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"If you're nice to me, you have to be nice to Nanika too!! If you're going to protect me, you have to protect Nanika too!! But if you're going to be mean to Nanika, I hate you!!!"

— Alluka Zoldyck to Killua Zoldyck in "Release"

Alluka Zoldyck (アルカ゠ゾルディック, Aruka Zorudikku) is the second youngest child of Silva and Kikyo Zoldyck. Under unknown circumstances, she was possessed by a mysterious Dark Continent creature, which her family named Nanika. The two currently share Alluka's body.


Alluka has long black hair, blue eyes, and a pale complexion. She wears the traditional clothes of a Japanese shrine maiden, with boots and a headband adorned with emotional cartoon faces. Framing her face are two locks of hair, each fastened by four hair bands decorated with the same cartoon faces on her headband.

As a younger child, Alluka wore pants with shoulder-length, unkempt hair.


Alluka - 141

Alluka being happy with Killua

Before Alluka's formal introduction, Silva describes her as a dark and uncontrollable child. He claims that Alluka has no soul because of the circumstances of her birth and cannot feel emotions.

However, once reunited with her closest brother Killua, Alluka displays an affectionate, simple, and lovable personality. Alluka is usually very happy around Killua and trusts him deeply, likely because he is the only one to show her compassion.

According to Killua, Alluka calls him "big brother". In contrast, Nanika calls him only by name.[2][note 1]


Zoldyck sons - anime

The Zoldyck children and their mother, Kikyo

Alluka* first appears in a family photo of the Zoldyck siblings and their mother, shown when Kalluto explains his desire to get his older brother back no matter how many years it will take. In the photo, Alluka was not posing with the rest of the family; instead, she was standing at a distance behind them and facing away.[3]

It is unknown when and how Nanika came to possess Alluka, but the two have shared the latter's body, at least since Alluka was a young child. The Zoldyck Family is in the dark about Nanika's nature. Killua once saw Alluka turn into Nanika and learned about the general nature of its abilities by asking it how to revert the transformation. As a toddler, Alluka once asked Mitsuba, an attendant of the Zoldyck Family, to do three simple things: carrying her, going up a staircase, and raising Alluka up in the air. After Mitsuba did what she was told, Alluka's eyes and mouth suddenly turned pitch-black. Freaked out by this, Mitsuba called for help. Killua came and changed Alluka back to normal by asking Alluka to make himself go high-high, which Alluka did. After the accident, Killua had to tell his parents about Alluka's secret because Mitsuba had already reported it to them. It turned out that when Alluka had three requests fulfilled, her eyes and mouth would turn pitch-black, and they would change back to normal only when she heard and granted a wish.[4]


Alluka in wish granting mode as a toddler

To test the ability, her mother Kikyo ordered Mitsuba to decline any request from her, no matter how small it was. Due to that, Mitsuba and her lover Hassam, who was not around Alluka then, were simultaneously mysteriously crushed into minced meat. Killua explained that this resulted from saying 'No' to Alluka's requests four times.[4]

Some time afterward, Yasuha, another female servant of the Zoldyck Family, gave Alluka a piggyback ride at her request, thus activating her wish-granting mode. Giving in to her greed at the time, Yasuha wished that Alluka would make her a billionaire. Nanika agreed, and suddenly, many banknotes started to rain down from a blimp in the sky. It was later reported that a currency transport vessel had suddenly gone missing, and by the time it had been found, all the money had disappeared, and the captain and crew kept giving nonsensical answers.[4]

