialmaniac 29 October 2022

Nen categories from the Yoshihiro Togashi exhibit

Hi everyone, I'm alive again, though not likely to be very active! I've returned from the grave to let you all know that the recent Yoshihiro Togashi exhibit has information about some characters' Nen types that contradicts information of dubious canonicity (databooks), while being dubiously canonical itself. However, since it appears to be more recent than those databooks, I think that we should update speculative Nen types accordingly, or remove them altogether where the information is conflicting.

Below are all the changes I noticed:

  1. Netero: Enhancer
  2. Komugi: Enhancer
  3. Nobunaga: Enhancer
  4. Youpi: Transmuter (databook conflict)
  5. Hanzo: Transmuter
  6. Kite: Conjurer (there's a note I can't decipher, but it might mean that was his Nen type prior to his re…
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Riza Kurta Riza Kurta 16 December 2022

AB/GA Card Templates

Just a place for me to create some templates for the Arena Battle and Greed Adventure cards.

Template: Here, Usage: |- ! scope=col data-sort-type="number" style="background:#d259ac" |No. ! scope=col class="unsortable" style="background:#d259ac" ; |Card ! scope=col style="background:#d259ac" |Name ! scope=col style="background:#d259ac" |Rarity ! scope=col data-sort-type="number" style="background:#d259ac" |GP Cost ! scope=col data-sort-type="number" style="background:#d259ac" |Max ATK ! scope=col data-sort-type="number" style="background:#d259ac" |Combo ! scope=col data-sort-type="number" style="background:#d259ac" |Skill |- |0596 | |Killua - Flash of Light Lance
Senkō no Tsukiyari | data-sort-value="1" |SS |5 |18 |9 |…

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Riza Kurta Riza Kurta 14 June 2022

Updating Image Galleries

Continuation of the Kurapika Image Gallery project, I will be using this page's source to update as many image galleries as possible.

  • UPDATED GALLERIES: Kurapika, Leorio, Killua, Gon, Alluka/Nanika, Bisky

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Riza Kurta Riza Kurta 25 September 2022

Kurapika Image Gallery

In Progress: Working on improving character galleries that still use the old template, especially for main characters that have many appearances in the anime/manga/events/other media. Changed appearance header to featured so the covers/promotional tabs can be added to that header section.

  • Edit: Decided to add inner tabs for the Screenshots/Scans section to separate images by story arcs for characters with many images. This way they can be customized (tabs can be added/removed as needed for characters that appear in those arcs)

This gallery should help with ease of navigation, and can be expanded when we get new media/events that can be added to the gallery.


I will begin:

  • Uploading related images to complete the gallery her…
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Vamakinlorfang Vamakinlorfang 7 June 2022

The Upper Ranks

Killua didn't know how he'd gotten into this situation, or how to get out. All he knew, was that in order to survive he had to kill the demon in front of him. He'd been turned into a demon a few weeks ago, feeding to get stronger. He was bound by the urge to obey a voice that spoke in his head sometimes, the voice of Muzan Kibutsuji. His body had gone through one shift, one that gave him a horn on the side of his head. It was the color of his skin, and about 5 inches long. Kill.

Killua leapt forward, then sank his fangs into the demon's neck before he could blink. His speed and strength had always been off the charts, he hadn't even developed a blood demon art yet. The demon beneath him snarled and tried to fight back, but before he could Ki…

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AngryBanana AngryBanana 30 May 2022

Characters Appearing on Volumes

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Heriotza8The8Killugon8Writer Heriotza8The8Killugon8Writer 17 February 2022

Killua meets class 3-E (full book)

Killua was just minding his own damn business when he was suddenly he sensed something that made his blood run cold. It was Illumi's bloodlust. He recognized it instantly and let out a gasp. Alluka! She was no more than ten meters away, completely oblivious. The fuck do I do- suddenly the air went cold and he heard a whoosh. And then he was falling, coming hard down on the ground which was alarmingly only a few meters away. "WHAT THE FU-" and then he was on a nearby rooftop, completely on his feet, and unharmed. He blinked for a few seconds. "the fuck just happened?" he glanced around, then realized with panic that Alluka wasn’t there. "Alluka!" he ran to the edge of the building, looking frantically down below. She's not there… she's not fuc…

