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"Stench and Stenchibility" is the 25th episode of Season 7.


Dr. Zoidberg falls in love with a human flower merchant who lacks a sense of smell. Meanwhile, Bender tries to win a tap dance competition to fuel his ego.

Opening Sequence[]

Futurama logo with subtitle, Alienese and (often), cartoon


It turns out Zoidberg has been dating an alien girl online for four years named Zindy. He uses his life savings to buy flowers for her. When he finally meets her she dumps him because of his stench. Zoidberg tries to return the flowers but is interrupted by Roberto who somehow came back to life but his stench drives him away too. Impressed by him standing up to Roberto, Marianne shows interest in Zoidberg, but when he tells her he stinks, she says she doesn't care that he stinks since she has no sense of smell, and they hit it off. Later after saying that her greatest desire is to have a sense of smell, Zoidberg decides to give her surgery giving her a new nose. When she wakes up from the surgery, she smells flowers but thinks they smell horrible. Zoidberg tries explaining it is him, but she says he smells just as she dreamed and they keep dating. Amy comments on how the scene is sweet, while covering her nose to not smell Zoidberg. The episode ends when Marianne gets a new job hauling trash. She picks up Zoidberg's garbage bin and dumps him into the cab of her dump truck and the two kiss once more.

Meanwhile, Bender enters a tap-dancing competition against a devilish and endearing little girl named Tanya. Tanya beats Bender in the tap-dancing competition by breaking his leg but dies due to her heart condition while accepting the trophy. After Dr. Lauren Cahill fails to revive Tanya, Bender is so excited that he can't wait to tap dance on her grave and dances on on her corpse. This disgusts everyone present but the dancing restarts Tanya's pacemaker which revives her. The crowd cheers Bender for being a "hero" as he is shocked by the praise he receives from them. Later on, Tanya and Bender tap dance outside the Planet Express building where she tells him that despite him saving her life, it won't cause her to hesitate to beat him again. Impressed by her irredeemable evil nature, Bender teams up with her and they mug Hattie together when she tries to put a coin in their donation hat.

Ongoing Themes[]