Illumi became interested in Alluka's power and asked for Silva's permission to deal with Kasuga, the next servant, to take care of Alluka in his way. He told her to listen to Alluka's requests in exchange for his tolerance of her romantic relationship with an outsider to the Zoldyck Family. When Kasuga was with Alluka, Alluka suddenly asked her for her liver, which Kasuga declined. She followed up with three continuous requests for her duodenum, spine, and brain, respectively, which were also declined. As a result of Kasuga's refusal to fulfill those four requests, 67 people, including herself, were killed simultaneously by Alluka's strange power. This occurrence revealed that her ability had a cumulative effect; the greater the last wish was (in terms of fulfillment difficulty), the greater the consequences of refusing her next set of requests. From this, they also learned the requests became much more difficult to fulfill after Nanika granted a large wish.[4] Following the blimp incident, Nanika's power caused the death of six couples, for a total of twelve more people: two were necessary for Kikyo to be convinced, two more to test the rules, and two when Milluki sacrificed tourists in exchange for cheap toys. At some point, another big incident also resulted in the death of 13 people, caused again by Milluki, who asked Nanika to kill his target for him. Milluki had a tourist named Muna pay the price by telling him to ignore Alluka's requests.[2] More recently, Milluki used Nanika to get the latest—at the time—computer.[4]


13th Hunter Chairman Election arc

Alluka hugging Killua

Killua and Alluka meet again

Killua returns home on Kukuroo Mountain to see his younger sister and asks for his father's permission. Still, Silva disagrees, thinking that it's too dangerous because no one can keep Alluka in check as "it" is a non-human entity, something from another place, that came out of the "darkness"; meanwhile, Alluka sits unemotionally on the floor of a room full of dolls. After a long talk,[5] his father takes him to Alluka's room, hidden behind a series of five big safety vaults, each of which can only be opened after entering a 10-digit password.[4] Alluka excitedly greets Killua when he enters the room, calling him "Big brother". She first wished for Killua to "die" for her. Next, she wanted to play Shiritori[2] and, lastly, have Killua pat her on the head.[6]

Alluka kissing Killua on the cheek

Alluka kisses Killua on the cheek

Silva, Kikyo, and Milluki watch the whole scene through a surveillance camera. Kikyo is delighted with Killua's actions, while Milluki regrets wishing for a PC which made Alluka's wishes for Killua so easy. This earns him a glare from his father. Silva then asks about the rules regarding Alluka's power. When Killua takes Alluka with him, Silva disapproves and insists that the wish be made inside the room. Killua wishes to tell Alluka that their mother will be killed if they cannot leave the mountain together within 30 minutes. If they are, then she will kiss Killua on the cheek. Silva lets them leave, but orders a few butlers to accompany them, including Gotoh, Canary, Tsubone, and Amane.[6]

As they make their way to the hospital where Gon is, a truck whose drivers were being manipulated by Illumi crashes their car. Killua protects Alluka; according to the restriction rules that their father laid down, they will be taken home instantly if Killua stays at least one meter away from Alluka. As Illumi and Hisoka watch from afar, the assassin asks the latter to eliminate the butlers or, if possible, take Alluka away from Killua. Using his Godspeed ability, Killua escapes their butlers with ease, but Tsubone follows them.[7]

Butlers chasing after Killua

Tsubone chasing Killua

Killua and Alluka continue to escape and are still followed by Tsubone.[8] Killua tries to escape faster, but Tsubone uses her ability to catch up to God Speed's velocity. The two Zoldycks reach the airport and ride in an airship to escape Illumi further. Alluka is seen sleeping inside while Killua drives the airship himself. He explains to Morel about Alluka's wish-granting ability, which Morel thinks is a vaguely terrifying ability.[9]

When the airship they were riding on finally landed, Killua made arrangements to continue their escape by car, only to find themselves surrounded by Illumi and his Needle People. There, Illumi asks for Alluka to be handed over to him while Killua straightly refuses. In the middle, Tsubone appears and reveals that it is her fault that they are tailed through a hidden camera being fed to their Kikyo and Milluki, where the latter, in turn, is sending the information to Illumi's phone. After seeing Tsubone, Alluka's request mode commences again when she asks for the nails from Tsubone's middle and ring finger, completes the three requests, and enters her wish-granting state. Instead of using the wish to escape their predicament, Killua uses the wish to heal Tsubone's hand to demonstrate and reveal to Illumi some rules that he only knows.[10]

Nanika - 145

Alluka about to heal Gon

Finally, Alluka walks into Gon's hospital room. Killua asks his sibling to turn into Nanika, but Alluka refuses, wanting to stay with Killua. When Killua begs her, she eventually gives in and changes into Nanika. Killua asks Nanika to heal Gon, and Nanika complies and touches Gon's hand. As Nanika is healing Gon, an enormous amount of aura is released, which is so powerful that Hunters in the Hunter Association building feel it.[11] Alluka successfully heals Gon and falls asleep.[12]