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Martialmaniac Martialmaniac 17 September 2019

Sources external to the manga and Nen types

I know that this discussion will give some of us PTSD, but I'd like to start it nonetheless. One of the things for which this wiki is most commonly criticized is its use of databooks, guides and even card games as reliable sources. My position on the matter used to be that it is up to the users to check their sources, but in the end I agree that those details belong in the trivia rather than the main body of the article, for a number of reasons.

The first is reliability. When the guides came out, they contradicted no preexisting information, but as the series went on, doubts concerning their reliability emerged: Gon's age, some other birth dates, Hisoka's height were all contradicted later in the manga, and there is a possibility that the c…

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Meruemgungiplayer Meruemgungiplayer 3 May 2019

A Case Against the emitted Nen Beast.

First off I want to apologise to anyone who may have read my Reddit post where I laid out my anger at the information held within the wiki and felt insulted by what I said. Needless to say, I was a massive arsehole. I most certainly did not give enough credit to the people involved within the creation of the wiki for their use of phrasing and efforts made to clarify when something is of uncertain canonicity. I let myself forget that real people spend their time, energy and care into this site for fans to reference and enjoy, and let my obnoxious annoyance get ahead of me. So I apologize for that. Though I still would like to lay out my case in a particular aspect of nen if anyone is willing to read it. Hopefully in a slightly more intellig…

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AngryBanana AngryBanana 25 January 2019

Opening/Ending Cards

Every 2011 anime episode have "cards" shown after opening and ending. Mostly these are just screenshots from episode, but sometimes there are some manga covers or interesting scenes, so I will put all of them here, in case if everyone will be looking for them. (i will upload these which are not on wikia, and replacing with better quality pictures these which are already in, if it will be needed of course)

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Pigzillion Pigzillion 4 November 2022

Alex's Tour de Europe!

As a few of you already knew, I'll be travelling around europe for just over 30 days with a friend. Or rather, I am travelling around Europe with a friend, now that I've just touched down in Pisa, Italy! I'll keep a record of everything I get up to whilst I'm away on the wiki, since I'm supposed to anyway as part of the DiscoverEU programme, which for now just consists of a picture I took of the city on the way down. Tomorrow is more Pisa, then Florence the day after, and then Venice after that. Wish me luck!

Day 1: First full day in Pisa is now complete! We woke up around 9:00am after a pretty restless night and started walking for around for four hours, which culminated in seeing a few nice pieces of architecture and making some pretty ni…

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Eusstass Eusstass 19 March 2018

List of characters page

I figured we should do something about the current state of the "List of Characters" page since some templates aren't showing up after they had exceeded the size limit.

Splitting the list (with tabs that link to inner pages) into different pages is appropriate.

How we should split them? Well there's couple of options.

This will create some problems. For example, should we add the whole HA template in the Exam arc? With the Zodiacs, new Chairmen, Killua as a passed applicant, future examiners, etc..? Should we include the PT template in all arcs the spiders have appeared in? In that case, should we create other variants for these duplicate templates; as in limit the duplicates to the state of the troupe at that point of time (so no Illumi in Y…

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- Darkchylde - Darkchylde 2 March 2018

Guardian Spirit Beasts + New Background

Wow. It's been two years since I made my last blog post. Can you believe it? Where'd the time go? Anyway, I have some few things to discuss with you guys:

Good news! As per our mini-Community Poll last week, here are the results:

What should we do to articles with both Nen and Guardian Spirit Beasts?

Should the Guardian Spirit Beast have its own template?

As a conclusion for this poll, we are going to add the Guardian Spirit Beast templates under the Abilities & Powers section, after the Nen subsection. I have already started one example (see: Momoze Guardian Spirit Beast). Any new GSB templates will be under the

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Eusstass Eusstass 28 July 2017

Bodyguards Templates

If you hadn't noticed yet, I've made a complete list (test) of every staff member for every Prince and Queen in my profile page.

