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"31st Century Fox" is the eleventh episode of Season 7.

Opening Sequence[]

Futurama logo with subtitle, Alienese and (often), cartoon.


After the crew goes shopping for new uniforms, Bender decides that he will take up fox hunting. Leela then leads a protest against this, since she didn't like the prospect of having an innocent animal killed for sport. She later finds the fox to be a robot. An outraged Bender begins protesting against robot abuse. Leela, however, is fine with the hunters' actions. Bender then proceeds to stop all robot abuse within a 20-mile area. Funnily, he doesn't actually make much progress. Fry asks if Bender is satisfied with their work, but Bender decides he has one more abuse to prevent. He then decides to stop the next hunt by letting the new robot fox loose.

When the hunters find the cage, they only find an angry Bender. Since they have no fox to hunt, they decide to hunt Bender. Even though Bender had a 30-minute head start, he couldn't decide which path to take. The hunters then give him another 30 minutes. This time Bender takes advantage of it. He comes across the robot fox, which chews off his foot that had been caught in a a foothold trap.

He is later shown to have set up a trap in that time for the hunters. He grabs the hunter's gun, but it is implied he can't shoot him without his trigger finger, although he could probably find a way to pull it without it. Fry then gives him his finger back, yet Bender still says he can't shoot the hunter--this is because of Fry and Leela's presence, as Bender doesn't like to kill when there are witnesses around.

He unwisely hands the hunter his gun back. But just before the Master of the Hunt can shoot Bender, the robot-fox attacks him and, much to the shock of the main trio, reveals that the huntmaster himself is actually a robot. Realizing this, the main trio ultimately decides that bot-on-bot violence is okay.

Ongoing Themes[]