Illumi tells Killua that if he can control Alluka as Killua does, he will guarantee minimum freedom for Alluka. However, Killua wakes Nanika and orders her to send Illumi home, which Nanika does, and Illumi finds himself instantly teleported back to the Zoldyck mansion. Due to Killua's request, Amane and Tsubone leave the room to give the siblings privacy. Killua tells Nanika that she can't come out anymore. Nanika disagrees and is upset by Killua saying how much she likes Killua. After a brief argument that leads Killua to yell at her, she becomes upset but complies, returning inside. Alluka wakes up and is angered by what Killua said to Nanika. She yells at Killua, saying that he needs to protect both Alluka and Nanika and that Alluka would hate any brother who was mean to Nanika. Killua realizes his mistake and asks Alluka to bring Nanika out so he can apologize. Nanika reappears teary and upset from the previous confrontation.[13]

Killua, Alluka & Gon's photo

Alluka posing for a picture with Gon and Killua

Not long after, Alluka and Killua accompany Gon on his trip to the World Tree. There, they say their goodbyes and part ways with Gon.[14]

Gender And Pronoun Context

Throughout the series, different characters refer to Alluka with different pronouns, giving conflicting information about her gender.

  • The official databook lists Alluka's sex as male.[15][note 2]
  • Two of Alluka's brothers, Illumi and Milluki, refer to Alluka as their 'brother'.[16]
  • In flashbacks, Zoldyck servants call Alluka the masculine "bocchan" or "bocchama".[2]
  • Additionally, Morel seemingly referred to Alluka as Killua's brother, and Killua did not correct him in the Japanese version of the series. Still, the official Viz translation makes this more ambiguous, and the inference of Alluka’s gender identity is only present in a very literal translation of the passage.[9][note 3]

Alluka is primarily referred to and exclusively uses feminine terms and pronouns throughout the series, though. For instance, Killua introduces Alluka to Gon as his sister,[14] Killua stated that Alluka being a girl was the reason they needed female butlers to attend to her on their mission to save Gon,[6] and Killua refers to Alluka as his sister multiple times, including when they were children.[5] Additionally, "Alluka" (アルカ or あるか,* Aruka) is a traditionally female given name.[17]

In accordance with Alluka’s gender identity and expression, this article uses feminine pronouns in reference to her, and this page is placed in the female characters category.

Abilities & Powers

Unlike her brothers, Alluka has no combat abilities at all. She is like a normal kid regarding fighting and physical endurance.[10] However, due to being Nanika's host, her own relatives fear her ability to wipe out the family instantly.[2] Alluka shares an empathic link with Nanika, which allows her to perceive its emotions.[13]


See also: Nanika's Ability

Alluka is a Specialist,[1] but she has no Nen skills or Nen abilities of her own and only acts as a medium so Nanika can use its wish-granting powers. It is unclear whether these powers are aura-based,[18] and thus presumably Nen-related, or if they are a separate type of ability.