There are many reasons for this:

  • When one of these characters gets named and introduced properly, it's much easier to figure out his/her debut appearance. Also editors can fill all his/her appearances in their respective chapters. Not to mention writing the plot section for these yet-to-be-named characters will be much more effective.

Of course I have not created all this to be only a reference. I hope to implement them in the wiki once it's clean enough and contains adequate information. (Let's say adequate means 1. half of the characters in each template are named or 2. all of them have clear faces)

Then comes the …

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Eusstass Eusstass 3 July 2017

Ok we need some guidelines to follow in the List of Characters page.

I would appreciate it if an admin replied to each of these points.

  • 1 Should we include ALL hunters in the Hunters Template?
  • 2 Phantom Troupe
  • 3 Bestiary Creatures
  • 4 Portraits
  • 5 Sorting
  • 6 Others Template
  • 7 Non Canon Characters

This is by far the longest/biggest template in the page, so adding more characters might create some problems. I see we have a separate template for the Zodiacs, so it makes sense to not include them there as well. However, Ging is included in both templates. If it's because he's not a zodiac anymore, the same should apply for Pariston.

What about the hunter examiners? Unlike the Zodiacs, they are placed in both templates. However, there are two characters in that template whom we're not if they're hunters or not (the Captain and the Qu…

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MrGenial11 MrGenial11 4 November 2016

Jump Ryu Vol.21: Yoshihiro Togashi

Jump Ryu Vol.21 was released on November 2nd, 2016.

Watch Togashi draw the chapter 350 cover page in the first part and then show his office and answer some questions in the last part.

Summary of the Jump Ryu pages and some what's said in the video below (Source: Sandman from Apforums)

Before becoming mangaka

  • Togashi's parents managed a company which sold papers, painting tools, stationery and manga magazines. His father's hobby was drawing.
  • When Togashi was around 6 years old, he used to draw many of his original heroes and monsters.
  • When he was around 8 years old, he was inspired by one of his friends whose hobby is drawing manga. They showed their mangas with each other.
  • When Togashi was in junior high s…

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Martialmaniac Martialmaniac 19 July 2023

Organizing Trivia

Hi everyone! Today I felt a bout of nostalgia, which is why I came back even though we are still on hiatus (that, and the fact I'm on reading week). As we have probably all noticed, the "Triva" section of som epages is a bit cluttered. I'd like to suggest a way to tidy it up a little with the minimum effort.

My idea is to divide it in "Diegetic Trivia and Databook Information" (on Zeno's page "Bungee Gum was named after a brand of chewing gum", and also content from the databook and the Hisoka oneshot), "Anime and Manga Differences" (on Kite's page, "Kite's childhood was not revealed in the manga", as well as differences between the 1999 and the 2011 anime), "Intertextuality and References" (on Killua's page, "Killua may be based off Hiei […

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Marceline Saga Marceline Saga 13 June 2016

Hunter × Hunter and Shironeko Project Collab

Hunter × Hunter and Shironeko Project will be holding a collaboration event from June 15 to July 6!

→ The official website


Hunter x Hunter and Shironeko Project 1.png Hunter x Hunter and Shironeko Project 2.png

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MrGenial11 MrGenial11 3 June 2016

Yoshihiro Togashi x Sui Ishida (Tokyo Ghoul) interview

This is an interview from April 22nd, 2016

All credit for this translation goes to chiggix.

Translation source

Original source

Togashi Yoshihiro (Hunter x Hunter) X Ishida Sui (Tokyo Ghoul) Special Talk & Release of Ishida Sui’s Treasured Hisoka Storyboard! The first talk between Hunter x Hunter’s Togashi Yoshihiro and Tokyo Ghoul’s Ishida Sui is released through “Shounen Jump +”! And Ishida Sui has drawn a story about Hisoka…?! First have a look at this epic discussion!

— First, let me outline how Ishida Sui came to visit Togashi at his workplace and speak with him.

