
Secrecy (()(とく)()()()()()()()(), Hitoku) is the 400th chapter of the Hunter × Hunter manga, written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi.


On Tier 3, Phinks and Feitan continue to use the receiver to look for the transmitter. Feitan notes that it's 100-200 meters away and the direction is unstable, remembering that it means the device is directly above or below them. He adds that only Tier 2 and Tier 4 are possible, suggesting that they go down first. Phinks says that if they reach a certain point on Tier 4, they will know if they are getting closer or farther away. Feitan says that it would be easier to find if Phinks could use his En, but Phinks reminds him that it's a bad idea both technically and strategically to use it in the middle of the crowd, adding that he isn't good at using it since it gets interrupted when he hears someone's voice, or when something moves, or while he moves. He continues by saying that the best he can do is look for stuff in the warehouse and likens putting a number of unknown people in his En to walking around the slums naked with a "shoot me" sign on his back.

Chap 400 - Nobunaga

Nobunaga rejoining Phinks and Feitan

Nobunaga meets up with them and is surprised to see them still wandering around. Phinks wonders why he came back so quickly, but Nobunaga says that they will talk about it later, asking if the transmitter is working. Feitan confirms that it is and adds that they have to find out if it's above or below them. Phinks tells him that he only left around 10 minutes ago, and Nobunaga is surprised. Phinks explains that they think the Heil-Ly's hideout is on Tier 2 and says that they can use the Cha-R Family's hidden door once they confirm it. A soldier gives the three Troupe members permission to pass, and Nobunaga tells him to let Hinrigh know that they went to the Cha-R's hideout. With his mind lingering on Tier 2, Nobunaga feels uneasy about the situation with the Mafia. Phinks then asks if he can figure out where the hideout is located on the ship, but Nobunaga replies that he can't since their boss created the space with Nen, adding that they need to stay alert.

As the three head down to Tier 4, Feitan reacts to a change on the receiver, saying that the transmitter is getting farther away and that they can confirm the Heil-Ly's hideout is on Tier 2. Nobunaga realizes why he felt uneasy and says that it means the Heil-Ly's boss is in the upper tiers and wonders how the other two families are justifying the war. Phinks says that they shouldn't get involved in a dispute with the Mafia killing each other and one of the bosses staying in their hideout, adding that the Heil-Ly could be exploiting the ancient custom. Feitan says that they should head to the Cha-R's hideout now, but Nobunaga suggests at least taking Franklin with them, explaining that they still don't know how many Heil-Ly members there are and that he didn't expect their abilities to be so refined.

As his mind lingers on exploiting the ancient custom, Nobunaga adds that while they seem like a group of punks, the Heil-Ly can be dangerous depending on their advisor's ability. Phinks then reminds him that the Mafia issue is just a sideshow until they find Hisoka. Nobunaga points out that they need to secure a route to the upper tiers so they can complete their search, adding that Franklin joining them will improve their chances if they happen to find him. Phinks realizes that his reasoning makes it more likely that he's obsessed with the Heil-Ly, and Nobunaga admits that one of the members seemed interesting, with Feitan telling Nobunaga that he likes the enemy too much. An emergency broadcast suddenly plays over the intercoms and asks everyone to pay attention to sad and unfortunate news.

In Room 1006, Tyson introduces one of her employees as Madwig, a handsome hitman with amnesia. He says that even though he only remembers how to use a handgun, Tyson still hired him. The second introduces himself as Himoncé, the world's biggest star, and says that Tyson is the first girl who has said he wasn't her type. The third introduces himself as Anzel and reveals that he is Tyson's little brother, adding that only he and Tyson know about it. The fourth introduces himself as Hyuga, a legendary tutor, and says that he can get you into your dream school even if you're incredibly dumb. The last introduces themselves as a prince from the planet Moony in the SR Nebula, revealing that they have come to the planet to look for a bride. Giuliano realizes that each of them is performing one of Prince's favorite roles, but Tyson playfully rebukes him and replies that they have all been reborn, telling Giuliano that the same will happen to him. She then tells him that he will be a bodyguard who looks flirtatious but is actually pure at heart, and Giuliano plays along with her request.