Manga Appearances

Zoldyck Family arc
39. Intruder Mentioned
40. The Zoldycks, Part 1 Absent
41. The Zoldycks, Part 2 Absent
42. The Zoldycks, Part 3 Absent
43. The Zoldycks, Part 4 Absent
Chimera Ant arc
186. The Queen Absent
187. The Beast Fodder Absent
188. NGL Absent
189. Infiltration Absent
190. The Hunt Absent
191. Pros Absent
192. Human Dog Absent
193. Scissors Absent
194. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 1 Absent
195. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 2 Absent
196. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 3 Absent
197. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 4 Absent
198. Sudden Attack Absent
199. Light and Shadow Absent
200. Stipulation Absent
201. Reunion Absent
202. Duel Absent
203. Gyro Absent
204. Gyro's Story Absent
205. Time Remaining Absent
206. A Real Fight Absent
207. Weakness: Part 1 Absent
208. Weakness: Part 2 Absent
209. ? Absent
210. Weakness: Part 3 Absent
211. Loan Shark Absent
212. Water Breaking Absent
213. Birth Absent
214. Results Absent
215. Last Words Absent
216. Republic of East Gorteau Absent
217. Meat Orchard Absent
218. Confession Absent
219. Awakening Absent
220. Reunion: Part 1 Absent
221. Reunion: Part 2 Absent
222. Reunion: Part 3 Absent
223. 10: Part 1 Absent
224. 10: Part 2 Absent
225. 10: Part 3 Absent
226. 10: Part 4 Absent
227. 10: Part 5 Absent
228. 10: Part 6 Absent
229. 10: Part 7 Pictured
230. 9: Part 1 Absent
231. 9: Part 2 Absent
232. 9: Part 3 Absent
233. 9: Part 4 Absent
234. 9: Part 5 Absent
235. 8: Part 1 Absent
236. 8: Part 2 Absent
237. 8: Part 3 Absent
238. 8: Part 4 Absent
239. 8: Part 5 Absent
240. 8: Part 6 Absent
241. 8: Part 7 Absent
242. 7: Part 1 Absent
243. 7: Part 2 Absent
244. 6: Part 1 Absent
245. 6: Part 2 Absent
246. 6: Part 3 Absent
247. 6: Part 4 Absent
248. 6: Part 5 Absent
249. 6: Part 6 Absent
250. 6: Part 7 Absent
251. 6: Part 8 Absent
252. 6: Part 9 Absent
253. 6: Part 10 Absent
254. 6: Part 11 Absent
255. 5: Part 1 to 2: Part 1 Absent
256. 2: Part 2 Absent
257. 1: Part 1 Absent
258. 1: Part 2 Absent
259. 1: Part 3 Absent
260. 1: Part 4 Absent
261. Charge: Part 1 Absent
262. Charge: Part 2 Absent
263. Charge: Part 3 Absent
264. Charge: Part 4 Absent
265. Charge: Part 5 Absent
266. "In the Unlikely Event Of..." Absent
267. Activation Absent
268. The King Absent
269. Adversity Is a Good Thing Absent
270. Indebted To Absent
271. Separation Absent
272. Error Absent
273. We Meet Again Absent
274. Solution Absent
275. Promise Absent
276. Missileman Absent
277. Insult Absent
278. Destruction Absent
279. Escape Absent
280. Direct Hit Absent
281. Godspeed Absent
282. Sealed Area Absent
283. Determination Absent
284. Fifteen Minutes Absent
285. Doubles Absent
286. Core Absent
287. Present State Absent
288. Accolade Absent
289. Terms Absent
290. Name Absent
291. Soliloquy Absent
292. Hidden Agenda Absent
293. Metamorphosis Absent
294. Breakdown Absent
295. Determination Absent
296. Admission Absent
297. The Last Absent
298. Rose Absent
299. Regeneration Absent
300. Insurance Absent
301. Memory Absent
302. Target Absent
303. Pain Absent
304. Magic Absent
305. Sorry Absent
306. Relief Absent
307. Loss Absent
308. Flash Absent
309. Game Absent
310. Action Absent
311. Deadline Absent
312. Resolve Absent
313. One Word Absent
314. Persuasion Absent
315. Home Absent
316. Real Name Absent
317. Answer Absent
318. Final Will Absent
13th Hunter Chairman Election arc
319. Lottery Absent
320. Voting Pictured
321. Monster Debut
322. Siblings Appears
323. Job Offer Appears
324. Butler Appears
325. Joining the Fray Appears
326. Open Hostilities Appears
327. Riddle Appears
328. Arrangements Appears
329. Spy Appears
330. Confession Appears
331. Day of Reckoning Appears
332. Applause Appears
333. Rumble Appears
334. Total Defeat Absent
335. Decision Appears
336. Release Appears
337. Repentance Absent
338. Atop a Tree Appears
339. Stillness Appears


  • 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc:
    • Alluka, Killua Zoldyck, Gotoh, Canary, and Amane vs. Illumi Zoldyck (car crash)[7]
    • Alluka and Killua Zoldyck vs. Illumi Zoldyck*[13]