Togashi: Yes.

— Formerly, Ishida’s “Tokyo Ghoul JACK” was being serialized in “Shounen Jump+”’s predecessor “Shounen Jump LIVE”. Since it had such a good response, Ishida was asked if…

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MrGenial11 MrGenial11 18 May 2016

North American Shonen Jump's interview with Yoshihiro Togashi

This interview is from 2008.

SJ: Shonen Jump
T: Togashi Yoshihiro

Young Yoshihiro:

SJ: What were you like when you were younger (say, in middle school and high school)?
T: when I was in middle school, I was a bright and optimistic kid, and when I was in high school, I was a dark and pessimistic young man.

SJ: how old were you when you first started drawing? What sort of things did you draw?
T: I started drawing around the 1st to 2nd year of elementary school. I was already drawing manga at that time.

SJ: can you tell us about some of your artistic influences?
T: I was introduced to H.R. Giger’s work through the movie Alien, and was greatly influenced by him.

SJ: how did you become a professional manga artist?
T: I submitted a piece to a Weekly Shonen…

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DinoTaur DinoTaur 23 April 2016

Compound Hatsu

I'm talking about the fact that all Nen types that use 2 or more Nen categories on a regular basis (explicitly or not).

Let me begin with Emitters. Emitters release their Nen, but as seen in the anime, they tend to give their aura different forms (balls, creatures, body parts, et cetera). Now, the forming of aura into different things would fall under Transmutation. Therefore, I believe that most Emission hatsu shown have a fair amount of Transmutation. Also, to control the emitted aura, it would be necessary to have Manipulation skills. So many Emission hatsu we have seen so far use 3 categories: Emission, Transmutation, and Manipulation.

This works the other way too; Transmuters using Emission. Emission would help get the aura flowing in a…

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MrGenial11 MrGenial11 8 June 2023

Yoshihiro Togashi x Masashi Kishimoto interview

This takes place in 2009, during the 10th year anniversary of Naruto, this interview is found in the "Naruto 10th Anniversary Chronicle Book Mini" and was translated to English by me.

Kishimoto: It's been a while, Togashi-sensei.

Togashi: Indeed, we haven't talked to each other in a while.

Interviewer: Welcome to the interview, we have a lot of questions to ask, but first of, how did the two of you meet?

Kishimoto: Before I became a professional mangaka, I was already a big fan of Togashi-sensei, I was able to greet him at the Jump Festa but we have already met each other on several occasions because I knew well an assistant who worked in the same office as him, I received an invitation.

Togashi: Yeah, we went to eat Yakiniku, right? (Yakiniku …

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DinoTaur DinoTaur 18 February 2016

Welcome to Prof. Dino's Aurology Class!

Work in progress

Good day, class. We are going to create a new branch of science: aurology; the study of aura, its properties, and its effects. As of right now there are two theories which we shall acknowledge, that attempt to explain what aura is and why it acts the way it does; the Energy Theory of Aura and the Auraic Plasma Theory. Below this paragraph, you will find information on both hypotheses and the fundamental ideas behind each one.


  • Auraic state: the state at which aura is found before used in Nen.
  • Auraic mass: the equivalent mass to a certain amount of aura
  • Nen: the state of aura when it is no longer in pure auraic state

Note: the pronunciation of auraic is "or-ay-ik".

Fundamental principles:

  • Aura is an energy found in every …

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- Darkchylde - Darkchylde 1 August 2015

Overcategorization of pages

I mean to manage Hunterpedia's contents for now and came across several redundant categories. As you may have noticed, I've been cleaning up categories of the G.I. cards. There are literally three categories with the same name, "Nen based items", with different pages each.

I removed the contents of the two categories, the ones with 60 and 2, and would later merge its contents to the category with 103 pages. Now, that would be the official category for Nen-based items.

Another pair of redundant category is "Rare Items" and "Unique Items". I know there is a difference between the two, but both share the same pages. You should make up your mind whether it is rare…

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Daedalus net Daedalus net 7 June 2014

What 3 G.I Cards would you take? ((And all 100 Restricted card pages updated!))