Chap 400 - Izunavi and Tyson

Izunavi and Tyson talking about her book and the succession contest

Watching on, Izunavi says that while Giuliano isn't any different now, he becomes too calm when reading Tyson's book, guessing that it's linked to the ability of her Guardian Spirit Beast. He then wonders if they can use it to influence the King and have him put an end to the succession contest since it focuses on preaching love. He asks Tyson if she has given the book to the other Princes, and she replies that she gave it to the lower Princes and their moms, adding that while they probably didn't read it, they most likely didn't throw them away. She explains that she's in a delicate position in terms of succession order and that she has little influence. Izunavi asks if she has given it to the King, and she replies that she needs her mother's permission to see her father, hoping that she gave him a copy since she asked her about it. She reveals that it's the reason why she agreed to participate since she was going to decline at first, adding that her mother was disappointed by how she turned out and that she doesn't expect any grandchildren from her. She explains that her mother couldn't stand when the other Queens looked at her with pity, and that while her mother wants to get her revenge in the succession contest, she only fights with the power of love. Izunavi then wonders if she could ask her mother to speak to the King and have him read her book at the next banquet, emphasizing that it could change the fate of the ship. Tyson is happy to hear him say that and promises to negotiate with her mother.

Outside Room 1010, two guards stand in front of the doors as four soldiers surround them. Inside, Seiko uses the phone and tells them to hold off on the regulations until she gets her personal belongings organized, wondering why she can't see Fugetsu when she's a Queen and her mother. She again expresses her concern for Fugetsu and tells them that until then, cordoning off the room is unacceptable. Saying to herself that she should let others think Kacho is alive as long as possible, she yells to the soldiers that she will speak to Fugetsu when the time is right and that they must go through her, hanging up the phone. She then says to herself that while Kacho dropping out so early is a heavy loss, she hated the way her daughter looked at her and spoke to her like she knew everything. She adds that she was an important shield for Fugetsu and says that while she can control the latter, she's too weak to face the succession contest on her own, hoping that she can stay under the Justice Bureau's protection for as long as possible.

Chap 400 - Melody distraught

Melody distraught over Kacho's death

At the Justice Bureau's interrogation office, Kacho's Guardian Spirit Beast (appearing as Kacho after her death) says that she was possibly resurrected as a guardian spirit to protect Fugetsu and that even if it's her beast's ability, the fact that Fugetsu can see her means she is out of the contest. She adds that if Fugetsu's aura is being used to maintain her appearance, it must have a considerable burden on her, feeling responsible for her weakened condition and wondering if her finding out the truth will reduce the burden. Shaking and tearing up, Melody blames herself for what happened, but Kacho orders her to pull herself together and to feel bad about it when she's alone.

She assures Melody that it's what she wanted and that she doesn't regret it at all, adding that it actually makes things simpler. She declares that they will make Fugetsu King and that if they can't escape, they have to fight. She explains that since everyone thinks she's dead, they can use her suddenly turning up alive to their advantage. However, she adds that they need to keep her death a secret from Fugetsu. The investigator tells Kacho that she should let Fugetsu know that the people are under the mistaken impression that she died, confident that Fugetsu will accept the explanation since she exists. He says that while he is still trying to come to grips with ghosts and Nen abilities, he was convinced by the military's reports and Melody's condition. Melody says to herself that even in such a stressful situation, he's annoyingly calm and collected. The investigator then tells Melody that her unstable state of mind will make things more difficult and that she can't disappoint a young girl who is so determined and waiting for her. Kacho asks if she is in or out, and Melody agrees to help them.

Chap 400 - Melody, Kaiser, and Kacho

Melody, Kaiser, and Kacho analyzing the situation

The investigator starts with Melody's problem and reveals that five Princes have requested to see her. He first says that the Third and Fourth Princes wish to speak with her in their quarters and to hear her performance in person. He then says that the First, Fifth, and Seventh Princes are more obvious, offering a "pardon" and requesting an "encore" of her performance. As Kacho wonders what he means by a pardon, Melody signals for him to keep quiet, and the investigator realizes that she means not to say anything about Keeney's death. He explains that the Princes have a better understanding of Nen abilities now and realize that Melody was involved in the escape attempt, revealing that they are using her performance as leverage since she could get the death penalty if she is convicted as an accomplice. Kacho realizes that the Princes want Melody to indirectly help with assassinations and nonchalantly says that it will lead to fewer Princes.