  • (To Killua Zoldyck) "Do you think I shouldn't be here? Would the family be better off without me? Would you all get along better?"[8]


  • Alluka's Nen proficiency is at the highest rank: Extreme.[1]
  • Alluka's name was first revealed in the official databook.[15]
    • The manga did not reveal it until Chapter 321. For a long period of time, readers of Hunter × Hunter could only guess the name of the facing-away child based on the information about the Zoldyck Family provided in the databook[15] or inferring through the names of her brothers (given the shiritori pattern that they present).

Anime and Manga Differences

Zoldyck Family

Alluka standing beside Killua

  • In the 2011 anime adaptation version, Alluka appeared in a silhouette of the Zoldyck Family members, alongside Zoldyck's unnamed grandmother, who is yet to appear in the manga or anime. In the silhouette, Alluka is holding Killua's hand.[19]

Intertextuality and References

  • Alluka shares similarities with Yukina from YuYu Hakusho. Both are a younger sister who shares a close relationship with an older brother, Killua, and Hiei respectively.

Translations around the World

Language Name
The Arab world Flag Arabic ألوكا زولديك (’Aluka Zoldik)
Brazil Flag Brazilian Portuguese Alluka Zaoldyeck
China Flag Chinese 阿路加•揍敌客/阿路加•揍敵客* (Ā lù jiā Zòu dí kè)
France Flag French Aruka Zoldik
Greece Flag Greek Άλουκα Ζόλντικ (Álouka Zolntik)
South Korea Flag Korean 아르카 조르딕 (Areuka Joreudik)
Russia Flag Russian Аллука Золдик (Alluka Zoldik)
Spain Flag Spanish Alluka Zaoldyeck


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Exhibition: Togashi Yoshihiro -Puzzle-
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 323
  3. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 229
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 322
  5. 5.0 5.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 321
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 324
  7. 7.0 7.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 326
  8. 8.0 8.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 327
  9. 9.0 9.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 328
  10. 10.0 10.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 330
  11. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 333
  12. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 335
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 336
  14. 14.0 14.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 338
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Hunter × Hunter Hunter Association Official Issue: Hunter's Guide; Character & World Official Databook (pg. 38)
  16. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 320
  17. 「あるか」から始まる全ての名前例や字画数|名前を響きや読みから探す赤ちゃん名前辞典|完全無料の子供の名前決め・名付け支援サイト「 赤ちゃん命名ガイド」 (Baby Naming Guide)
  18. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 334
  19. Hunter × Hunter - Episode 24 (2011)


  1. The Viz translation of the manga reverses the way Alluka and Nanika refer to Killua. In the English version of the manga, Alluka calls Killua by name while Nanika calls him "big brother" (as first seen in Chapter 323).
  2. In the Hunter Association Official Issue: Hunter's Guide; Character & World Official Databook (page 38), it is stated that: "The identity of grandmother and younger brother Alluka is unknown." (祖母と弟アルカの素性は不明。, Sobo to otōto Aruka no sujō wa fumei.); information that proves Alluka being male.
  3. Although the Viz version (in Chapter 328, page 11, panels 3 and 4) is dubious about who Morel refers to when he says, "Your brother?!" (Illumi or Alluka), the literal translation of the original Japanese text confirms that—off-panel—Killua introduced Alluka to Morel as being his younger brother:
    "The older brother __ to __ the younger brother...!?" or "Your brother wants to kill your younger brother...!?"* ((あに)()()(おとうと)を⋯!?()()()()()(), Aniki ga otōto o...!?)
    "Yeah" (ああ, Ā)
    "The only one who can revert Gon to normal is Alluka" (ゴンを()(もと)()(もど)せるのはアルカしかいない()()()()()(), Gon o moto ni modoseru no wa Aruka shika inai)
    "But, Illumi (older brother) is trying to kill Alluka." (でも()イルミ(兄貴)はアルカを()(ころ)そうとしてる()()()()()(), Demo aniki wa Aruka o korosou to shi teru)