As the title says, I've finally updated all the category:Restricted slot cards pages!!! FINALLY!!!! I've been trying to work through 5 cards a day. And now i've finished ^_^. I'm relived of course, but now it's onto the spell cards and free slot cards ;). Peace out guys and gals

But now that that's finished, I've been wanting to ask,... "What 3 Greed Island cards would you take out the game?". If I won, I'd claim Poltergeist Pillow, Risky Dice and Palmtop Dragon!!

So what would you guys pick?(Daedalus net (talk) 00:31, June 7, 2014 (UTC))

Poltergeist_Pillow_(G.I_card)_=scan=.png Risky_Dice_(G.I_card)_=scan=.png Miniature_Dragon_(G.I_card)_=scan=.png

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MrGenial11 MrGenial11 12 December 2013

The Last Mission Full Synopsis


I am calling all hunters.
Do you have the courage to know about the bloody past and the hidden secrets about the Hunter's association?
The dark side that has been sealed by The Hunters association is now free.
The requiem of despair begins now.
It's the beginning of the end.

There once were very powerful hunters, they were strongest hunters in the association.
These hunters were split into two groupes and took two different paths, The dark side and the light side
The "da…

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- Darkchylde - Darkchylde 6 November 2013

Zaoldyeck Special

This is a Zaoldyeck Special from the Hunter x Hunter Drama CD. The voices are from the 1999 voice actors. The voice actors did this for fun and for the fans. This is really funny so I shared it. Have fun!

P.S. A singing Illumi is creepy.

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MrGenial11 MrGenial11 26 September 2013

Yoshihiro Togashi & Fujimaki Tadatoshi (Kuroko no Basket) Interview

This is an interview from 2013 and is found in the "Kuroko no Basket Character Bible".

I did not translate this interview, all credit for this translation goes to mittens_220.

"mittens_220: This is translated from the Taiwanese Publication, so being a second level translation from the Japanese text, it might not be as accurate, so don’t take this translation as absolute official material but as a reference for a general idea."

Togashi Yoshihiro X Fujimaki Tadatoshi

In commemoration of the release of the manga fanbook

A miraculous conversation!

The miraculous interview brought to you by the author of “Hunter x Hunter” Togashi Yoshihiro and the author of “Kuroko no Basket” Fujimaki Tadatoshi! Filled with the beliefs the two mangakas have towards m…

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MrGenial11 MrGenial11 25 September 2013

Volume 0 Yoshihiro Togashi Interview

This interview is from 2013 and is from Hunter x Hunter Volume 0.

Q1. When and how did you come up with "Kurapika's Past Events" that was recently released?

Togashi: "When I was writing/drawing the Phantom Troupe arc. Speaking in terms of what volume, it was around volume 10. How many years ago was that... It's been about ten years now. I can only remember in terms of decades since it's all a bit hazy now. Things have been getting very tiring lately, so I don't remember too well.

Why/how I started was because, this was at a time when I didn't think things would become so tiring so I thought I would immediately be able to put it onto paper. So, I wanted to draw out the relationship/conflict between the Phantom Troupe and Kurapika starting from…

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Deadpool1997 Deadpool1997 18 February 2013

Hunter x Hunter (2011) Voice Acting Predictions for Chimera Ant arc

Who do you guys think will voice





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- Darkchylde - Darkchylde 28 June 2012

Improving Hunterpedia

As we know, Hunterpedia needs to be organized more. I've been wandering around the wiki and been doing a lot of clean-up lately but I need help from the other administrators and contributors.

These are the list of things that I think can help in improving it:

  • Licensing - Most of our images don't have licenses. It's actually really easy to add a license. Before uploading, see the Licensing section at the bottom of the file desciption. Click the box and choose the appropriate licensing to the image. For example, the image is from the 2011 or 1999 anime, choose the Images captured from the animes or games, used under Fair Use license. If it's from the manga or any other media, choose This will be used in a way that qualifies as a fair use under…

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