Melody is taken aback by how harsh she is, and the investigator says that the higher-ranking Princes may have restrained themselves because there are still too many of them, which means there are just as many uncertainties. He adds that if they don't have a good idea of who is targeting whom, they could end up hurting themselves. Melody reveals that her ability is only intended to heal and that the loss of consciousness is a side effect, wondering if the Princes would give up if they knew that covering their ears would prevent it. The investigator points out that it's where they can use information and tactics to bargain, guessing that they will end up auctioning off "true performance time" among the higher-ranking Princes. Melody realizes that assassination and her performance go together as a set, and the investigator says that the best way to protect Fugetsu is to deceive all the Princes who have requested a performance, suggesting that they should wipe out all the higher-ranking Princes themselves.

Chap 400 - Kaiser

Kaiser explaining his plan and expressing his love

With Melody taken aback, the investigator says that the best way would be to pour a slow-acting poison in the mouths of the unconscious Princes, assuring her that he can prepare everything if she agrees with the plan. Melody realizes that he's willing to die if the plan fails and wonders why he would go so far for them. He replies that he thought it was already clear and tells Melody that he's in love with her, explaining that he's unable to fall asleep because he keeps thinking about her and her performance. He adds that he has never felt such a throbbing in his heart before and that it perplexes him. As Melody notes that his heartbeat is as precise as an atomic clock, the investigator says that while most see him as a workaholic, he actually yearns for love more than others, adding that it’s only natural to completely prioritize the person he loves.

At first worried that he's trying to trap them, Melody reminds herself that he suggested assassination and guesses that he was sent by one of the Princes. She wonders why he's going through so much trouble when he could easily get rid of the two of them at the Justice Bureau. As she says aloud that they agree to the plan, she tells herself that he must be a Manipulator posing as someone without powers and that he's manipulating himself as someone without powers and trying to use them for a hidden purpose. The investigator again says that he will get the necessary supplies and tells Melody to use the visits to get as many of the Princes as possible to attend the next banquet. Melody tells herself that assassinating the higher-ranking Princes all at once might be his real goal, wondering if the mastermind is a Prince who didn't request a meeting with her. Kacho says that she will do her part and first needs to explain to Fugetsu that everyone thinks she's dead, adding that she will convince her that the top four Princes need to be eliminated.

The investigator tells Kacho to return to the interrogation room and says that he will use the door since he can't pass through walls. As Kacho begins to move through a nearby bookcase, she wonders if he should interrogate her a little, but he replies that he's more worried about Fugetsu, telling Kacho that everyone would think she remained silent anyway. He leaves with Melody and meets Kacho in the other room, escorting her out and telling himself that the VIP witness protection area is the safest on the ship and that not even the First Prince could try anything there. He then meets with Steiner and hands him a small device, telling him to press the button if the First Prince's men or the Royal Army come there. He explains that while the Justice Bureau is the most neutral institution on the ship, it will turn into a dictator's base once special martial law is declared. Steiner realizes that it involves the military temporarily taking control of the government's powers in the case of a national emergency.

The investigator adds that the worst-case scenario is the power transfer happening right after numerous soldiers are sent inside the Justice Bureau, explaining that those considered to be insurgents will be charged and executed within ten minutes. Steiner realizes that it's the last check against the army going rogue, wondering if the situation with the succession contest is so dire. The investigator replies that they don't know and it's why they have to be prepared, telling Steiner that he's one of the few witnesses on board who is guaranteed to return alive and that his safety will be assured. Steiner says to himself that it seems like he's marked for death and that if he dies, it means something happened that couldn't be in the official record.

Chap 400 - Kacho concerned about Fugetsu

Kacho concerned about Fugetsu

Kacho returns to their quarters at the Justice Bureau, but Fugetsu doesn't respond when she calls for her. Kacho points out that they aren't allowed to leave their room since they're key witnesses, worried that Fugetsu used her ability to go somewhere else. She checks the bed and removes the comforter to find Fugetsu's outgoing door, explaining that if she's not with Fugetsu, it's supposed to be a one-way path where the entrance disappears once she passes through the exit. She wonders if Fugetsu is still inside the tunnel and worries that someone tried to attack her and that she used the ability to hide, considering the possibility that Kaiser, the Justice Bureau official, is their enemy. However, Fugetsu suddenly opens the door, and Kacho quickly grabs her hands and asks if she's okay. Fugetsu excitedly replies that she has made a breakthrough, revealing that while she could only use the ability once a day before, she can now use it multiple times. With heavy bags under eyes, she adds that the return door now appears even when she's alone and that even though she can only return to where she was, she can now explore on her own even when Kacho is resting.

