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"The Amazonians will be divided into three groups. The one called Zapp will be snu-snued by the large women. He that is designated Fry will be snu-snued by the petite women. And Kif, as the most attractive male, will be snu-snued by the most beautiful women of Amazonia... then the large women, then the petite women, then the large women again."
The Femputer, declaring how Zapp, Fry and Kif will be snu-snued.

"Amazon Women in the Mood" is the first episode in Season 3 of Futurama. It was first aired on February 4, 2001.

Opening Sequence[]

Futurama logo with subtitle, Alienese and (often), cartoon.


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Kif has trouble confessing his love for Amy.

Amy has been receiving phone calls consisting only of panting and gasping since last year. The calls are from Kif, who is consumed by love for Amy, but finds himself unable to speak to her due to his nervousness and shyness. Zapp Brannigan offers to talk to him about it, but he just laughs at Kif for being in love with an unattractive loser and ignores him. However, when he realizes that Amy and Leela know each other, he decides to go on a double date: Kif with Amy and Zapp with Leela. Leela only agrees to the date as a favor to Amy and the four go to Le Palm D'Orbit, a fashionable restaurant onboard a space liner, but Leela classifies it as a "half-date".

Kif tries to greet Amy with flowers and candy, but Zapp tells him giving flowers is wrong and that candy is for "dorks" (but he ends up cramming down the chocolate and gives the flowers to Leela, who immediately burns them with a candle and stuffs them in his drink). Kif takes Zapp's advice about seducing women by handing him his notebook of lines that "he should use as much as you can, fast as you can", but he discovers they are idiotic, such as "the most erotic part about a woman is the boobies". Before Kif could apologize, Amy storms off. Forlorn, Kif gets onstage to participate in karaoke and sing a heartfelt rendition of Bonnie Tyler's 1983 hit song "Total Eclipse of the Heart". The gesture touches Amy, but Zapp quickly hijacks the stage to end his "amateur hour" and launches into a performance of "Lola", substituting "Leela" for the eponymous love interest of the original song, that disgusts the other passengers so much they flee the ship. Zapp insists that he can steer the restaurant-ship home instead of taking a taxi, but proceeds to crash it into Planet Amazonia.

The four are unharmed, but are heard by the Amazonians, a race of tall, muscular cavewomen. They are about to walk away, but Zapp blows the group's cover by trying to seduce them, also with his notebook, resulting in all of them being captured

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Zapp, Kif and the Planet Express crew are taken to the Femputer.

After hearing about the crash, Fry and Bender take off in the Planet Express Ship to find Leela and Amy. They make their way to the Amazonians' city and are also captured. The Amazonians decide to take the men to their leader, the Femputer, a man-hating, wall-sized computer, to determine their fate. Along the way, Zapp, Bender and Fry offend the Amazonians for their inability to dunk in basketball, their usage of intellect and character in the comedy club, as well as asking if the Femputer was actually hot (one Amazonian responds saying it doesn't matter and Fry says she probably isn't, resulting in a kick to the face).

The male characters discover the last men died out on Amazonia shortly after the Femputer appeared and that invasive males are killed by "snu-snu", which is Amazonian for sex. Fry, Zapp and Kif (as well as Bender) are then chained up, with the Femputer sentencing them to death. When they are told they will die from crushed pelvises, this results in both Fry and Zapp getting excited, while Kif remains horrified (causing Zapp to falsely accuse Kif of being gay). Bender is released, as he is technically a man-bot and therefore cannot be punished by "snu-snu". Zapp, Kif and Fry are left. They are taken to the "snu-snu" chambers and stripped to their underpants before multiple Amazon women force themselves on them. Kif tells Amy that Zapp gave him the lecherous pick-up lines and that he was the one who kept calling Amy, declaring his love for her before being taken away. Amy is touched by Kif's words and Leela sends Bender to unwillingly reprogram the Femputer. Although Bender initially refuses, a few angry words of Cantonese and arm-twisting from Amy changes his mind. He sneaks into the Femputer's chamber and attempts to reprogram it by beating it with a metal pipe. To his surprise, he finds that the Femputer is actually a computer operated by a fembot, who came from a planet ruled by a vicious Manputer who was actually a manbot. She then advances menacingly on him, wondering what to do with him.

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Bender accidentally discovers the Femputer's true identity.

By this point, Fry and Zapp are exhausted and protesting at their "snu-snu" punishment before being dragged back in the chambers by the Amazonians. Amy and Leela try to rescue the men, but when Leela tries to use violence, she is simply pulled up by her hair and sat on. Amy sneaks into Kif's "snu-snu" chamber by disguising herself as an Amazonian and using a pair of stilts. Kif is on the ceiling, trying to avoid getting "snu-snu" from the Amazonian leader, and comes over to Amy. She catches Kif and, after a quick kiss, flees with him in her arms, but the Amazonians chase them back to the Femputer's chamber. Bender is inside, making out with the fembot. Two voices come from the Femputer, which confuses the Amazonians. After a short while, the Fembot and Bender convince the Amazonians to spare all their captives (with Bender also commanding them to bring him gold). Amy and Kif stare lovingly at each other as this happens. Back on Earth, Fry and Zapp receive treatment for their severe pelvic injuries from the repeated "snu-snu" they endured from the Amazonians. After Fry and Zapp comment about their experience, which they concur with Bender as "the best mission ever!", Kif asks Amy what the two could do next. Amy whispers something to Kif and the episode fades out with Amy smiling while Kif nervously breathes heavily.

Amy's Cantonese[]

  • At 16:58, Amy says "Fa te fung chi gu li da si ne!" which means "You better do it or I'll kill you!"

Ongoing Themes[]

Hermes and Zoidberg[]

  • Hermes suggests that everyone should take his fair share in the effort of cleaning up Nibbler's hairballs, but then he assigns the task to Zoidberg alone. This is not necessarily unusual hostility from Hermes: Zoidberg is definitely the omega dog. Hermes later refers to Zoidberg as a "fat fish". But again, this is not necessarily unusual: Hermes is very protective of the Planet Express budget and might have been reacting to the possibility of Zoidberg buying an expensive new exoskeleton. Finally, near the end of the episode, Hermes explodes at Zoidberg for no particular reason, referring to him as a "windy barnacle", showing unambiguously that he has some serious issues with Zoidberg.

Death, near-death and mutilation[]

  • At the Planet Express staff meeting, Zoidberg's lifeless exoskeleton is sitting in Zoidberg's place. The other staff members believe it to be Zoidberg himself, concluding that Zoidberg is dead.

Fry and Leela[]

  • Fry has sex with an indeterminate number of Amazonian women, with no sign of any jealousy from Leela or guilt from Fry.