Kacho wonders if she's really okay, and Fugetsu excitedly assures her that she is, adding that she feels happy and empowered every time she uses her magic, hoping that the two of them can explore and use their magic skills to escape together. Left wondering if the ability really gets stronger with every use, Kacho grabs her sister's shoulders and tells her to take it easy since she's so pale. However, Fugetsu grabs Kacho's wrist as tears stream down her face, and she tells Kacho that it's her turn to protect her since she has been doing it for so many years. Taken aback, Kacho suggests that they rest and talk about it once they wake up. Kacho then meets with Melody and reveals that Fugetsu passed out, worried that it's not normal and saying that she can't figure out what's happening. Eager to help, Melody reminds her that she is also a key witness and won't be able to get anywhere near the two of them. She tells Kacho that she will have Kaiser arrange a time for her to meet with the other Princes and for Fugetsu to be interviewed so that they can pass each other in the hallway.

Chap 400 - Melody sensing evil spirits

Melody sensing the darkness around Fugetsu

The timing is eventually arranged, and as Melody walks by Fugetsu in the hallway, a dark presence emanates from her as buzzing insects and multiple spirits are seen floating behind her. Left frightened, Melody says that Fugetsu's aura has become as weak as Zetsu and that the unstable rhythm of her heartbeat is attracting evil spirits, wondering how it happened so quickly. Melody is unsure of what to do given the number of evil spirits and realizes the importance of finding an exorcist. The two guards tell her to go inside and that all conversations will be recorded during the 10-minute period, adding that it may be used in a court of law and that a public defender will be present. Melody wonders why Fugetsu is so weak since there's no sign of the evil spirit's body. She points out that if it's an ability that has such a powerful effect, there should be obvious traces or the body itself should be nearby.

As she guesses that it's a negotiation with Fugetsu as a hostage and that someone will hint at it during the visits, she is surprised to see Zhang Lei waiting to speak with her in person. He tells her how much he wanted to show his respect and praises her performance at the banquet. He first requests to hear her performance again and then hopes that she will accept a gift. The public defender asks if she will accept it, and Melody says that she will. Once the gift is put into the box and moved across, Melody sees that it's a coin with a "1" on it. Melody is then visited by Vantine, the private military commander for the Fourth Prince, who says that while negotiations in public have no meaning, he would like to confirm a few things, with Melody noticing the mention of "negotiations".

Chap 400 - Melody and Zhang Lei

Melody speaking with Zhang Lei

Vantine asks if she will accept the Prince's invitation to his quarters, and she replies that while she appreciates the offer, she can't make the decision on her own. Vantine wonders if it's because she was hired as a guard by Kacho, but Melody quickly answers that she can't respond to contractual matters. Vantine changes the question and asks if she herself is reluctant to play again. Melody says that speaking for herself, she would gladly perform anywhere when asked and under the right circumstances. Vantine is happy to hear it and says that the Prince will be pleased, but Melody then says that they can "negotiate" there. Vantine is left confused and says that they can talk about negotiations once she gets out. Melody tells herself that he has a heartbeat of confusion and doubt and that the Fourth Prince isn't involved, ruling out both the Third and Fourth Princes and saying that there are three left.

Melody meets with Kaiser, who asks if she thinks they shouldn't carry out their plan yet even if she performs at the next banquet. She confirms that they shouldn't make any careless moves since they don't know who's responsible for the change in Fugetsu, emphasizing that they need to find the cause as soon as possible and asking Kaiser to get her released on bail. However, he explains that if they ease her confinement, they won't be able to turn down the subpoenas from the Princes and that the First Prince's men are waiting for her to leave the Justice Bureau. Melody asks him to visit Kurapika in Room 1014 and to tell him everything since he's the only one she trusts. Kaiser wonders if she really means everything, and Melody stresses that they can't waste any time, asking him to hurry. Melody then says to herself that no one's heartbeat reacted to the keyword "negotiations", wondering if there's another mastermind or if they're waiting for the right moment. She is left upset that they can't remove any of the Princes and those around them from the list of suspects. In Room 1014, as aura swirls around them, Longhi tells Kurapika that Water Divination isn't needed since they can already use Nen, asking him if he will agree to the contract after hearing what they had to say. With Bill by his side, Kurapika agrees to the deal and says that he will collaborate with Prince Tubeppa.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

